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CKFinder integration for CKEditor 5.

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Package description

What is @ckeditor/ckeditor5-ckfinder?

@ckeditor/ckeditor5-ckfinder is a plugin for CKEditor 5 that integrates CKFinder, a file manager and uploader, into the editor. This allows users to easily upload, browse, and manage files directly within the CKEditor 5 interface.

What are @ckeditor/ckeditor5-ckfinder's main functionalities?

File Upload

This feature allows users to upload files directly from the CKEditor 5 interface using CKFinder. The `uploadUrl` specifies the endpoint to which the files will be uploaded.

ClassicEditor.create(document.querySelector('#editor'), { ckfinder: { uploadUrl: '/ckfinder/connector?command=QuickUpload&type=Files&responseType=json' } })

File Browser

This feature enables users to browse and select files from the server. The `resourceType` option can be used to filter the types of files that can be browsed.

ClassicEditor.create(document.querySelector('#editor'), { ckfinder: { options: { resourceType: 'Images' } } })

Image Insertion

This feature allows users to insert images into the editor content. The `chooseFiles` option enables the file chooser dialog for selecting images.

ClassicEditor.create(document.querySelector('#editor'), { ckfinder: { options: { chooseFiles: true } } })

Other packages similar to @ckeditor/ckeditor5-ckfinder



42.0.2 (July 25, 2024)

We are happy to announce the release of CKEditor 5 v42.0.2.

Release highlights

This is a patch release that includes the following bug fixes for new installation methods introduced in v42.0.0:

  • Fixed type definitions for the imports used in the optimized build (see #16684).
  • Fixed minor issues with the ckeditor5-editor.css, ckeditor5-content.css, and other optimized style sheets (see #16703).
  • Fixed issues with installing and loading the CKEditor 5 packages using Yarn PnP (see #16646).
  • Fixed issues with loading CSS and translation files with older bundlers, such as Vite 2 and Vite 3 (see #16638).

Additionally, we fixed some performance issues in the track changes plugin. The editing experience was heavily affected if there were many (hundreds or more) suggestions in the document. This was a regression introduced in v41.0.0.

Bug fixes

  • ckeditor5: Changed the path to the types in the package.json. See #16684. (commit)
  • ckeditor5: Updated the exports field in package.json to fix issues with loading CSS and translations in older bundlers. See #16638. (commit)
  • ckeditor5-premium-features: Changed the path to the types in the package.json.
  • ckeditor5-premium-features: Updated the exports field in package.json to fix issues with loading CSS and translations in older bundlers.
  • Added dependencies used in the new dist folder as production dependencies instead of devDependencies. Related to #16646. (commit)

Other changes

  • track-changes: Performance fixes for scenarios where hundreds of suggestions exist in the document.

Released packages

Check out the Versioning policy guide for more information.

<details> <summary>Released packages (summary)</summary>

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CKEditor 5's CKFinder integration

npm version Coverage Status Build Status

This package implements the CKFinder feature. This feature allows you to easily insert images as well as links to files into the editor content. It is a bridge between CKEditor 5 WYSIWYG editor and CKFinder file manager and uploader.


See the CKFinder integration guide and the plugin documentation to learn more about the integration.

Check out the comprehensive Image upload guide to learn about other ways to upload images into CKEditor 5.


npm install ckeditor5


Licensed under the terms of GNU General Public License Version 2 or later. For full details about the license, please check the file or



Package last updated on 25 Jul 2024

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