Advanced tools
3.52.0 (2022-04-04)
properties now are optional (4bcbac2)nav-link
class by default for Clay components (c6cff02)Changelog
3.49.0 (2022-03-15)
3.48.0 (2022-03-07)
to sticker-bottom-right
(93177c7), closes #4703content
property values to conform to what is allowed by OAW Tracker (9028d38).dropdown-menu .alert
adds customization for :first-child
and :last-child
adds customization for .alert
and .alert-fluid
3.47.0 (2022-02-23)
does not exist in the item (cd4a4d2)treeview-link
maps to use the href
key (13240cf)clay-text-typography
use href
for styling links (1a428df)clay-card-variant
and clay-card-section-variant
maps to use the href
key (9c99628)yearsCheck
prop to be able to disable the check if the year is within the years range (c8b26e9)Changelog
3.46.0 (2022-02-09)
customize .btn .inline-item .lexicon-icon
(37.5%) (7b7f9c2)aspect-ratio-8-to-3
(37.5%) (5705ad5).display-*
components to clay-css
mixin pattern (3de7a63)text-1
through text-11
for font-sizes (80e1097)clay-generate-media-breakpoints
components to clay-css
mixin pattern (e201fcc)text-1
through text-11
for font-sizes (4ce046c)Changelog
3.45.0 (2022-02-01)
from .component-icon
pseudo elements (7038224)setter()
, no longer necessary (1d4d4a9)box-shadow
instead of border to indicate drop zone (58ca599)label
inside form-control
should use min-height
instead of deprecated clay-label-size
to treeview-link
with .treeview-item-dragging
instead of border to indicate drop zone (fb93ca7)component-text
and component-icon
3.43.0 (2021-12-29)
white-space: normal
(2cc5b51)white-space: normal
check if parameter is map to avoid not a map error (2153059)clay-dropdown-item-variant
split up &.autofit-row
and .autofit-row
allow customizing .dropdown-item
don't set to empty map (22f183d)clay-nav-variant
to output selectors related to nav (743d75a)$btn-palette
/ $btn-outline-palette
and $btn-monospaced-sizes
mixin pattern (d79e115)dropdown-menu-width-shrink
adds input-group-inset-item
, clay-input-group-item-variant
mixin pattern (03881e7)shrink
modifier support to DropDown.Menu (e770a1f)indicatorLabel
API to indicate the position of the indicator label (bb43ff8)Changelog
3.42.0 (2021-12-15)
should use calc to calculate padding (8d88a2d), closes #4499clay-navbar-variant
to use new keys (8aa1044)clay-navbar-variant
to use new keys (4f4ba86)border-color
and border-style
for Management Bar and Navigation Bar base (e67c284)clay-button-variant
unbundles .show
from .active
adds .button-icon-off
selector (6d3e8fe), closes #4486clay-link
and clay-close
Removes the .show > &
selector (9b523cf)clay-navbar-variant
convert to clay-css
mixin pattern (59b722b)clay-navbar-variant
don't output properties if param is empty map (e6230e7)simple-toggle-switch
(8f86cd6), closes #4484clay-css
mixin (d40ef1f)clay-tooltip-variant
mixin (df4011e)clay-button-variant
adds option to style ::before
and ::after
should be able to output clay-navbar-size
selectors (ffaee2a)clay-pagination-items-per-page-variant
and clay-pagination-variant
mixin (6a5c2f6)clay-tooltip-variant
mixin (20f89e5)@clayui/css: We previously output navbar-expand-{sm|md|lg|xl}
for the variants of:
We only output those that are needed namely, navbar-expand-md
. If you relied upon other breakpoints you will need to declare them in the respective Sass map or set:
$application-bar-base: (
media-breakpoint-down: $c-unset,
media-breakpoint-up: $c-unset,
to revert back to the old way.
output border-color: transparent
and border-style: solid
by default. This has been removed to reduce unnecessary CSS. You will need to declare them in your Sass map if you relied upon it.Changelog
3.41.0 (2021-12-02)
size and multiple styles should match Lexicon (b357b31)select.form-control
size and multiple styles should match Lexicon (7e73f27)clay-link
nested disabled:(active: ())
should output styles (4492f57)a
tag to use clay-link
mixin (47d6130)a
tag to use clay-link
mixin (45536f4)clay-form-validation-variant
to generate states (91bbc2a)clay-form-validation-variant
to generate states (3efaea8)clay-css
adds more text decoration properties (ef06c5b), closes #4447clay-link
add option to style ::before and ::after (330931e)clay-link
adds customization for :link
and :visited
adds more configuration options (983de0f)clay-form-validation-variant
adds more selectors (99a311b)clay-form-validation-variant
3.40.0 (2021-11-17)
and base-variables.scss
should be Sass partials. The CSS equivalent shouldn't be created since these files are only meant to be consumed by .scss
files. (5aaa87e).c-kbd-group > .c-kbd
, .c-kbd-group-sm > .c-kbd
, and .c-kbd-group-lg > .c-kbd
from their respective Sass map variables (5a9ad67), closes #4367clay-card-variant
instead of deprecated mixins to generate styles for .card-type-asset
, .image-card
, .user-card
, .card-type-directory
and .form-control
z-index styles to input-group-prepend
and input-group-append
. Input Groups input disappears when focused inside a modal with iframe. (07f17ce)clay-card-variant
instead of deprecated mixins to generate styles for .card-type-asset
, .image-card
, .user-card
, .card-type-directory
, $lexicon-icon-sm
, $lexicon-icon-lg
, $lexicon-icon-xl
Sass maps (efe1b80).btn
and .form-control
z-index styles to input-group-prepend
and input-group-append
. Input Groups input disappears when focused inside a modal with iframe. (64bd8c8)clay-label-variant
hover and focus keys should be nested in href
. The values are output for the selectors .label[href]
, .label[type]
, and .label[tabindex]
. (c9e6442), closes #4383clay-card-variant
adds option to output styles for: (c3e4149)clay-card-variant
adds options to configure &.hover
, &.focus
, and &:disabled, &.disabled
inlines the setter
's that aren't providing any mapping from old keys to new keys (f0627a8)clay-card-variant
moves the selector &.card, .card
should be able to output selectors for clay-card-type-asset-variant
, but removes the default values generated in clay-card-type-asset-variant
so it doesn't pollute the final CSS with unused rule-sets. (7bb6050)clay-card-variant
should be able to output selectors for clay-card-type-asset
, but removes the default values generated in clay-card-type-asset
so it doesn't pollute the final CSS with unused rule-sets. (0a3bba0)clay-css
should generate will-change
property (b176c5b)clay-dropdown-item-variant
adds option to output styles for ::before
and ::after
pseudo elements for default, hover, focus, active, .active, and disabled states (8369276), closes #4403clay-label-variant
target [tabindex] instead of [tabindex="0"] so styles still apply when an element is disabled with negative tabindex (734470e)clay-link
changes [@at-root](https://github.com/at-root) { button#{&} { :focus {} } }
to &[type]:focus
this causes issues for compound selectors. It will generate button.a .compound-selector
instead of .a button.compound-selector
. This fix targets the type
attribute which should be on every button element. (5ca9e6d)clay-link
to use newer property names and nesting (d6a25df).alert-fluid
to use clay-alert-variant
mixin (15f9355).alert-fluid
to use clay-alert-variant
mixin (3f3f34e)$cadmin-dropdown-menu
and generate styles for .dropdown-menu
using clay-dropdown-menu-variant
, .dropdown-subheader
, .dropdown-caption
, .dropdown-item-text
, .dropdown-section
, .dropdown-divider
, .dropdown-action
, and dropdown-menu positional utilities to use Sass maps instead of variables (1f11eba)$dropdown-menu
Sass map and generate properties using it (a0d2382).dropdown-toggle
, .dropdown-subheader
, .dropdown-caption
, .dropdown-item-text
, .dropdown-section
, .dropdown-divider
, .dropdown-action
, and dropdown-menu positional utilities to use Sass maps instead of variables (0cb1ce7).form-fieldset
and .form-legend
to provide alternative fieldset and legend styles without overriding all fieldset
and legend
elements (3fc7449)clay-alert-variant
adds option to pass in styles to &.alert-dismissible
, &.alert-dismissible .container-fluid
, .alert-indicator .lexicon-icon
, and .container-fluid
if parameter is not type map don't do anything (b994e78)clay-dropdown-menu-variant
add customizing &::before
, &::after
, and &.show
and clay-button-variant
adds option to customize inline-item
, inline-item-before
, inline-item-middle
and inline-item-after
in default, hover, focus, active, active-class, and disabled states. (84fb0d0), closes #4413fieldset
and legend
styles in Sass maps $fieldset
and $legend