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@clayui/pagination - npm Package Versions






3.37.0 (2021-10-06)

Bug Fixes

  • @clayui/core: fix drag layer position (37a2536)
  • @clayui/core: fix error when moving item up, down and add to children (f9fbe91)
  • @clayui/css: Alert update $alert-*-btn variant Sass maps to use newer keys (ecdd38a)
  • @clayui/css: Alerts allow better customization of alert variant components, use clay-alert-variant mixin to generate alert variant styles (9be70d7)
  • @clayui/css: Alerts and Cadmin Alerts alert-inline should have more space between text and top / bottom borders (29c4764)
  • @clayui/css: Atlas Alert changed back $alert-font-size to 0.875rem and change $alert-indicator-font-size to 1rem (21d33ed)
  • @clayui/css: Atlas and Cadmin Stickers swap background and foreground colors for sticker-light and sticker-dark (adcd19f)
  • @clayui/css: Cadmin Alert update $alert-*-btn variant Sass maps to use newer keys and update $cadmin-alert-palette to use $alert-* variant Sass maps (6a4a100)
  • @clayui/css: Cadmin Alerts allow better customization of alert variant components, use clay-alert-variant mixin to generate alert variant styles (3410faf)
  • @clayui/css: Cadmin Cards and Panels remove decision making if statements from border-radius and border-width. They were used to save a few bytes of CSS, not worth. (677e804)
  • @clayui/css: Cadmin Form Validation adds missing styles for .form-feedback-group, .form-feedback-item,.form-feedback-indicator, and .form-text (db26016), closes #4298
  • @clayui/css: Cadmin Forms fieldset[disabled] .form-control should use values from the $cadmin-input Sass map and move rule-set closer to the .form-control rule-set (0504ff2)
  • @clayui/css: Cadmin Forms label.disabled should use properties declared in $cadmin-input-label map and move the label.disabled rule-set closer to the label rule-set (d00b97b)
  • @clayui/css: Cards and Panels remove decision making if statements from border-radius and border-width. They were used to save a few bytes of CSS, not worth. (be44a21)
  • @clayui/css: Carousel, Custom Forms convert variables using Bootstrap's url("data:image/svg+xml,<svg></svg>") to use clay-svg-url (c1cd8a2)
  • @clayui/css: Form Validation use clay-form-control-variant to style Danger, Warning, Success readonly inputs instead of clay-button-variant (23ed8cb)
  • @clayui/css: Forms fieldset[disabled] .form-control should use values from the $input Sass map and move rule-set closer to the .form-control rule-set (9ffc635)
  • @clayui/css: Forms label.disabled should use properties declared in $input-label map and move the label.disabled rule-set closer to the label rule-set (0ea7c72)
  • @clayui/css: Global Functions math-sign should return a negative calc value if a CSS custom property is passed in (e824c5d)
  • @clayui/css: Global Functions deprecate Bootstrap's escape-svg function (e8ffa5d)
  • @clayui/css: Global Variables deprecate Bootstrap 4 $enable-hover-media-query, $caret-width, $caret-vertical-align, $caret-spacing, $emphasized-link-hover-darken-percentage (54d39f9)
  • @clayui/css: Global Variables deprecate Bootstrap's $escaped-characters variable (9b93ca0)
  • @clayui/css: Inverse Sass variable values should use the math-sign function (835a62a)
  • @clayui/css: Mixins Alerts adds clay-alert-variant mixin and deprecate Bootstrap's alert-variant mixin (a3f1722)
  • @clayui/form: change the Dual List Box ordering side following the right side as the default behavior (d4b9630)
  • @clayui/shared: fix error when controlling internal state using external value and internal controller (d17eba5)
  • add missing authors (dc1b787)


  • @clayui/core: add initial dnd implementation for TreeView (fe1e286)
  • @clayui/core: adds the implementation of modifying the Tree by copying the partial structure (4b67f61)
  • @clayui/core: implement move functionality for tree (a0ea6e5)
  • @clayui/css: adds new classes treeview-dropping-bottom, treeview-dropping-inside and treeview-dropping-top (f0b4c5e)
  • @clayui/css: Alerts adds components .alert-inline, alert-autofit-stacked, alert-autofit-stacked-sm-down, alert-autofit-stacked-xs-down, alert-indicator-start (7738e78)
  • @clayui/css: Cadmin Alerts adds components .alert-inline, alert-autofit-stacked, alert-autofit-stacked-sm-down, alert-autofit-stacked-xs-down, alert-indicator-start (b60b0c7)
  • @clayui/css: Cadmin Form Validation adds $cadmin-input-danger, $cadmin-input-warning, $cadmin-input-success, $cadmin-input-danger-select, $cadmin-input-warning-select, $cadmin-input-success-select Sass maps with clay-form-control-variant and clay-select-variant for more customization options (df1e426)
  • @clayui/css: Form Validation adds $input-danger, $input-warning, $input-success, $input-danger-select, $input-warning-select, $input-success-select Sass maps with clay-form-control-variant and clay-select-variant for more customization options (c23c8f5)


  • @clayui/css: sticker-light now has a light font color and sticker-dark has a dark font color. All instances of sticker-light should be updated to use sticker-dark and all instances of sticker-dark should be updated to use sticker-light. If you do not want to make this change in your markup, you can revert back to the original styles with:
$sticker-light-bg: $dark !default;
$sticker-light-color: $white !default;

$sticker-dark-bg: $dark !default;
$sticker-dark-color: $white !default;

See issue for more context.

published 4.0.0 •

published 3.36.0 •



3.36.0 (2021-09-23)

Bug Fixes

  • @clayui/core: add missing dependencies (8802933)
  • @clayui/core: fixes error of not controlled state for selectedKeys (f78aad9)
  • @clayui/core: fixes error of not selecting all children regardless of state (cdc921d)
  • @clayui/core: fixes error when expanding Node when selecting in TreeView (00a9559)
  • @clayui/core: Fixes error when not keeping node expandable when it starts as true (236039b)
  • @clayui/css: Atlas Global Variables define all global variables for easier copy and paste for those extending Clay CSS. This should help reduce undefined variable errors when reusing globals. (acb598e)
  • @clayui/css: Atlas removes Sassdoc comments. All documentation that gets generated should go in Base (89dc333), closes #4275
  • @clayui/css: Base Theme Global variables move settings toward the top of the file. (b1b309d)
  • @clayui/css: Buttons and Cadmin Buttons .btn-monospaced icons are off center by a pixel, use display: inline-flex to center and remove padding. If you need items to display inline in .btn-monospaced wrap them in a span tag. (ece0b5b)
  • @clayui/css: Buttons create Sass placeholders for Clay CSS btn-* classes to allow theme devs to @extend their button classes from it (f7e50f0), closes #4248
  • @clayui/css: Global Functions clay-enable-transitions should return $transitions instead of $transition (ca2d59a)
  • @clayui/css: Global Functions clay-enable-transitions the variable $enable-transitions isn't available in Cadmin, use $enable instead (bd4e1c5)
  • @clayui/css: Mixins clay-button-variant adds option to style :disabled:focus, mostly for removing focus shadow on disabled .btn (bb942f9)
  • @clayui/css: Mixins clay-button-variant c-inner should work if mobile sizes are enabled (a0a005c)
  • @clayui/css: Mixins clay-button-variant remove outputting a.btn, button.btn { cursor: pointer; } we can pass it in directly to .btn (d5a1942)
  • @clayui/css: Mixins form-control-variant update hover, focus, disabled to accept nested placeholder maps (05a85ca)
  • @clayui/drop-down: fixes the values of the width property of the Menu (f29681e)
  • @clayui/tooltip: forces tooltip to be repositioned when the x-axis is modified (b62313c)
  • @clayui/tooltip: stop the always showing warnings (3858bfe)
  • @clyaui/tooltip: fixes error when not forcing Tooltip repositioning when X axis is modified (187f1ef)


  • @clayui/autocomplete: adds closeOnClickOutside API support to DropDown (ece1061)
  • @clayui/core: Add expanderIcons API to change icons throughout the structure (455002c)
  • @clayui/core: Add initial sketch of components to TreeView (234e4f6)
  • @clayui/core: adds functionality for expandable nodes and nested nodes (b103398)
  • @clayui/core: adds multiple selection implementation for Tree View (281ec20)
  • @clayui/core: adds support for flat items with dynamic content (5ef9405)
  • @clayui/css: Buttons convert .btn-lg and .btn-sm to use clay-button-variant mixin (f6b3e95)
  • @clayui/css: Buttons convert .btn-unstyled, .btn-monospaced, .btn-monospaced-lg, .btn-monospaced-sm, .btn-outline-borderless to use clay-button-variant mixin (4c16ce5)
  • @clayui/css: Buttons convert .btn to use clay-button-variant mixin (617befc)
  • @clayui/css: Cadmin Buttons convert .btn, .btn-lg, .btn-sm, .btn-monospaced, .btn-monospaced-sm, .btn-monospaced-lg, .btn-unstyled, and .btn-outline-borderless to use clay-button-variant mixin (8481f19)
  • @clayui/css: Cadmin Forms convert label and .form-control to use clay-css mixin (4226e59)
  • @clayui/css: Forms convert label and .form-control to use clay-css mixin (6a8b9f0)
  • @clayui/css: Global Functions adds starts-with($str1, $str2). A function that determines whether the string $str1 begins with the characters of the specified string $str2. (6ddef3e)
  • @clayui/css: Mixins clay-css if transition has a value other than null or none, it should output a prefers-reduced-motion media query (95b5c08)
  • @clayui/css: Mixins clay-css should output any CSS Custom Properties passed into it. (a78ddfa), closes #4252
  • @clayui/css: Move .hide from liferay-portal to clay-css (0e25435)
published 3.35.3 •



3.35.3 (2021-09-09)

Bug Fixes

  • @clayui/css: Forms use fixed value for $input-height-inner, $input-height-inner-half, $input-height-inner-quarter to reduce Sass errors with CSS custom properties in $input-line-height and $input-padding-y (2fa8ca3), closes #4247
published 3.35.2 •



3.35.2 (2021-08-30)

Bug Fixes

  • @clayui/shared: fix error export type from root in package distribution (121e3cc)
published 3.35.1 •



3.35.1 (2021-08-30)

Bug Fixes

  • @clayui/shared: fixes error when importing the type that is not available in the module (3108383)
published 3.35.0 •



3.35.0 (2021-08-30)

Bug Fixes

  • @clayui/dropdown: Pass useCssRight to domAlign (34db43e)


  • @clayui/drop-down: replaces direct use of dom-align with doAlign with RTL support (a311dca)
  • @clayui/popover: replaces direct use of dom-align with doAlign with RTL support (b69b98b)
  • @clayui/tooltip: replaces direct use of dom-align with doAlign with RTL support (2afa54c)
published 3.33.0 •



3.33.0 (2021-08-11)

Bug Fixes

  • @clayui/css: Cadmin Modal should have display: block (5876b9f), closes #4203
  • @clayui/css: Cadmin removes unused variables $cadmin-body-moz-osx-font-smoothing, $cadmin-body-webkit-font-smoothing, $cadmin-body-text-align. We don't provide a CSS reset in Cadmin. (c3af64e)
  • @clayui/css: Forms .form-control-select with long text shouldn't break to new line and should have overflow ellipsis, similar behavior to select.form-control (44804d8), closes #4206
  • @clayui/css: Forms remove Bootstrap's confusing way of setting an inset box-shadow on an input. This causes flickering on .btn.form-control-select on click. If you want a regular box-shadow and an inset box-shadow on an input define them both inside the $input-box-shadow variable. Example below: (83d56d1), closes #4206
  • @clayui/css: Functions adds _type-conversion-functions.scss for converting colors of type string to type color. Sass doesn't provide a way to do this (68be792), closes #4180
  • @clayui/css: Global Functions clay-get-fallback convert color string to type color (68fd699)
  • @clayui/css: Removes the use of $theme-colors Sass map to generate utility properties (e.g., bg-primary, text-primary, list-group-item-primary, table-primary) and allow configuring separately. The new way also supports CSS variables. Adds new maps: (78fb2d2)


  • @clayui/css: Reboot body element should use clay-css mixin for generating properties (c0b456e), closes #4194
  • @clayui/pagination: Add the alignmentPosition API to PaginationWithBasicItems component (24ca87c)
  • @clayui/pagination-bar: Add the alignmentPosition API to PaginationBarWithBasicItems component (eca557f)
published 3.32.0 •



3.32.0 (2021-07-28)

Bug Fixes

  • @clayui/autocomplete: fixes a potential XSS vulnerability in autocomplete by removing the use of dangerouslySetInnerHTML (675910c)
  • @clayui/color-picker: fix error of "hidden" input add extra margin (f4d8aa0)
  • @clayui/css: Cadmin Links adds component-text and component-icon, generic names for reuse in other components (ae49f03)
  • @clayui/css: Cadmin Treeview new component (ea1568e)
  • @clayui/css: Forms form-group-sm div.form-control should be 32px tall and grow to fix content inside, similar to a textarea element (eb987a1), closes #4164
  • @clayui/css: Grid generating container-max-width-* classes should work with Custom Properties (b12dbf5)
  • @clayui/css: Mixins update clay-loading-animation-variant to use clay-css pattern (4280c6f), closes #3987
  • @clayui/css: Mixins update sheet-footer-btn-block to use clay-css pattern (5523b67), closes #3987
  • @clayui/css: Sheet $sheet-lg-max-width should use fixed number instead of generating based on a $container-max-widths value (5968bd5)
  • @clayui/css: Utilities remove duplicate rounded utilities (6687624)
  • @clayui/shared: fixes error when getting stuck in an input masked as hidden (4c0c5cb)
  • @clayui/tooltip: Hide tooltip on dragstart (70d78da)
  • fixes error when generating slugs for documents inside packages (5e00f5a)


  • @clayui/core: Add Provider component and the new @clayui/core package (1d4e4b3)
  • @clayui/core: adds theme API to Provider (e7bae7d)
  • @clayui/css: $container-max-widths Sass map should accept CSS Custom Properties (3a8ffe2)
  • @clayui/css: Buttons use nested property names in variables to stay as close as possible to the way our CSS is written (89e3360), closes #4176
  • @clayui/css: Functions adds map-deep-get for getting values of deeply nested Sass map items (2b80302)
  • @clayui/pagination-bar: Add the showDeltasDropDown prop (6c65f43), closes #4175
published 3.30.0 •



3.30.0 (2021-06-16)

Bug Fixes

  • @clayui/css: Mixins clay-panel-variant updates mixin to use nested maps pattern (ea0c66a)
  • @clayui/css: Modal and Cadmin Modal make .modal-body.inline-scroller max-height: 320px (815d6d4), closes #4113
  • @clayui/css: Panel adjust spacing for panel-unstyled to prevent visual jump on close. (9dec5b6)
  • @clayui/css: Panel and Cadmin Panel update variables that use clay-panel-variant mixin to use newest keys, The old keys still work and will win over new keys. (ea4bffb)
  • @clayui/css: Reboot and Cadmin Reboot removes negative tabindex rule that removes default focus outline due to keyboard navigation accessibility issues. tabindex="-1" can still be focused programmatically. (9e52cfb), closes #4124
  • @clayui/nav: Adjust condition, to avoid set Boolean values in className property (e3af0e3), closes #4120


  • @clayui/drop-down: Allow the menu to be toggled (8d09d29), closes #4103
  • @clayui/nav: Add an optional type to Label property in Vertical Component (fa64c1d), closes #4121
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