A better Mixpanel retention query, written in JQL. This query let's you:
- Define a series of events as your retention entrance condition (a user must complete ALL to be counted)
- Define a set of events as your retention condition (a user must complete ANY to be counted)
To use, require the query and pass it the MP.api.jql
import RetentionQuery from '@clef/jql-query-retention'
fromDate: moment().subtract(20, 'days').toDate(),
toDate: moment().toDate(),
startEvents: [ { name: 'Your Start Event' } ],
retentionEvents: [ { name: 'Your Retention Event' } ],
retentionInterval: 8640000
retentionBuckets: [0, 1, 7, 4, 30]
).done((results) => {
You can see detailed explanations of all params below.
fromDate: new Date
toDate: new Date
startEvents: [ jql.types.Event ]
A series of events which together are the entrance condition. A
user must complete ALL of these events to be counted as a member
of the group we are measureing retention for. In other words,
they must do EventA AND EventB.
retentionEvents: [ jql.types.Event ]
A set of events of which any can count sa the retention condition.
A user must complete ANY of these events to be counted
as retained on a given interval. In other words, they must do
EventA OR EventB.
retentionInterval: Number (milliseconds)
The interval within which a user must complete an action to be
counted as retained. For instance, a retention interval of
1 day (8640000) means a user must complete one of the retentionEvents
in a 1 day interval to be counted as retained.
retentionBuckets: [ Number ]
The number of intervals after the fromDate on which to measure retention.
For instance, if you have an interval of 1 day and retention buckets of
[0, 1, 7, 14, 30], this will return the retention for D0, D1, D7, D14,
and D30.