Cloudimage plugin from Scaleflex for Strapi v4
npm install @cloudimage-strapi/content-plugin
Replace 'strapi::security',
name: 'strapi::security',
config: {
contentSecurityPolicy: {
useDefaults: true,
directives: {
'connect-src': ["'self'", 'https:'],
'img-src': ["'self'", 'data:', 'blob:', '', '', '*'],
'media-src': ["'self'", 'data:', 'blob:', '', '', '*'],
upgradeInsecureRequests: null,
Append url: 'domain (including the http/https:// part)'
Eg: if you website is called
, then write like this:
module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
host: env('HOST', ''),
port:'PORT', 1337),
app: {
keys: env.array('APP_KEYS'),
url: '',
It’s very important that you don’t forget to do this
- You can enter either token or domain.
- Whether your Cloudimage token is v7 or not, it will be auto-detected and set.
If you enter nothing or an invalid token, you will get this error.
In the rare case that we can’t auto-detect whether token is v7 or not, you will get the option to manually set it.
What the plugin brings
- This plugin simple gives client an interface to save the configuration settings.
- It also allows clients to Cloudimage-ize all previous images:
- It will NOT Cloudimage-ize images that are already hosted on Filerobot.
- It will only sync images, no videos nor audios.