To be analytic provider agnostic while mirroring itself into the React ecosystem. Since Segment is also trying to do the same thing, their API makes sense as a good base.
How it works
React app is wrapped in <AnalyticsProvider>
which passes context
down with functions to track user activities. When these functions are called, it will loop through all valid analytics providers and call their equivalent api.
identify: Let the provider know who the logged in user is
group: If there are multiple portals, this helps separate them. This is advanced.
page: Track a new page, can be added to Next's router
track: Track an even such as a button click
user: Returns the auto assigned id
reset: Clear the identity
More information can be found on Segment
Supported Providers
To compile this library please run yarn run libbuild
Add Provider
Wrap the root of your React app in <AnalyticsProvider><YOUR APP /></AnalyticsProvider>
Here are the props you can pass in to enable these providers.
export interface IAnalyticsProvider {
segment?: ISegmentConfig;
ga?: IGAConfig;
Use Function
const { track } from 'useAnalytics';
track('Hello World');
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