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export {};



@@ -1,32 +0,5 @@

import { SignalOptions } from 'solid-js';
import type { SignalOptions } from 'solid-js';
import { Atom } from './atom';
import type { InferArray } from '../typeUtils';
export interface BaseArrayAtomHandle<T> {
push(...items: T[]): this;
pop(): this;
shift(): this;
unshift(...items: T[]): this;
join(separator?: string): Atom<string>;
indexOf(searchElement: T, fromIndex?: number): Atom<number>;
lastIndexOf(searchElement: T, fromIndex?: number): Atom<number>;
forEach(callbackfn: (value: T, index: number, array: T[]) => void, thisArg?: any): void;
every<S extends T>(predicate: (value: T, index: number, array: T[]) => value is S, thisArg?: any): this is ArrayAtomType<S[]>;
every(predicate: (value: T, index: number, array: T[]) => unknown, thisArg?: any): Atom<boolean>;
some(predicate: (value: T, index: number, array: T[]) => unknown, thisArg?: any): Atom<boolean>;
reduce(callbackfn: (previousValue: T, currentValue: T, currentIndex: number, array: T[]) => T): Atom<T>;
reduce(callbackfn: (previousValue: T, currentValue: T, currentIndex: number, array: T[]) => T, initialValue: T): Atom<T>;
reduce<U>(callbackfn: (previousValue: U, currentValue: T, currentIndex: number, array: T[]) => U, initialValue: U): Atom<U>;
reduceRight(callbackfn: (previousValue: T, currentValue: T, currentIndex: number, array: T[]) => T): Atom<T>;
reduceRight(callbackfn: (previousValue: T, currentValue: T, currentIndex: number, array: T[]) => T, initialValue: T): Atom<T>;
reduceRight<U>(callbackfn: (previousValue: U, currentValue: T, currentIndex: number, array: T[]) => U, initialValue: U): Atom<U>;
reverse(): ArrayAtomType<T[]>;
slice(start?: number, end?: number): ArrayAtomType<T[]>;
sort(compareFn?: (a: T, b: T) => number): ArrayAtomType<T[]>;
splice(start: number, deleteCount?: number): ArrayAtomType<T[]>;
splice(start: number, deleteCount: number, ...items: T[]): ArrayAtomType<T[]>;
map<U>(callbackfn: (value: T, index: number, array: T[]) => U, thisArg?: any): ArrayAtomType<U[]>;
filter<S extends T>(predicate: (value: T, index: number, array: T[]) => value is S, thisArg?: any): ArrayAtomType<S[]>;
filter(predicate: (value: T, index: number, array: T[]) => unknown, thisArg?: any): ArrayAtomType<T[]>;
export interface ArrayAtomExtends<T> extends BaseArrayAtomHandle<T> {
export interface ArrayAtomExtends<T> {
replace(oldItem: T, newItem: T): this;

@@ -39,3 +12,2 @@ replaceAll(oldItem: T, newItem: T): this;

switch(thisItem: T, nearByItem: T): this;
toggle(thisItem: T): this;

@@ -42,0 +14,0 @@ export interface ArrayAtomType<Arr extends any[]> extends Atom<Arr>, ArrayAtomExtends<InferArray<Arr>> {

@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ import { Accessor } from 'solid-js';

@@ -1,5 +0,5 @@

import { throttle } from 'lodash-es';
import { debounce, throttle } from 'lodash-es';
import { Atom } from './atom';
/** 呈现 debounceTime 内数据的最新情况 */
export declare function DebounceAtom<T>(a: Atom<T>, debounceTime?: number): Atom<T>;
export declare function ThrottleAtom<T>(a: Atom<T>, debounceTime?: number, options?: Parameters<typeof throttle>[2]): Atom<T>;
export { throttle, debounce };

@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ export * from './atom';

@@ -9,2 +9,14 @@ import type { SignalOptions } from 'solid-js';

* @example
* const form = ObjectAtom({
* username: '江夏尧',
* password: '124567890',
* })
* form.username()
* form.password()
* const submit = ()=>{
* const result = form()
* }

@@ -11,0 +23,0 @@ declare function ObjectAtom<T extends Record<string, unknown>>(obj: Atom<T>): ObjectAtomType<T>;

@@ -26,5 +26,6 @@ export interface ReflectOptions<T> {

* @design refect 是为了衍生 Atom,同时具有读写权限。但是不能复用 atom ,atom 中传入函数是把函数当做初始值。 Memo 是只读的,这是它们的区别。
* @design reflect 是为了衍生 Atom,同时具有读写权限。但是不能复用 atom ,atom 中传入函数是把函数当做初始值。 Memo 是只读的,这是它们的区别。
export declare const reflect: <T>(memoFunc: (lastValue: T) => T, { immediately, initValue, }?: ReflectOptions<T>) => import("./atom").Atom<T>;
export declare const computed: <T>(memoFunc: (lastValue: T) => T, { immediately, initValue, }?: ReflectOptions<T>) => import("./atom").Atom<T>;

@@ -31,0 +32,0 @@ * @zh Memo 形式的映射,注意,其为只读特性

import { Accessor } from 'solid-js';
import { Atom } from './atom';
export interface ResourceBase<T> {
export interface ResourceBase<T, Params> {
loading: Accessor<boolean>;

@@ -8,3 +8,3 @@ error: Accessor<Error>;

/** 重新进行异步行为 */
refetch: (option?: RefetchOption) => Promise<boolean>;
refetch: (params?: Params, option?: RefetchOption) => Promise<boolean>;
/** 同步突变数据 */

@@ -15,3 +15,3 @@ mutate: (data: T) => void;

export interface ResourceAtom<T> extends ResourceBase<T>, Atom<T> {
export interface ResourceAtom<T, Params = unknown> extends ResourceBase<T, Params>, Atom<T> {

@@ -24,5 +24,6 @@ export interface ResourceOptions<T> {

refetch?: RefetchOption;
tap?: (data: T) => void;
/** 忽略报错提示 */
ignoreError?: boolean;
/** 当成功时,发送副作用 */
onSuccess?: (data: T) => void;
/** 当发生错误时,发送副作用 */
onError?: (data: T) => void;

@@ -37,4 +38,4 @@ export interface RefetchOption {

* @zh 安全获取异步数据并返回状态
* @description 使用 resource 创建一个异步绑定的 Atom
* @description 使用 resource 创建一个异步绑定的 Atom,默认直接调用
export declare const resource: <T>(fetcher: () => Promise<T>, { initValue, immediately, deps, refetch: defaultRefetch, tap: tapFn, ignoreError, }?: ResourceOptions<T>) => ResourceAtom<T>;
export declare const resource: <T, Params>(fetcher: (val?: Params | undefined) => Promise<T>, { initValue, immediately, deps, refetch: defaultRefetch, onSuccess, onError, }?: ResourceOptions<T>) => ResourceAtom<T, Params>;
import { Accessor } from 'solid-js';
import type { EffectFunction } from 'solid-js/types/reactive/signal';
import type { EffectFunction } from 'solid-js';

@@ -4,0 +4,0 @@ * @zh 忽略首次执行的 Effect, 但是你需要手动声明依赖

@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ /**

@@ -15,1 +15,22 @@ /**

* @zh Context 和 useContext 一体化
* @example
* const ctx = createCtx<{
* username: '江夏尧',
* password: '123456'
* }>();
* // parent
* ()=> <ctx.Provider value={ctx.defaultValue}></ctx.Provider>
* // child
* const info = ctx.use()
* */
export declare const createCtx: <T>(data?: T | undefined) => {
use(): T | undefined;
id: symbol;
Provider: import("solid-js").ContextProviderComponent<T | undefined>;
defaultValue: T | undefined;

@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ export * from './blackboard';

@@ -7,3 +7,3 @@ import { type Atom, ResourceOptions } from '../atom/index';

* @zh 逐页查询组件, 内部采用了时间过滤
* @zh 逐页查询组件, 页码跳转内部采用了时间过滤
* */

@@ -24,5 +24,5 @@ export declare const usePagination: <T>(getData: (pageNumber: number, maxPage: Atom<number>) => Promise<T>, init?: PaginationOptions<T>) => {

/** 重新异步获取 */
refetch: import("lodash-es").DebouncedFunc<() => Promise<boolean>>;
refetch: import("lodash").DebouncedFunc<() => Promise<boolean>>;
goto: (index: number) => false | Promise<boolean> | undefined;
currentData: import("../atom/resource").ResourceAtom<T>;
currentData: import("../atom/resource").ResourceAtom<T, unknown>;

@@ -51,5 +51,5 @@ /**

/** 重新异步获取 */
refetch: import("lodash-es").DebouncedFunc<() => Promise<boolean>>;
refetch: import("lodash").DebouncedFunc<() => Promise<boolean>>;
goto: (index: number) => false | Promise<boolean> | undefined;
currentData: import("../atom/resource").ResourceAtom<T>;
currentData: import("../atom/resource").ResourceAtom<T, unknown>;

@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ import { Atom } from '../atom/index';

@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ export * from './atom';

@@ -1,388 +0,374 @@

var M = Object.defineProperty, R = Object.defineProperties;
var B = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors;
var T = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;
var J = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, q = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable;
var P = (t, r, e) => r in t ? M(t, r, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: e }) : t[r] = e, d = (t, r) => {
for (var e in r || (r = {})), e) && P(t, e, r[e]);
if (T)
for (var e of T(r)), e) && P(t, e, r[e]);
return t;
}, v = (t, r) => R(t, B(r));
var S = (t, r, e) => new Promise((n, s) => {
var o = (c) => {
var B = Object.defineProperty, C = Object.defineProperties;
var F = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors;
var k = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;
var q = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, H = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable;
var O = (e, r, t) => r in e ? B(e, r, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: t }) : e[r] = t, w = (e, r) => {
for (var t in r || (r = {})), t) && O(e, t, r[t]);
if (k)
for (var t of k(r)), t) && O(e, t, r[t]);
return e;
}, y = (e, r) => C(e, F(r));
var g = (e, r, t) => new Promise((n, s) => {
var c = (o) => {
try {
} catch (i) {
} catch (l) {
}, u = (c) => {
}, u = (o) => {
try {
} catch (i) {
} catch (l) {
}, a = (c) => c.done ? n(c.value) : Promise.resolve(c.value).then(o, u);
a((e = e.apply(t, r)).next());
}, a = (o) => o.done ? n(o.value) : Promise.resolve(o.value).then(c, u);
a((t = t.apply(e, r)).next());
import { createEffect as p, on as H, createSignal as _, untrack as $, createMemo as L, batch as k, onCleanup as z } from "solid-js";
import { debounce as N, throttle as C } from "lodash-es";
const A = (t, r, e = null) => {
import { createEffect as P, on as $, createSignal as J, untrack as N, createMemo as M, batch as E, createContext as _, useContext as z, onCleanup as K } from "solid-js";
import { debounce as D, throttle as U } from "lodash-es";
import { debounce as be, throttle as ve } from "lodash-es";
const A = (e, r, t = null) => {
let n = !0;
return G(
(s) => n ? (n = !1, null) : t(s),
return W(
(s) => n ? (n = !1, null) : e(s),
}, ne = A, G = (t, r, e = null) => {
let n = e;
return p(
H(r, () => (n = t(n), n))
}, ne = A, W = (e, r, t = null) => {
let n = t;
return P(
$(r, () => (n = e(n), n))
}, m = Symbol("AtomTypeSymbol"), se = (t) => t[m], f = (t, r) => {
const [e, n] = _(t, r);
}, d = Symbol("AtomTypeSymbol"), oe = (e) => e[d], f = (e, r) => {
const [t, n] = J(e, r);
return Object.assign(
(...s) => s.length === 0 ? e() : n(...s),
{ reflux: K, [m]: "atom" }
(...s) => s.length === 0 ? t() : n(...s),
{ reflux: G, [d]: "atom" }
}, K = function(t, r, e) {
const n = this, s = f(t, e);
}, G = function(e, r, t) {
const n = this, s = f(e, t);
return A(() => {
n(() => r(s()));
}, [s]), s[m] = "reflux", s;
}, y = (t, {
}, [s]), s[d] = "reflux", s;
}, S = (e, {
/** 是否立刻求值 (是否忽略第一次求值) */
immediately: r = !0,
initValue: e = null
/** 如果不进行求值,那么将会之用初始值进行替代 */
/** @ts-ignore */
initValue: t = null
} = {}) => {
const n = f(r ? $(() => t(e)) : e);
return p((s) => {
n(() => t(s));
}, e), n[m] = "reflect", n;
}, U = (t, {
const n = f(r ? N(() => e(t)) : t);
return P((s) => n(() => e(s)), t), n[d] = "reflect", n;
}, se = S, Q = (e, {
/** 是否立刻求值 (是否忽略第一次求值) */
immediately: r = !0,
initValue: e = null
} = {}) => L((n) => {
const s = t(n);
return r ? s : (r = !0, e);
}, e), V = (t, {
/** 如果不进行求值,那么将会之用初始值进行替代 */
/** @ts-ignore */
initValue: t = null
} = {}) => M((n) => {
const s = e(n);
return r ? s : (r = !0, t);
}, t), X = (e, {
/** @ts-ignore */
initValue: r = null,
immediately: e = !0,
immediately: t = !0,
deps: n,
refetch: s = {},
tap: o = (a) => {
onSuccess: c = () => {
ignoreError: u = !1
onError: u = () => {
} = {}) => {
const a = f(r), c = f(!1), i = f(!1), l = L(() => !c() && !i());
const a = f(r), o = f(!1), l = f(!1), i = M(() => !o() && !l());
let h = Promise.resolve(!1);
const E = ( => S(void 0, [], function* ({ warn: x = !0, cancelCallback: I } = s) {
l() || (I ? I(h) : x && console.warn(
"Resource Atom: some fetch has been covered; Recommend to add a cancelCallback to some Hook"
)), c(!0);
const O = t().then((g) => (k(() => {
a(() => g), c(!1), i(!1);
}), O === h && o(g), !0)).catch((g) => (k(() => {
i(g), c(!1);
}), u || console.error(g), g));
return h = O, O;
const b = (Ee, ...Pe) => g(void 0, [Ee, ...Pe], function* (v, { warn: j = !0, cancelCallback: T } = s) {
i() || (T ? T(h) : j && console.warn("Resource Atom: some fetch has been covered; Recommend to add a cancelCallback to some Hook")), o(!0);
const x = e(v).then((m) => (E(() => {
a(() => m), o(!1), l(!1);
}), x === h && c(m), !0)).catch((m) => (E(() => {
l(m), o(!1);
}), u(m), m));
return h = x, x;
return e && E(), n && n.length && A(() => E(s), n), Object.assign(a, {
error: i,
loading: c,
mutate(x) {
a(() => x);
return t && b(), n && n.length && A(() => b(void 0, s), n), Object.assign(a, {
error: l,
loading: o,
mutate(v) {
a(() => v);
isReady: l,
refetch: E,
isReady: i,
refetch: b,
promise: () => h,
[m]: "resource"
[d]: "resource"
let D = () => {
let L = () => {
const oe = (t) => {
t && (D = t);
}, W = function(t, r = D) {
let e = !1;
const ce = (e) => {
e && (L = e);
}, Y = function(e, r = L) {
let t = !1;
return function(...n) {
return e ? (r && r(), e) : (e = Promise.resolve(t.apply(this, n)).then((s) => (e = !1, s)), e);
return t ? (r && r(), t) : (t = Promise.resolve(e.apply(this, n)).then((s) => (t = !1, s)), t);
}, ce = W;
function j(t) {
return typeof t == "function" ? w(t) ? t : y(t()) : f(t);
}, ue = Y;
function I(e) {
return typeof e == "function" ? p(e) ? e : S(e()) : f(e);
function w(t) {
return typeof t[m] == "string";
function p(e) {
return typeof e[d] == "string";
const ue = (t) => t().map((r, e) => y(() => t()[e])), Q = (t, r) => new Promise((e) => setTimeout(() => e(r), t)), ae = (t, { valueName: r = "value" }) => ({
value: t(),
"on:input": (e) => t(() =>
}), ie = (t, r, e) => {
var o, u, a;
const n = (o = e == null ? void 0 : e.parse) != null ? o : (c) => JSON.parse(c), s = (u = e == null ? void 0 : e.stringify) != null ? u : (c) => JSON.stringify(c);
if ((a = e == null ? void 0 : e.immediately) == null || a) {
const c = localStorage.getItem(r);
c && t(n(c));
return A(() => {
localStorage.setItem(r, s(t()));
}, [t]), t;
}, le = (t) => [...Array(t).keys()], X = (t, r) => Object.fromEntries( => [e, function(...n) {
return t((s) => {
const o = [...s];
return o[e](...n), o;
}), this;
}])), Y = (t, r) => Object.fromEntries( => [e, function(...n) {
return y(() => t()[e](...n));
}])), F = (t, r, e = !1) => Object.fromEntries( => [n, function(...s) {
return b(y(e ? () => [...t()][n](...s) : () => t()[n](...s)));
function b(t, r) {
const e = w(t) ? t : f(t, r), n = (o, u, a) => {
const c = o.findIndex((i) => i === u);
if (c >= 0) {
const i = [...o];
return a(i, c), i;
const ae = (e) => e().map((r, t) => S(() => e()[t])), Z = (e, r) => new Promise((t) => setTimeout(() => t(r), e)), le = (e) => [...Array(e).keys()];
function R(e, r) {
const t = p(e) ? e : f(e, r), n = (c, u, a) => {
const o = c.findIndex((l) => l === u);
if (o >= 0) {
const l = [...c];
return a(l, o), l;
} else
return console.warn("Can't find array atom Item: ", u), o;
}, s = d(d(d(d({
replace(o, u) {
return e((a) => n(a, o, (c, i) => {
c[i] = u;
return console.warn("Can't find array atom Item: ", u), c;
return Object.assign(t, y(w({}, {
/** 替换一个数组位置 */
replace(c, u) {
return t((a) => n(a, c, (o, l) => {
o[l] = u;
})), this;
replaceAll(o, u) {
return e((a) => {
const c = [];
a.forEach((l, h) => l === o && c.push(h));
const i = [...a];
return c.forEach((l) => i[l] = u), i;
/** 替换所有的数组位置 */
replaceAll(c, u) {
return t((a) => {
const o = [];
a.forEach((i, h) => i === c && o.push(h));
const l = [...a];
return o.forEach((i) => l[i] = u), l;
}), this;
remove(o) {
return e((u) => n(u, o, (a, c) => {
a.splice(c, 1);
/** 根据该元素删除数组中的所有这个元素 */
remove(c) {
return t((u) => n(u, c, (a, o) => {
a.splice(o, 1);
})), this;
removeAll(o) {
return e((u) => u.filter((a) => a !== o)), this;
removeAll(c) {
return t((u) => u.filter((a) => a !== c)), this;
insert(o, u, a = "before") {
return e((c) => n(c, u, (i, l) => {
i.splice(a === "before" ? l : l + 1, 0, o);
insert(c, u, a = "before") {
return t((o) => n(o, u, (l, i) => {
l.splice(a === "before" ? i : i + 1, 0, c);
})), this;
move(o, u, a) {
return this.remove(o), this.insert(o, u, a), this;
move(c, u, a) {
return this.remove(c), this.insert(c, u, a), this;
switch(o, u) {
return e((a) => {
const c = [...a], i = e().findIndex((h) => h === o), l = e().findIndex((h) => h === u);
if (i === -1 || l === -1)
switch(c, u) {
return t((a) => {
const o = [...a], l = t().findIndex((h) => h === c), i = t().findIndex((h) => h === u);
if (l === -1 || i === -1)
throw new Error("ArrayAtom: Please check the Items you want to switch ");
return c[i] = u, c[l] = o, c;
return o[l] = u, o[i] = c, o;
}), this;
}), { [d]: "array" }));
function ie(e) {
const r = p(e) ? e : f(e, { equals: !1 }), t = p(e) ? e() : e;
r[d] = "object";
const n = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), s = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([d, ...Object.keys(t)]);
return new Proxy(r, {
get(c, u) {
if (!s.has(u))
throw new Error(`key: ${u} can't be found in formObject!`);
if (n.has(u))
return n.get(u);
const a = c.reflux(c()[u], (o) => (c()[u] = o, c()));
return n.set(u, a), a;
toggle(o) {
return e((u) => {
const a = u.indexOf(o);
return a === -1 ? [...u, o] : [...u.splice(a, 1)];
}), this;
forEach(o, u) {
p(() => e().forEach(o));
apply(c, u, a) {
return Reflect.apply(c, u, a);
}, X(e, ["push", "pop", "shift", "unshift"])), Y(
)), F(
)), F(
return Object.assign(e, v(d({}, s), { [m]: "array" }));
function fe(t, r) {
const e = w(t) ? t : f(t, { equals: !1 }), n = w(t) ? t() : t;
return e[m] = "object", Object.assign(
Object.keys(n).reduce((s, o) => {
const u = e.reflux(e()[o], (a) => v(d({}, e()), { [o]: a }));
return s.push([o, u]), s;
}, [])
function he(t, r = 150) {
let e = t();
const n = f(e);
function fe(e, r = 150) {
let t = e();
const n = f(t);
return A(
N(() => {
const s = t();
D(() => {
const s = e();
s !== void 0 && n(() => s);
}, r),
), n;
function de(t, r = 150, e) {
let n = t();
function he(e, r = 150, t) {
let n = e();
const s = f(n);
return A(
() => {
const o = t();
o !== void 0 && s(() => o);
const c = e();
c !== void 0 && s(() => c);
), s;
const me = () => {
const t = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
const de = () => {
const e = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
return {
register(r, e) {
if (t.has(r))
/** 应该在组件声明时进行注册 App,保证在 onMount 时能够获取到数据 */
register(r, t) {
if (e.has(r))
throw new Error("Blackboard has a same app named " + r.toString());
return t.set(r, e);
return e.set(r, t);
/** 在 onMount 阶段可以获取到所有声明的 App */
getApp(r) {
if (!t.has(r))
if (!e.has(r))
throw new Error(`Blackboard app ${r.toString()} isn't init yet`);
return t.get(r);
return e.get(r);
delete(r) {
if (!t.has(r))
if (!e.has(r))
throw new Error(`Blackboard app ${r.toString()} isn't init yet`);
/** 检查APP是否注册*/
check(r) {
return t.has(r);
return e.has(r);
destroy() {
}, Z = (t, r = {}) => {
var a, c;
}, me = (e) => {
const r = _(e);
return y(w({}, r), {
use() {
return z(r);
}, V = (e, r = {}) => {
var a, o;
r.debounceTime = (a = r.debounceTime) != null ? a : 100;
const e = f((c = r.initIndex) != null ? c : 0), n = f(10), s = V(() => t(e(), n), r), o = N(() => s.refetch(), r.debounceTime), u = (l) => {
if (l < 0 || l >= n())
const t = f((o = r.initIndex) != null ? o : 0), n = f(10), s = X(() => e(t(), n), r), c = D(() => s.refetch(), r.debounceTime), u = (i) => {
if (i < 0 || i >= n())
return !1;
//! 页码改变如果迅速的话,那应该不进行请求,而是直接忽略
return o();
return c();
return {
currentIndex: e,
currentPage: U(() => e() + 1),
/** index 数值,从 0 开始 */
currentIndex: t,
/** 页数 数值,从 1 开始 */
currentPage: Q(() => t() + 1),
/** 类似于数组的 length ,表示页数 */
maxPage: n,
prev() {
return u(e() - 1);
return u(t() - 1);
next() {
return u(e() + 1);
return u(t() + 1);
* @zh 保证在下一次请求完成后,promise 结束,如果结束了,那么就稍等 debounceTime 再返回,测试用途较多
waitForDone() {
return S(this, null, function* () {
return Q(r.debounceTime + 10).then(s.promise);
return g(this, null, function* () {
return Z(r.debounceTime + 10).then(s.promise);
refetch: o,
/** 重新异步获取 */
refetch: c,
goto: u,
currentData: s
}, ge = (t, r) => {
const e = f([], { equals: !1 }), n = Z((...s) => S(void 0, null, function* () {
const o = yield t(...s);
return e((u) => (u[s[0]] = o, u)), o;
}, Ae = (e, r) => {
const t = f([], { equals: !1 }), n = V((...s) => g(void 0, null, function* () {
const c = yield e(...s);
return t((u) => (u[s[0]] = c, u)), c;
}), r);
return v(d({}, n), {
return y(w({}, n), {
/** 重置加载 */
resetStack(s = !0) {
k(() => {
e([]), n.currentIndex(0), s && n.currentData.refetch();
E(() => {
t([]), n.currentIndex(0), s && n.currentData.refetch();
dataSlices: e
/** 这个才是需要渲染的最终数据 */
dataSlices: t
}, ye = function(t = {}) {
}, we = function(e = {}) {
var u, a;
const r = b(j((u = t.activeIds) != null ? u : [])), e = j((a = t.multi) != null ? a : !0), n = f(new Set(r()));
p(() => {
!e() && r((c) => c.slice(0, 1)), n(() => new Set(r()));
const r = R(I((u = e.activeIds) != null ? u : [])), t = I((a = e.multi) != null ? a : !0), n = f(new Set(r()));
P(() => {
!t() && r((o) => o.slice(0, 1)), n(() => new Set(r()));
const s = f(/* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), { equals: !1 }), o = (c, i) => {
i === void 0 && (i = !n().has(c)), i === !0 && !n().has(c) ? r((l) => e() ? [...l, c] : [c]) : i === !1 && r.removeAll(c);
const s = f(/* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), { equals: !1 }), c = (o, l) => {
l === void 0 && (l = !n().has(o)), l === !0 && !n().has(o) ? r((i) => t() ? [...i, o] : [o]) : l === !1 && r.removeAll(o);
return {
changeSelected: o,
register(c, i = !1) {
s((l) => (l.add(c), l)), o(c, i);
/** 更改状态 */
changeSelected: c,
/** 注册键,可以在任何时候进行注册 */
register(o, l = !1) {
s((i) => (i.add(o), i)), c(o, l);
deregister(c) {
r.removeAll(c), s((i) => (i.delete(c), i));
/** 取消整个键的采用 */
deregister(o) {
r.removeAll(o), s((l) => (l.delete(o), l));
/** 所有注册过的键 */
allRegistered: s,
/** 被选中的键的 Set Atom */
activeIds: n,
isSelected: (c) => n().has(c)
/** 检查一个键是否被选中 */
isSelected: (o) => n().has(o)
}, Ae = (t, r, e, {
on: n = (o) => o.addEventListener,
off: s = (o) => o.removeEventListener
}, ye = (e, r, t, {
/** @ts-ignore */
on: n = (c) => c.addEventListener,
/** @ts-ignore */
off: s = (c) => c.removeEventListener
} = {}) => {
n(t).call(t, r, e), z(() => {
s(t).call(t, r, e);
n(e).call(e, r, t), K(() => {
s(e).call(e, r, t);
}, ve = (t) => {
const r = (e, n, s) => {
const o = s != null ? s : new n();
return Object.entries(e()).forEach(([u, a]) => {
o.set(u, a.toString());
}), o;
}, ge = (e) => {
const r = (t, n, s) => {
const c = s != null ? s : new n();
return Object.entries(t()).forEach(([u, a]) => {
c.set(u, a.toString());
}), c;
return {
toKeysAtom() {
return y(() => b(Object.keys(t)));
return S(() => R(Object.keys(e)));
toEntries() {
return Object.entries(t());
return Object.entries(e());
toFromData(e) {
return r(t, FormData, e);
toFromData(t) {
return r(e, FormData, t);
toSearchParams(e) {
return r(t, URLSearchParams, e);
toSearchParams(t) {
return r(e, URLSearchParams, t);
toHeaders(e) {
return r(t, Headers, e);
toHeaders(t) {
return r(e, Headers, t);
toMap(e) {
return r(t, Map, e);
toMap(t) {
return r(e, Map, t);
toJSON() {
return JSON.stringify(t());
return JSON.stringify(e());

@@ -392,32 +378,34 @@ };

export {
b as ArrayAtom,
ue as AtomToArray,
m as AtomTypeSymbol,
he as DebounceAtom,
ve as EntriesTransform,
fe as ObjectAtom,
de as ThrottleAtom,
ae as VModel,
Ae as addListener,
W as asyncLock,
R as ArrayAtom,
ae as AtomToArray,
d as AtomTypeSymbol,
fe as DebounceAtom,
ge as EntriesTransform,
ie as ObjectAtom,
he as ThrottleAtom,
ye as addListener,
Y as asyncLock,
f as atom,
j as atomization,
me as createBlackBoard,
I as atomization,
se as computed,
de as createBlackBoard,
me as createCtx,
ne as createIgnoreFirst,
be as debounce,
le as genArray,
se as getAtomType,
w as isAtom,
ie as localSync,
y as reflect,
U as reflectMemo,
V as resource,
oe as setAsyncLockDefaultRefuse,
Q as sleep,
G as useEffect,
oe as getAtomType,
p as isAtom,
S as reflect,
Q as reflectMemo,
X as resource,
ce as setAsyncLockDefaultRefuse,
Z as sleep,
ve as throttle,
W as useEffect,
A as useEffectWithoutFirst,
Z as usePagination,
ge as usePaginationStack,
ye as useSelect,
ce as useSingleAsync
V as usePagination,
Ae as usePaginationStack,
we as useSelect,
ue as useSingleAsync

@@ -10,3 +10,3 @@ import type { Atom } from '../atom/atom';

* @zh ObjectAtom 的转换器,主要是服务于 FormData 等一系列的特殊属性
* @zh ObjectAtom 的转换器,主要是服务于 对象转换成 FormData 等一系列的特殊属性
* @example EntriesTransform(atomA).toFromData()

@@ -13,0 +13,0 @@ */

export * from './EntriesTransform';
export type InferArray<T> = T extends (infer U)[] ? U : never;

@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ /** 设置全局的拒绝事件 */

@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ import type { Accessor } from 'solid-js';

@@ -5,3 +5,1 @@ export * from './asyncLock';

export declare const genArray: (num: number) => number[];
export * from './VModel';
export * from './localSync';
export declare const sleep: <T>(ms: number, data?: T | undefined) => Promise<T>;
"name": "@cn-ui/reactive",
"version": "2.3.0",
"description": "",
"main": "./dist/index.js",
"types": "./dist/index.d.ts",
"files": [
"type": "module",
"license": "MIT",
"devDependencies": {
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"@astrojs/tailwind": "^3.0.1",
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"scripts": {
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"build-doc": "astro build",
"preview": "astro preview",
"astro": "astro",
"build": "vite build && tsc",
"test": "vitest run",
"test-watch": "vitest",
"test-ui": "vitest --ui",
"coverage": "vitest run --coverage",
"prepublish": "pnpm build"
"name": "@cn-ui/reactive",
"version": "3.0.0",
"description": "",
"main": "./dist/index.js",
"types": "./dist/index.d.ts",
"files": [
"scripts": {
"build": "vite build && tsc",
"test": "vitest run",
"test-watch": "vitest",
"test-ui": "vitest --ui",
"coverage": "vitest run --coverage",
"prepublish": "pnpm build",
"release": "release-it"
"type": "module",
"license": "MIT",
"keywords": [
"peerDependencies": {
"solid-js": "^1.7.8"
"dependencies": {
"@types/testing-library__jest-dom": "5.14.9",
"lodash-es": "^4.17.21",
"mitt": "^3.0.0",
"solidjs-use": "^2.3.0"

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