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@cocreate/sitemap - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.0.0 to 1.1.0


@@ -0,1 +1,15 @@

# [1.1.0]( (2024-08-24)
### Bug Fixes
* apply host for crud ([9a9fbf0](
* check logic to auto add html files to sitemap ([6ca692b](
* handle mainSitmap and sitmap as a file object ([99b97c3](
### Features
* create multiple sitemaps for the various supported types ([98af2dc](
# 1.0.0 (2024-06-27)

@@ -2,0 +16,0 @@


"name": "@cocreate/sitemap",
"version": "1.0.0",
"version": "1.1.0",
"description": "A simple sitemap component in vanilla javascript. Easily configured using HTML5 data-attributes and/or JavaScript API.",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "keywords": [

@@ -23,45 +23,61 @@ /********************************************************************************

const fs = require('fs');
class CoCreateSitemap {
constructor(render) {
this.render = render;
constructor(crud) {
this.crud = crud;
async updateUrlInSitemap(urlToFind) {
try {
// Path to your sitemap file
const sitemapPath = '/path/to/your/sitemap.xml';
async check(file, host) {
// Ensure the file is HTML and does not have a sitemap object yet
if (!file.sitemap && file['content-type'] !== 'text/html')
// Read and parse the sitemap XML
let sitemapXml = fs.readFileSync(sitemapPath, 'utf8');
// Ensure the file is public
if (!file.public || file.public === "false")
// Regex pattern to find the entire <url>...</url> block containing the URL
const regexPattern = `<url>\\s*<loc>${urlToFind}</loc>[\\s\\S]*?</url>`;
// Check if the file is HTML and contains a noindex meta tag
if (file['content-type'] === 'text/html' && file.src.includes('<meta name="robots" content="noindex">'))
// Perform regex search
const match = sitemapXml.match(regexPattern);
// Compare the lastmod date in the sitemap with the modified.on date
if (file.sitemap && file.sitemap.lastmod && file.modified.on) {
if (new Date(file.sitemap.lastmod) >= new Date(file.modified.on))
if (match) {
const position = match.index; // Start position of the <url> block
const endPosition = match.index + match[0].length; // End position of the <url> block
console.log(`URL ${urlToFind} found in sitemap at position ${position}-${endPosition}.`);
// Logic to update the sitemap
this.updateSitemap(file, host);
// Replace the matched <url> block with a modified version (example)
const modifiedUrlBlock = `<url>
<lastmod>${new Date().toISOString()}</lastmod>
async updateSitemap(file, host) {
try {
// TODO: need to get info such as host
const entry = this.createEntry(file);
// Replace the original <url> block with the modified one
sitemapXml = sitemapXml.slice(0, position) + modifiedUrlBlock + sitemapXml.slice(endPosition);
let { mainSitemap, sitemap } = await this.getSitemap(file, host);
// Write back the modified sitemap XML to the file (optional)
fs.writeFileSync(sitemapPath, sitemapXml);
if (file.sitemap.pathname) {
// Perform regex search starting at the pathname
const regexPattern = `<url>\\s*<loc>.*?${file.sitemap.pathname.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&')}.*?</loc>[\\s\\S]*?</url>`;
const match = sitemap.src.match(new RegExp(regexPattern));
console.log('Sitemap updated successfully.');
if (match) {
const position = match.index; // Start position of the <url> block
const endPosition = match.index + match[0].length; // End position of the <url> block
// Replace the original <url> block with the modified one
sitemap.src = sitemap.src.slice(0, position) + entry + sitemap.src.slice(endPosition);
} else {
sitemap.src = sitemap.src.replace('</urlset>', `${entry}</urlset>`);
} else {
console.log(`URL ${urlToFind} not found in sitemap.`);
file.sitemap.pathname = sitemap.pathname
sitemap.src = sitemap.src.replace('</urlset>', `${entry}</urlset>`);
this.saveSitemap(mainSitemap, host);
this.saveSitemap(sitemap, host);
this.saveSitemap(file, host);
// console.log('Sitemap updated successfully.');
} catch (err) {

@@ -71,4 +87,214 @@ console.error('Error updating sitemap:', err);

createEntry(file) {
const depth = (file.pathname.match(/\//g) || []).length;
const priority = Math.max(0.1, 1.0 - (depth - 1) * 0.1).toFixed(1);
const defaultKeys = {
loc: file.pathname,
lastmod: file.modified.on,
changefreq: 'monthly', // Example default value
priority: priority,
// Merge default keys with file.sitemap, prioritizing file.sitemap values
file.sitemap = { ...defaultKeys, ...file.sitemap };
file.sitemap.lastmod = file.modified.on;
let entry = `\t<url>\n`;
for (const key of Object.keys(file.sitemap)) {
if (key === 'pathname')
const value = file.sitemap[key];
if (typeof value === 'object' && value !== null) {
entry += `\t\t<${key}:${key}>\n`;
for (const nestedKey of Object.keys(value)) {
const nestedValue = value[nestedKey];
entry += `\t\t\t<${key}:${nestedKey}>${nestedValue}</${key}:${nestedKey}>\n`;
entry += `\t\t</${key}:${key}>\n`;
} else {
entry += `\t\t<${key}>${value}</${key}>\n`;
entry += `\t</url>\n`;
return entry;
async getSitemap(file, host) {
let mainSitemap = {
name: 'sitemap.xml',
path: '/',
pathname: '/sitemap.xml',
directory: '/',
'content-type': 'application/xml',
public: true,
organization_id: file.organization_id
mainSitemap = await this.readSitemap(mainSitemap, host);
if (!mainSitemap.src)
mainSitemap.src = this.createSitemap('main')
let sitemap = {
path: '/',
pathname: file.sitemap.pathname,
directory: '/',
'content-type': 'application/xml',
public: true,
organization_id: file.organization_id
// Update loc using pathname
file.sitemap.loc = `${file.pathname}`
// Query the database for the correct sitemap based on the loc and type
if (file.sitemap.pathname) {
sitemap = await this.readSitemap(sitemap, host);
if (!sitemap.src) {
let type = 'sitemap';
// Identify content type to determine sitemap type
if (file['content-type'].startsWith('image/')) {
type = 'image';
} else if (file['content-type'].startsWith('video/')) {
type = 'video';
} else if ( {
// type = 'news';
let name = `sitemap`
if (type === 'image' || type === 'video' || type === 'news')
name = `sitemap-${type}`
// If no existing sitemap found check last index sitemap
let index = await this.getLastSitemapIndex(mainSitemap, name);
if (index) {
sitemap.pathname = `/${name}${index}.xml`
sitemap = await this.readSitemap(sitemap, host);
// Check if there's room in the last index sitemap
if (!this.checkSitemap(sitemap.src)) {
if (sitemap.src)
index += 1 = `${name}${index}.xml`
sitemap.pathname = `/${name}${index}.xml`
sitemap.src = this.createSitemap(type);
// Add the new sitemap entry
const indexEntry = `\n<sitemap>\n\t<loc>{{$host}}/${name}${index}.xml</loc>\n</sitemap>`;
mainSitemap.src = mainSitemap.src.replace('</sitemapindex>', `${indexEntry}\n</sitemapindex>`);
return { mainSitemap, sitemap }
async readSitemap(file, host) {
let data = {
method: '',
host: host,
array: 'files',
$filter: {
query: {
host: { $in: [host, '*'] },
pathname: file.pathname
limit: 1
organization_id: file.organization_id
data = await this.crud.send(data)
if (data.object && data.object.length)
return data.object[0]
return file
createSitemap(type) {
if (type === 'main')
return `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n<sitemapindex xmlns="">\n</sitemapindex>`;
else if (type === 'image' || type === 'video' || type === 'news')
return `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n<urlset xmlns="" xmlns:${type}="${type}/1.1">\n</urlset>`;
return `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n<urlset xmlns="">\n</urlset>`;
async saveSitemap(file, host) {
let data = {
method: 'object.update',
host: host,
array: 'files',
object: file,
upsert: true,
organization_id: file.organization_id
if (!file._id)
data.$filter = {
query: {
host: { $in: [host, '*'] },
pathname: file.pathname
limit: 1
data = await this.crud.send(data)
async getLastSitemapIndex(mainSitemap, filename) {
try {
// Use regex to match all sitemap entries for the given type
const regex = new RegExp(`\\/${filename}(\\d*)\\.xml<\\/loc>`, 'g');
const matches = mainSitemap.src.match(regex);
return matches ? matches.length : 0;
} catch (err) {
console.error(`Error determining next sitemap index for ${filename}:`, err);
return null; // Or some default value or throw an error
checkSitemap(sitemap) {
try {
if (!sitemap)
return false
// Count the number of <url> entries
const urlCount = (sitemap.match(/<url>/g) || []).length;
if (urlCount >= 50000)
return false;
// Get the size of the sitemap string in bytes
const fileSizeInBytes = Buffer.byteLength(sitemap, 'utf8');
const fileSizeInMB = fileSizeInBytes / (1024 * 1024);
// console.log(`Sitemap has ${urlCount} entries and is ${fileSizeInMB.toFixed(2)} MB.`);
// Check if the file size exceeds either the 50MB limit or the MongoDB 16MB limit
if (fileSizeInMB >= 50 || fileSizeInMB >= 15)
return false;
return true;
} catch (err) {
console.error('Error checking sitemap file:', err);
return false;
module.exports = CoCreateSitemap;
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