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Core visitors for the Codama framework

  • 1.0.0
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Codama ➤ Visitors ➤ Core

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This package provides core interfaces and utilities for creating visitors for Codama IDLs.


pnpm install @codama/visitors-core

[!NOTE] This package is included in the @codama/visitors package and in the main codama library. Meaning, you already have access to its content if you are installing Codama in one of these ways.

pnpm install @codama/visitors
pnpm install codama

Getting started with visitors

The Visitor type

The type Visitor<T> is the core interface for defining Codama visitors. The type parameter T is used to determine the return type of the visitor. For instance, here's the definition of a visitor that goes through the nodes and returns a number.

let myNumberVisitor: Visitor<number>;

The Visitor type accepts a second type parameter which defines the scope of nodes accepted by the visitor. By default, the visitor accepts all nodes. However, you can restrict the visitor to a specific set of nodes by providing a union of node kinds.

let myVisitorForProgramNodesOnly: Visitor<number, 'programNode'>;
let myVisitorForTypeNodesOnly: Visitor<number, TypeNode['kind']>;

The definition of the Visitor type is an object such that, for each supported node kind, a function that accepts a node of that kind and returns a value of type T is defined. The name of the function must be camel-cased, start with visit and finish with the name of the node kind without the Node suffix. For instance, the function for the programNode kind is named visitProgram.

Writing your own visitor

To write a custom visitor, you may simply define an object with the appropriate functions. For instance, here's a visitor that only visits ProgramNodes and returns the number of accounts in the program.

const accountCounterVisitor: Visitor<number, 'programNode'> = {
    visitProgram: (node: ProgramNode) => node.accounts.length,

Note that it is recommended to return visitors from functions so we can easily reuse them and parameterize them. Additionally, this allows our code to be tree-shaken by the bundler. As we will see in this documentation, all provided visitors are returned from functions even if they don't take any parameter.

Here's our previous example updated to accept a multiplier parameter.

const accountCounterVisitor = (multiplier = 1): Visitor<number, 'programNode'> => ({
    visitProgram: (node: ProgramNode) => node.accounts.length * multiplier,

In practice, writing a visitor manually can be cumbersome as a function must be provided for each supported node kind. Therefore, it is recommended to compose visitors from a set of core visitors provided by this package and extend them to suit your needs. We will see how to do this in the next sections.

Visiting nodes

Once we have a visitor, we can visit any node it supports by calling the visit function. This function accepts a node and a visitor of type Visitor<T> and returns a type T.

const counter: number = visit(programNode, accountCounterVisitor());

The visitOrElse function can also be used to gracefully handle the case where the node is not supported by the visitor. In this case, a fallback logic — provided as a third argument — is used to compute the result.

const counter: number = visit(stringTypeNode, accountCounterVisitor(), () => 0);

Also note that, if you are using the Codama interface — which is a simple wrapper around a RootNode — you may visit that root node using the provided helpers:

// Runs the visitor and returns the result.
const result: number = codama.accept(myNumberVisitor());

// Runs the visitor and updates the wrapped `RootNode` with the result.

Core visitors

As mentioned in the previous section, creating visitors is much easier when we start from a set of core visitors and extend them to suit our needs.

Therefore, let's start by exploring the core visitors provided by this package.

Filtering node kinds

Before we list each available core visitor, it is important to know that each of these functions optionally accepts a node kind or an array of node kinds as their last argument. This allows us to restrict the visitor to a specific set of nodes and will return a Visitor<T, U> instance where U is the union of the provided node kinds.

Here are some examples:

// This visitor only accepts `ProgramNodes`.
const visitor: Visitor<number, 'programNode'> = myNumberVisitor('programNode');

// This visitor accepts both `NumberTypeNodes` and `StringTypeNodes`.
const visitor: Visitor<number, 'numberTypeNode' | 'stringTypeNode'> = myNumberVisitor([

// This visitor accepts all type nodes.
const visitor: Visitor<number, TypeNode['kind']> = myNumberVisitor(TYPE_NODES);

// This visitor accepts all nodes.
const visitor: Visitor<number> = myNumberVisitor();

In the following sections describing the core visitors, this exact pattern can be used to restrict the visitors to specific node kinds. We won't cover this for each visitor but know that you can achieve this via the last argument of each function.


The voidVisitor traverses all the nodes and ends up returning undefined, regardless of the node kind.

visit(node, voidVisitor());
// ^ undefined

Visiting a node with this visitor does nothing and causes no side effects. However, it can be a great starting point for creating new visitors by extending certain visiting functions of the voidVisitor.


The staticVisitor accepts a function that is used for every node. The provided function is called with the node being visited.

const visitor: Visitor<string> = staticVisitor(node => `Visiting ${node.kind}`);
const kind = visit(numberTypeNode('u32'), visitor);
// ^ "Visiting numberTypeNode"

This visitor can be used to create simple visitors where each node shares a similar logic or to provide a starting point for more complex visitors.


The identityVisitor traverses the nodes and returns a deep copy of the visited node.

const node = visit(numberTypeNode('u32'), identityVisitor());
// ^ A different instance of numberTypeNode('u32')

Note that the returned visitor is of type Visitor<Node | null> meaning this visitor allows for nodes to be deleted — i.e. marked as null. The identityVisitor can resolve nested null references depending on the node kind. For instance, if a tupleTypeNode contains two items and the first one is null — after having visited its children — then, the tupleTypeNode will only contain the second item. It is also possible for a nested null reference to bubble up if it cannot be resolved.

Here are some examples of this behaviour by overriding the visitPublicKeyType function to return null.

const visitor = identityVisitor();
visitor.visitPublicKeyType = () => null;

const node = visit(tupleTypeNode([numberTypeNode('u32'), publicKeyTypeNode()]), visitor);
// ^ tupleTypeNode([numberTypeNode('u32')])

const node = visit(definedTypeNode({ name: 'address', type: publicKeyTypeNode() }), visitor);
// ^ null

Also note that, because the visitor is of type Node | null, it is technically possible to extend it such that a node of a different kind is returned.

const visitor = identityVisitor();
visitor.visitPublicKeyType = () => fixedSizeTypeNode(stringTypeNode('base58'), 32);


The nonNullableIdentityVisitor works the same way as the identityVisitor but it does not allow nodes to be deleted. That is, its return type must be a Node and not Node | null.

const node = visit(numberTypeNode('u32'), nonNullableIdentityVisitor());
// ^ A different instance of numberTypeNode('u32')


The mergeVisitor returns a Visitor<T> by accepting two functions such that:

  • The first function is used on the leaves of the Codama IDL and returns a type T.
  • The second function is used to merge the values T[] of the children of a node and aggregate them into a type T.

For instance, here is how we can use the mergeVisitor to create a nested string representation of node kinds.

const visitor = mergeVisitor(
    (node): string => node.kind,
    (node, values: string[]): string => `${node.kind}(${values.join(',')})`,

const result = visit(tupleTypeNode([numberTypeNode('u32'), publicKeyTypeNode()]), visitor);
// ^ "tupleTypeNode(numberTypeNode,publicKeyTypeNode)"

Here's another example, counting the number of traversed nodes.

const visitor = mergeVisitor(
    () => 1,
    (, values) => values.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 1),

const result = visit(tupleTypeNode([numberTypeNode('u32'), publicKeyTypeNode()]), visitor);
// ^ 3

The mergeVisitor is a powerful starting point to create aggregating visitors.

Composing visitors

The following visitor functions accept an existing visitor and return a new visitor that extends or modifies the behaviour of the provided visitor. These primitives can be used to create complex visitors by composing simpler ones.


The extendVisitor function accepts a base visitor and a set of function wrappers that are used to extend the behaviour of the base visitor.

Each function wrapper is given the node being visited and an object composed of two elements:

  • next: A function that can be called to delegate to the base visitor — e.g. next(node).
  • self: The visitor itself, allowing for recursive calls.

To illustrate this, consider the following base visitor that counts the number of nodes.

const baseVisitor = mergeVisitor(
    () => 1,
    (_, values) => values.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 1),

We can extend this visitor to increment the count by 10 when visiting a PublicKeyTypeNode like so:

const visitor = extendVisitor(baseVisitor, {
    visitPublicKeyType: (node, { next }) => next(node) + 10,

const result = visit(tupleTypeNode([publicKeyTypeNode(), numberTypeNode('u32')]), visitor);
// ^ 13

Notice how next(node) can be used to access the underlying visitor meaning we can extend both the input and the output of the base visitor.

Another example is to make use of the self property to recursively call the extended visitor. For instance, the following code only visits the first item of tuple types.

const visitor = extendVisitor(baseVisitor, {
    visitTupleType: (node, { self }) => visit(node.items[0], self) + 1,

const result = visit(tupleTypeNode([tupleTypeNode([publicKeyTypeNode()]), numberTypeNode('u32')]), visitor);
// ^ 3


The interceptVisitor allows us to wrap every visiting function of a provided visitor into a given function. This function has access to the node being visited and a next function that can be called to delegate to the base visitor.

For instance, the following visitor intercepts a voidVisitor and captures events when visiting nodes.

const events: string[] = [];
const visitor = interceptVisitor(voidVisitor(), (node, next) => {

visit(tupleTypeNode([numberTypeNode('u32'), publicKeyTypeNode()]), visitor);
// events === [
//     'down:tupleTypeNode',
//     'down:numberTypeNode',
//     'up:numberTypeNode',
//     'down:publicKeyTypeNode',
//     'up:publicKeyTypeNode',
//     'up:tupleTypeNode',
// ]


The interceptFirstVisitVisitor works the same way as the interceptVisitor but only intercepts the first visit of a node. This means that the provided function is called when visiting the specific node provided but not when visiting its children. The parameters are the same as for the interceptVisitor.

For instance, the following visitor intercepts a voidVisitor and captures events only during the first visit.

const events: string[] = [];
const visitor = interceptFirstVisitVisitor(voidVisitor(), (node, next) => {

visit(tupleTypeNode([numberTypeNode('u32'), publicKeyTypeNode()]), visitor);
// events === [
//     'down:tupleTypeNode',
//     'up:tupleTypeNode',
// ]


The tapVisitor function allows us to tap into the visiting functions of a provided visitor without modifying its behaviour. This means the returned visitor will behave exactly like the base visitor except that the provided function will be called for the specified node kind.

Note that the provided function must not return a value as it is only used for side effects.

let numberOfNumberNodes = 0;
const visitor = tapVisitor(voidVisitor(), 'numberTypeNode', node => {

visit(tupleTypeNode([numberTypeNode('u32'), publicKeyTypeNode()]), visitor);
// numberOfNumberNodes === 1


The mapVisitor function accepts a base visitor of type Visitor<T> and a function of type (value: T) => U; and returns a new visitor of type Visitor<U>.

// Gets a nested string representation of node kinds.
const baseVisitor = mergeVisitor(
    node => node.kind as string,
    (node, values) => `${node.kind}(${values.join(',')})`,

// Counts the number of characters in the string representation.
const visitor = mapVisitor(baseVisitor, (value: string): number => value.length);

const result = visit(tupleTypeNode([numberTypeNode('u32'), publicKeyTypeNode()]), visitor);
// ^ 47


The pipe helper function allows us to compose visitors in a more readable way. It accepts a base visitor and a set of visitor functions that are used to extend the behaviour of the previous visitor at each step.

const visitor = pipe(
    v => extendVisitor(v /** ... */),
    v => interceptVisitor(v /** ... */),
    v => mapVisitor(v /** ... */),
    v => tapVisitor(v /** ... */),

For instance, here's an example using the pipe function to transform an identityVisitor into a visitor that:

  • Transforms all number types into u64 numbers.
  • Logs the amount of items in tuple types.
  • Wraps the visited node in a DefinedTypeNode labelled "gift".
const visitor = pipe(
    // Starts with the identity visitor.
    v =>
        // Extends the visitor to make all number types u64.
        extendVisitor(v, {
            visitNumberType: node => numberTypeNode('u64'),
    v =>
        // Log the amount of items in tuple types.
        tapVisitor(v, 'tupleTypeNode', node => {
    v =>
        // Wrap the visited node in a `DefinedTypeNode` labelled "gift".
        interceptVisitor(v, node => (node, next) => {
            return definedTypeNode({ name: 'gift', type: next(node) });


The singleNodeVisitor function is a simple primitive that creates a Visitor that only visits a single node kind. It accepts a node kind and a function that is used to visit that node kind. Any other node kind will not be supported by the visitor.

const visitor = singleNodeVisitor('tupleTypeNode', node => node.items.length);

const result = visit(tupleTypeNode([numberTypeNode('u32'), publicKeyTypeNode()]), visitor);
// ^ 2

Additionally, a rootNodeVisitor shortcut is provided to create a visitor that only visits RootNodes. This can be useful to design top-level visitors using custom logic.

For instance, we can create a visitor that takes a RootNode and updates it through a series of other visitors before returning the updated RootNode.

const visitor = rootNodeVisitor((root: RootNode) => {
    let newRoot = root;
    newRoot = visit(newRoot, visitorA);
    newRoot = visit(newRoot, visitorB);
    newRoot = visit(newRoot, visitorC);
    return newRoot;

Recording node stacks


The NodeStack class is a utility that allows us to record the stack of nodes that led to a specific node.

For instance, consider the following node:

const node = definedTypeNode({
    name: 'myType',
    type: tupleTypeNode([numberTypeNode('u32'), publicKeyTypeNode()]),

In this example, the numberTypeNode can be reached using the following stack:

const stack = new NodeStack()
    .push(node) // -> definedTypeNode.
    .push(node.type) // -> tupleTypeNode.
    .push(node.type.items[0]); // -> numberTypeNode.

Once you have access to a NodeStack instance — provided by various utility visitors — you may use the following methods:

// Push a node to the stack.
// Pop the last node out of the stack.
const lastNode = nodeStack.pop();
// Peek at the last node in the stack.
const lastNode = nodeStack.peek();
// Get all the nodes in the stack as an array.
const nodes = nodeStack.all();
// Get the closest node in the stack matching one or several node kinds.
const nodes = nodeStack.find('accountNode');
// Get the closest program node in the stack.
const nodes = nodeStack.getProgram();
// Get the closest instruction node in the stack.
const nodes = nodeStack.getInstruction();
// Check if the stack is empty.
const isEmpty = nodeStack.isEmpty();
// Clone the stack.
const clonedStack = nodeStack.clone();
// Get a string representation of the stack.
const stackString = nodeStack.toString();


The recordNodeStackVisitor function gives us a convenient way to record the stack of each node currently being visited. It accepts a base visitor and an empty NodeStack instance that will automatically be pushed and popped as the visitor traverses the nodes. This means that we can inject the NodeStack instance into another extension of the visitor to access the stack whilst visiting the nodes.

For instance, here's how we can log the NodeStack of any base visitor as we visit the nodes.

const stack = new NodeStack();
const visitor = pipe(
    v => recordNodeStackVisitor(v, stack),
    v =>
        interceptVisitor(v, (node, next) => {
            return next(node);

Selecting nodes

When visiting a tree of nodes, it is often useful to be explicit about the paths we want to select. For instance, I may want to delete all accounts from a program node named "token".

To take end, the NodeSelector type represents a node selection that can take two forms:

  • A NodeSelectorFunction of type (node: Node, stack: NodeStack) => boolean. In this case, the provided function is used to determine if the node should be selected.
  • A NodeSelectorPath of type string. In this case, the provided string uses a simple syntax to select nodes.

The NodeSelectorPath syntax is as follows:

  • Plain text is used to match the name of a node, if any. For instance, token will match any node named "token".
  • Square brackets [] are used to match the kind of a node. For instance, [programNode] will match any ProgramNode.
  • Plain text and square brackets can be combined to match both the name and the kind of a node. For instance, [programNode]token will match any ProgramNode named "token".
  • Plain texts and/or square brackets can be chained using dots . to match several nodes in the current NodeStack.
  • Dot-separated paths must follow the provided order but do not need to be contiguous or exhaustive. This means that a.b.c will match a NodeStack that looks like x.a.y.b.z.c but not b.a.c.
  • The last item of a dot-separated path must match the last node of the NodeStack. For instance, a.b will not match a.b.x.
  • The wildcard * can be used at the end of the path to match any node within the matching path. For instance, a.b.* will match a.b.x.

Here are some examples:

// Matches any `AccountNode`.

// Matches any node named "mint".

// Matches any `AccountNode` named "mint".

// Matches any `AccountNode` named "mint" within a `ProgramNode` named "token".

// Matches any node within a `ProgramNode` named "token" (excluding the program node itself).

// Matches any node named "amount" within a `StructTypeNode` within any node named "token".

The NodeSelector type is used by various visitors such as the bottomUpTransformerVisitor or the deleteNodesVisitor to help us select the nodes we want to transform or delete.

Transforming nodes

This package offers several visitors to facilitate the transformation and/or deletion of nodes. These visitors are designed to be used in conjunction with the NodeSelector type to select the nodes we want to transform/delete.


The bottomUpTransformerVisitor traverses the nodes and intercepts them on the way back up. This means that when we reach a node, we have already visited all its children.

This visitor accepts an array of transformers where each transformer is an object with the following properties:

  • select: A NodeSelector or an array of NodeSelectors used to select the nodes we want to transform. When multiple selectors are provided, they must all match for the node to be selected.
  • transform: A function that accepts the selected node and its NodeStack; and returns a new node or null to delete the node.

Here are a few examples:

const visitor = bottomUpTransformerVisitor([
        // Transform all numbers into u64 numbers.
        select: '[numberTypeNode]',
        transform: () => numberTypeNode('u64'),
        // Delete all account nodes that start with "m".
        select: ['[accountNode]', node => 'name' in node &&'m')],
        transform: () => null,
        // Prefix all fields inside a defined type with "super".
        select: '[definedTypeNode]metadata.[structFieldTypeNode]',
        transform: node => structFieldTypeNode({ ...node, name: `super${pascalCase(}` }),

Additionally, transformers can be provided directly as functions. In this case, the function is used to transform all the nodes and further filtering may be needed inside the function.

const visitor = bottomUpTransformerVisitor([
    (node, stack) => {
        if (!isNode(node, numberTypeNode)) {
            return node;
        const swappedEndian = node.endian === 'be' ? 'le' : 'be';
        return numberTypeNode(node.format, swappedEndian);


The topDownTransformerVisitor works the same way as the bottomUpTransformerVisitor but intercepts the nodes on the way down. This means that when we reach a node, we have not yet visited its children.

const visitor = topDownTransformerVisitor([
        // Half the amount of all accounts and instructions in programs.
        // The other half won't be visited on the way down.
        select: '[programNode]',
        transform: node =>
                accounts: node.accounts.slice(0, Math.floor(node.accounts.length / 2)),
                instructions: node.instructions.slice(0, Math.floor(node.instructions.length / 2)),


The deleteNodesVisitor accepts an array of NodeSelectors and deletes all the nodes that match any of the provided selectors. Therefore, it is equivalent to using a transformer visitor such that the transform function returns null for the selected nodes.

// Deletes all account nodes named "mint" and all number type nodes.
const visitor = deleteNodesVisitor(['[accountNode]mint', '[numberTypeNode]']);

String representations

This package also offers visitors that help render nodes as strings. These visitors can be useful for debugging purposes as well as getting a unique hash string representation of a node.


The getDebugStringVisitor provides a string representation of the nodes that can be used for debugging purposes. By default, it inlines the content of the nodes and does not include any indentation.

const visitor = getDebugStringVisitor();
const result = visit(tupleTypeNode([numberTypeNode('u32'), publicKeyTypeNode()]), visitor);
// ^ "tupleTypeNode(numberTypeNode[u32], publicKeyTypeNode)"

However, you can provide the indent option to get a more readable string representation.

const visitor = getDebugStringVisitor({ indent: true });
const result = visit(tupleTypeNode([numberTypeNode('u32'), publicKeyTypeNode()]), visitor);
// tupleTypeNode
// |   numberTypeNode [u32]
// |   publicKeyTypeNode

Note that this string does not always include every piece of information a node has to offer. Therefore, it cannot be used as a unique identifier for the content of a node. For that purpose, see the getUniqueHashStringVisitor below.


The getUniqueHashStringVisitor provides a unique string representation of the node that can be used to get a unique hash for that node. In other words, if two different nodes have the exact same content, they will output the same string.

const visitor = getUniqueHashStringVisitor();
const result = visit(tupleTypeNode([numberTypeNode('u32'), publicKeyTypeNode()]), visitor);
// ^ '{"items":[{"endian":"le","format":"u32","kind":"numberTypeNode"},{"kind":"publicKeyTypeNode"}],"kind":"tupleTypeNode"}'


The consoleLogVisitor accepts any Visitor<string> and transforms it into a Visitor<void> such that the provided string is logged to the console.

// Outputs the indented debug string to the console.
const visitor = consoleLogVisitor(getDebugStringVisitor({ indent: true }));


The LinkableDictionary type is a utility that allows us to store and access linkable nodes — such as ProgramNodes, AccountNodes or PdaNodes — from their respective link nodes.

It offers the following API:

const linkables = new LinkableDictionary();

// Record program nodes.

// Record other linkable nodes with their associated program node.

// Get a linkable node using a link node, or throw an error if it is not found.
const programNode = linkables.getOrThrow(programLinkNode);

// Get a linkable node using a link node, or return undefined if it is not found.
const accountNode = linkables.get(accountLinkNode);

Note that this API must be used in conjunction with the recordLinkablesVisitor to record the linkable nodes and, later on, resolve the link nodes as we traverse the nodes. This is because the LinkableDictionary instance keeps track of its own internal NodeStack in order to understand which program node should be used for a given link node.


Much like the recordNodeStackVisitor, the recordLinkablesVisitor allows us to record linkable nodes as we traverse the tree of nodes. It accepts a base visitor and LinkableDictionary instance; and records any linkable node it encounters.

This means that we can inject the LinkableDictionary instance into another extension of the base visitor to resolve any link node we encounter.

Here's an example that records a LinkableDictionary and uses it to log the amount of seeds in each linked PDA node.

const linkables = new LinkableDictionary();
const visitor = pipe(
    v =>
        tapVisitor(v, 'pdaLinkNode', node => {
            const pdaNode = linkables.getOrThrow(node);
            console.log(`${pdaNode.seeds.length} seeds`);
    v => recordLinkablesVisitor(v, linkables),

Note that the recordLinkablesVisitor should always be the last visitor in the pipe to ensure that all linkable nodes are recorded before being used.

Other useful visitors

This package provides a few other visitors that may help build more complex visitors.


The getByteSizeVisitor calculates the byte size of a given TypeNode. It returns a number if the byte size is fixed or null if it is variable. It requires a LinkableDictionary instance to resolve any link nodes it encounters.

const visitor = getByteSizeVisitor(linkables);
const size = visit(tupleTypeNode([numberTypeNode('u32'), publicKeyTypeNode()]), visitor);
// ^ 36 (4 bytes for the u32 number and 32 bytes for the public key)


The getResolvedInstructionInputsVisitor visits InstructionNodes only and returns an array of instruction accounts and arguments in the order they should be rendered for their default values to be resolved.

For instance, say we have an instruction with two accounts and one argument such that argumentA defaults to accountB and accountA is a PDA that uses argumentA as a seed. Therefore, the visitor will return an array in the order [accountB, argumentA, accountA].

This is mostly useful when rendering client code for instructions.


The removeDocsVisitor goes through all nodes that have a docs property and clears its content.

const node = definedTypeNode({
    name: 'authority',
    type: publicKeyTypeNode(),
    docs: ['The authority of the account'],
const updatedNode = visit(node, removeDocsVisitor());
// ^ definedTypeNode({ name: 'authority', type: publicKeyTypeNode() })

This is used internally by the getUniqueHashStringVisitor to get a unique identifier for a node regardless of its documentation.



Package last updated on 09 Oct 2024

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