The NextApp CDK construct deploys a standalone Next.js build to a load balanced Fargate service on AWS.
It automatically mounts the ~/.npmrc
file as a build secret for installation of private NPM packages.
Next.js Configuration
Your next.config.js
file needs to be configured for standalone output.
const nextConfig = {
output: "standalone",
In order to use this construct, your Next.js application needs to be configured for Docker deployments. See the official documentation for more information.
Standard Repository
For a non-monorepo build, simply provide the path to the directory that contains your Dockerfile.
new NextApp(this, "NextApp", {
source: "../next",
For monorepo builds, set the build context to the root of your monorepo, and provide the path to your Next.js module's Dockerfile.
new NextApp(this, "NextApp", {
source: {
directory: "../../",
file: "apps/next/Dockerfile",
Arguments and Secrets
The NextApp is based on the DockerCluster construct and supports all of its features related to Docker's build arguments and secrets.
These arguments and secrets need to be handled appropriately by your Dockerfile in order for them to have any effect.
import { DockerBuildSecret } from "aws-cdk-lib";
new NextApp(this, "NextApp", {
source: {
arguments: {
secrets: {
myBuildSecret: new DockerBuildSecret.fromEnvironment("MY_BUILD_SECRET"),
The NextApp is based on the DockerCluster construct and supports all of its features for vertical scaling and horizontal (auto-)scaling.
new NextApp(this, "NextApp", {
service: {
cpu: 1024,
memory: 4096,
tasks: 3,
new NextApp(this, "NextApp", {
service: {
tasks: {
minimum: 1,
maximum: 5,