- ⚛️ updates outside react components
- 🪝 easy access to all store values
- ✍️ no repeating yourself
- ⚡️ no unnecessary rerenders
- 🚀 typescript intellisense
Zustand is great, but you must write your own types for all stores (state, methods, etc.)
Jotai is also great, but you would most likely end up creating close to identical code for each store
([a, setA] = useAtom(aAtom), [b, setB] = useAtom(bAtom))
This simple createStore function solves all of those problems, using simple built in react api useSyncExternalStore, fast-deep-equal and some typescript magic 🪄
Example usage
import { storage, createStore } from './store'
const { useStore } = createStore({
key1: 'value1',
key2: storage('value2')
const A = () => {
const { state, actions } = useStore('key1')
return <input value={state.hello} onChange={event => actions.setHello(event.target.value)} />
const B = () => {
const { state, actions } = useStore('key1', 'key2')
return <input value={state.key2} onChange={event => actions.setKey2(event.target.value)} />
const App = () => {
return (
<A />
<B />
It takes object which is initial state of the store and returns:
Hook that allows to subscribe and update given properties of store, based on keys which you pass into it
const { useStore } = createStore({ test: 'some value' })
Returns current state of the store
const { getState } = createStore({ test: 'some value' })
Object that contains of all actions to update store properties
const { getState, actions } = createStore({ test: 'some value' })
actions.setTest('hello world')
Allows to synchronize store with localStorage
const { useStore } = createStore({
hello: storage<string>(),
test: storage('value'),
user: storage<User | null>(null, 'STORAGE_USER')
It takes two parameters, both are optional - initialValue
and storageKey
If you want pass storageKey into it, it will use the key that you've used as its name in initial store value (👆 hello and world are examples of that)
Synchronizer is util that allows to synchronize store with something external localStorage, database, device storage etc.
storage is example of it
type Synchronizer<T> = {
value: T,
subscribe: (update: (value: T) => void, key: string) => VoidFunction,
getSnapshot: (key: string) => T | Promise<T>,
update: (value: T, key: string) => void