@codingame/monaco-editor-wrapper ·
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Monaco editor wrapper that adds some features and improvements to it:
- It uses VS Code extensions for all languages, including:
- TextMate grammars
- Language configurations
- Language snippets
- Language default editor configuration
- Language resources loading are lazy using dynamic imports (compatible with webpack)
- It requires using VS Code themes instead of Monaco themes and includes default vscode themes
- Keybindings and user configuration like in VS Code
- Vim and Emacs modes
- It configures the workers
- It adds some features:
- Smart tabs in Cobol
- A way to register a text model content provider and a editor open handler
- It allows the opening of an overlay editor when navigating to an external file
- It adds some language aliases
npm install @codingame/monaco-editor-wrapper
Simple usage
The monaco-editor api should be used except for the editor creation.
Instead of using monaco.editor.create
, you should use the createEditor
exposed by this library.
Embed language IntelliSense
By default, monaco-editor contains worker to achieve IntelliSense in CSS, SCSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, JSON and HTML.
To enable them, import the following files:
import '@codingame/monaco-editor-wrapper/features/jsonContribution'
- JavaScript/TypeScript:
import '@codingame/monaco-editor-wrapper/features/typescriptContribution'
import '@codingame/monaco-editor-wrapper/features/cssContribution'
import '@codingame/monaco-editor-wrapper/features/htmlContribution'
Additional apis
User configuration
This library exposed some functions to manage the user global configuration:
Allows registering default values for some configuration keys which can be overriddenupdateUserConfiguration
Update the user configuration, overrides the default configuration, uses the same syntax as VS Code configurationgetUserConfiguartion
Get back the current user configurationonUserConfigurationChange
Get notified when the user configuration change (either after calling updateUserConfiguration or from internal configuration update)getConfiguration
Allows to get a given configuration key in a given languageonConfigurationChanged
Listen to configuration changeupdateKeybindings
aAlows to update the editor keybindings with the same syntax as in VS CodeupdateEditorKeybindingsMode
Switch between vim
, emacs
or classic