Connect Hosted SDK
Installing Wallet SDK
npm install @cometh/hosted-connect-sdk
Initialize Wallet SDK
import { HostedConnect } from '@cometh/hosted-connect-sdk'
const connect = new HostedConnect(apiKey)
This method is used to authenticate the user and get the OAuth token through an OAUTH flow with ComethOIDC.
An IFrame will be generated to handle the authentication process.
const oauthToken = await connect.auth.authenticate()
Smart Wallet
It is required to call this function before any others.
This function initialize the communication with the Cometh Connect wallet and verify that the wallet exist. In order to create a wallet, the user must register on Cometh OIDC.
await connect.wallet.connect()
Get Address
This function returns the address of the wallet.
Send Transaction
const txParams = { to: DESTINATION, value: VALUE, data: DATA }
const tx = await connect.wallet.sendTransaction(txParams)
This function relays the transaction data to the target address. The transaction fees can be sponsored. The function returns the safeTxHash of the transaction which can be used to wait for the Transaction receipt.
Get Transaction receipt
const txPending = await provider.getTransaction(tx.safeTxHash);
const txReceipt = await txPending.wait();
This function relays the transaction data to the target address. The transaction fees can be sponsored.
Sign Message
const signature = await connect.wallet.signMessage('hello')
Sign the given message using the EOA, owner of the smart wallet.