id | string | - | - | - | Used as HTML id property for the radion RadioInput.Group . Each RadioInput.Option will also get an id with an index number appended, to make it unique |
name | string | - | - | - | Used as HTML name property for each RadioInput.Option |
value | string | ✅ | - | - | Value of the selected radio RadioInput.Option |
onChange | func | - | - | - | Called with the new value. Required when input is not read only. Parent should pass it back as value |
onBlur | func | - | - | - | Called when an RadioInput.Option is blurred |
onFocus | func | - | - | - | Called when an RadioInput.Option is focused |
isDisabled | bool | - | - | false | Indicates that all RadioInput.Option s cannot be used (e.g not authorised, or changes not saved) |
isReadOnly | bool | - | - | false | Indicates that all RadioInput.Option s are displaying read-only content |
hasError | bool | - | - | - | Indicates the radio RadioInput.Option has an error |
hasWarning | bool | - | - | - | Indicates the radio RadioInput.Option has a warning |
horizontalConstraint | string | - | m | l | xl | scale | scale | Horizontal size limit of the radio RadioInput.Group (only available in stack direction) |
direction | string | - | stack | inline | stack | Rendering direction of the radio RadioInput.Option s |
directionProps | object | - | - | { scale: "m" } | Passes props of the Spacings.Stack or Spacings.Inline , dependeing on the chosen direction |
children | node | ✅ | - | - | At least one RadioInput.Option component or another node (mixed children are allowed) |
value | string | boolean | - | - | - | The selected value of one of the RadioInput.Option s |