What is @commitlint/ensure?
@commitlint/ensure is a utility package that provides functions to validate and ensure certain conditions on strings, such as checking if a string is a valid URL, if it matches a specific pattern, or if it adheres to a certain length. It is commonly used in conjunction with commitlint to enforce commit message conventions.
What are @commitlint/ensure's main functionalities?
The `isUrl` function checks if a given string is a valid URL. In this example, it returns `true` for a valid URL.
const { isUrl } = require('@commitlint/ensure');
const result = isUrl('https://example.com');
console.log(result); // true
The `isLongerThan` function checks if a given string is longer than a specified length. In this example, it returns `true` because 'hello' is longer than 3 characters.
const { isLongerThan } = require('@commitlint/ensure');
const result = isLongerThan('hello', 3);
console.log(result); // true
The `matches` function checks if a given string matches a specified regular expression pattern. In this example, it returns `true` because 'hello' starts with 'h'.
const { matches } = require('@commitlint/ensure');
const result = matches('hello', /^h/);
console.log(result); // true
Other packages similar to @commitlint/ensure
The `validator` package provides a comprehensive set of string validation and sanitization functions. It offers similar functionalities to @commitlint/ensure, such as URL validation, string length checks, and pattern matching, but with a broader range of validation options.
The `joi` package is a powerful schema description language and data validator for JavaScript. While it is more complex and feature-rich compared to @commitlint/ensure, it can be used to validate strings, including checking for patterns, lengths, and formats like URLs.
The `yup` package is a JavaScript schema builder for value parsing and validation. Similar to `joi`, it provides extensive validation capabilities, including string validation, pattern matching, and length checks, making it a more versatile but also more complex alternative to @commitlint/ensure.