Using as a library
This npm library provides two main files that will aid in interfacing with the CODAP Data Interactives API. codapInterface.ts
sets up some basic functions for interfacing with CODAP, while codap-helper.ts
contains more specialized functions utilizing the CODAP Data Interactive API for a variety of different purposes. Find the full documentation of the CODAP Data Interactive API here.
Installing and usage
In the directory of your plugin project, run npm install codap-plugin-api
In myComponent.js:
import codapInterface from "codap-plugin-api";
import codapHelpers from "codap-plugin-api";
const myComponent = () => {
useEffect(() => {
const myOptions = {
pluginName: myPlugin;
version: 1.0.0;
dimensions: {
width: 300,
height: 400
}, []);
For more examples of how to use the npm package, see the CODAP Plugin Starter Project.
If you want to build a local version run npm build
, it will create the files in the dist
- Make sure if you are using Visual Studio Code that you use the workspace version of TypeScript.
To ensure that you are open a TypeScript file in VSC and then click on the version number next to
TypeScript React
in the status bar and select 'Use Workspace Version' in the popup menu.
To release a new version:
Make sure you have an npm publishing account under the concordconsortium namespace.
Update the version number in package.json
Run npm install
to update the version number in package-lock.json
Run npm run build
to build the new version.
Run npm publish --access public
to publish the new version.
CODAP Plugin API are Copyright 2018 (c) by the Concord Consortium and is distributed under the MIT license.
See for the complete license text.