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conda-store-ui is an add-on Graphical User Interface to conda-store.
If you're looking for the JupyterLab Extension, you can find it at jupyterlab-conda-store
Get Started 💻
To learn how to use conda-store-ui alongside conda-store, please visit the conda-store-ui documentation.
Development 👩🏻💻
Please refer to the conda-store
docs: Contribute code - conda-store-ui.
Making a release 🚀
To create a new version of this package: the release captain will open an issue with the release
template and follow
the steps outlined in the issue.
🔗 You can find more details about out release process and versioning approach in our
Maintenance docs.
Running Tests
This repo contains two types of tests: Jest and Playwright
Jest tests
To run the Jest tests, run the following command:
yarn test
Playwright tests
Steps to install and set up:
conda env create -f environment_dev.yml
conda activate cs-ui-dev-env
playwright install chromium
cp .env.example .env
corepack enable
yarn install --immutable
yarn build
Line by line, here's what the commands above do:
- Create Conda environment
- Activate Conda environment
- Install Playwright-usable browser
- Copy environment variables
- Use Corepack to set Yarn to correct version
- Use Yarn to install JavaScript dependencies
- Build app
To run the tests, you will need to run the following commands in two separate terminal windows
or tabs:
- In the first terminal window/tab, enter the following:
conda activate cs-ui-dev-env
yarn start
- Wait for server to start (you'll know it's ready when it says "webpack 5.xx.x
compiled successfully"). Open a new terminal window or tab and enter the
conda activate cs-ui-dev-env
If you need to debug, try replacing the last command with:
PWDEBUG=1 pytest
PW stands for Playwright. PWDEBUG=1
puts Playwright in debug mode.
Code of Conduct 🤝
To guarantee a welcoming and friendly community, we require all community members to follow our Code of Conduct.
License 📃
conda-store-ui is developed under the BSD-3 LICENSE.