Forma 36 Tokens
This package includes design tokens for Forma 36. The tokens are organized as Javscript files and compiled into JSON, CSS & SCSS files.
This package provides tools for generating the JSON files and CSS variables out of the tokens.
Getting started
Create all tokens by running yarn build
This script populates the dist folder with all tokens as JSON, CSS and SCSS files. All tokens are bundled in a token.json and index.css/scss file.
Additionally a color.css/scss file is generated which bundles all color tokens.
├── colors-blue.js
├── colors-contrast.js
├── colors-coral.js
├── colors-elements.js
├── colors-green.js
├── colors-ice.js
├── colors-mint.js
├── colors-orange.js
├── colors-red.js
├── colors-semantic.js
├── colors-text.js
├── colors-white.js
├── shadows.js
├── spacing.js
├── transitions.js
└── typography.js