A Component for displaying large lists of tabular data from an external API.
yarn add @copart/row-select-table
Code Example
import React from 'react'
import RowSelectTable from '@copart/row-select-table'
const column = (name, headerCellContent, other = {}) => ({
sortable: true,
const results = [
{ id: 0, first_name: 'Leia', last_name: 'Skywalker', home_planet: 'Naboo' },
{ id: 1, first_name: 'Darth', last_name: 'Vader', home_planet: 'Tatooine' },
id: 2,
first_name: 'Luke',
last_name: 'Skywalker',
home_planet: 'Tatooine'
{ id: 3, first_name: 'Han', last_name: 'Solo', home_planet: 'Unknown' },
{ id: 4, first_name: 'Rey', last_name: '', home_planet: 'Jakku' },
{ id: 5, first_name: 'Kylo', last_name: 'Ren', home_planet: 'Unknown' }
const renderAction = () => <i className="material-icons">remove_red_eye</i>
const getColumnMetadata = () => [
column('first_name', 'First Name', {}),
column('last_name', 'Last Name', {}),
column('home_planet', 'Home Planet', {})
const RowSelectTableExample = () => (
getRowId={(rowData) =>}
noDataMessage={'No results found.'}
setPage={() => {}}
onRowClick={(rowData, e) => console.log('Row Clicked')}
changeSort={() => {}}
setFilter={() => {}}
pageSizeOptions={[20, 40, 100]}
export default RowSelectTableExample
Actions File
import { getActions } from '@copart/row-select-table'
const { ready, load, clear, failed, setPage, changeSort, setFilter } = getActions('componentName')
Reducers File
import { getReducer } from '@copart/row-select-table'
const componentReducer = (state = {}, action ) => {
return state
export default getReducer(componentReducer, 'componentName', 20, '')
Param | Type | Description |
props | Object | |
props.results | Array.<Object> | The data used to populate the rows. |
props.columnMetadata | Array.<ColumnMetadataObject> | Information about how to display each column. |
props.getRowId | function | For helping React generate a unique key for each row. This function is called once with each object in props.results. |
props.onRowClick | function | A function that is called with an object from props.results when the corresponding row is clicked (or when the Enter is pressed while selected). |
props.changeSort | function | Takes a sortColumn and sortAscending value as parameters--called when a sortable column's header is clicked. |
props.setPage | function | Takes an object with page property (and optionally, pageSize) to change the currentPage and pageSize props. |
props.maxPage | number | The last available page in your results. (For pagination in footer.) |
props.pageSize | number | The number of rows per page. (For pagination in footer.) |
props.pageSizeOptions | Array.<number> | The different options the user should be able to set for pageSize. (For pagination in footer) |
props.currentPage | number | The current page. (For pagination in footer) |
props.isLoading | bool | Whether or not to display a spinner. Set this value to false when your AJAX request resolves. |
props.sortColumn | string | The column currently being used to sort the results. (For sort icon in header.) |
props.sortAscending | bool | True for ascending, false for descending. (For sort icon in header) |
props.noDataMessage | function | A function that returns a component to be displayed when there is no data available. Should be customised from Parent. |
props.footerLabels | Object | Object containing footer labels that are displayed in the Footer Section. |
props.rowSelectionEnabled | bool | True if RowSelction is enabled, false if RowSelection is not required |
props.onSelectAllRows | function | A function that is called when selectAllRows checkbox is clicked. Mandatory when rowSelectionEnabled is true |
props.onSelectRow | function | A function that is called when a row is selected by clicking checkbox. Mandatory when rowSelectionEnabled is true |
props.isRowSelected | function | A function that is called for every row to indicate if the row is selected or not. Mandatory when rowSelectionEnabled is true |
props.isAllRowsSelected | bool | True if all rows are selected. False if all rows are not selected. Mandatory when rowSelectionEnabled is true |
props.showSortableColumns | bool | Optional prop that allows user to hide default icon for sortable icons. Defaulted to true. Pass false to hide icon |
props.stickyHeader | bool | Optional prop that controls whether the header of the table is sticky when scrolling. Stickiness will cause the header to stay at the top even when scrolling past |
props.stickyFooter | bool | Optional prop that controls whether the footer of the table is sticky when scrolling. Stickiness will cause the header to stay at the top even when scrolling past |
getActions('ComponentName') returns to you set of Actions that are component specific and allow you to dispatch unique actions and have multiple RowSelectTables throughout the application.
getReducer(componentReducer, componentName, initalPageSize, initialSortColumn )
Configuration for your columns.
Kind: inner typedef of RowSelectTable
Name | Type | Default | Description |
columnName | string | | A key that matches a key in your props.results objects. |
headerCellContent | string | number | React.Element | | The content of this column's header cell. |
display | function | (val) => val | An optional function to transform your data in results before displaying it in the table. Should return a valid React node. |
sortable | bool | false | Whether to allow sorting by clicking the column header. |
Contributions are welcome, create a Pull Request for any improvements/fixes.