Coscom UI is a lightweight UI components library for VueJS made for internal use. It offers a set of easily customisable components and doesn't depend on any specific style or CSS framework. More components will be added in the future.
Coscom UI is available at npm.
# Using npm
npm install @coscom/coscom-ui
# Using yarn
yarn add @coscom/coscom-ui
- 🚀 50+ High Quality Components
- 💪 Write Once, Multi-End Use
- 📖 Based on JD APP 10.0 Visual Specifications
- 🍭 Support Tree Shaking
- 📖 Extensive Documentation and Demos
- 💪 Written in TypeScript
- 💪 Support SSR (Experimental)
- 🍭 Support Custom Themes with 700+ Style Variables
- 🌍 Support i18n
- 🍭 100%+ Unit Test Coverage
- 📖 Provide Sketch Design Resources
# npm run build:lib
it create dist folder with all components exported
# npm run generate
it creates .output/public to output to any static hosting
# npm run preview
Generates a single html page with all available components.
You can run different commands depending on the target :
# target: server (default value)
nuxt dev - Launch the development server.
nuxt build - Build and optimize your application with webpack for production.
nuxt start - Start the production server (after running nuxt build). Use it for Node.js hosting like Heroku, Digital Ocean, etc.
# target: static
nuxt dev - Launch the development server.
nuxt generate - Build the application (if needed), generate every route as a HTML file and statically export to dist/ directory (used for static hosting).
nuxt start - serve the dist/ directory like your static hosting would do (Netlify, Vercel, Surge, etc), great for testing before deploying.
## Plugin
Coscom UI plugin is required to be installed with the **use** function to set up the default [configuration](
import { createApp } from 'vue';
import Coscom from 'coscom/config';
const app = createApp(App);
Note: the documentation source code is in the docs
directory, it serves as the demo as well.
Coscom UI has two theming has modes; styled or unstyled.
Styled Mode
No dependency on a specific CSS framework/library but you can easily integrate the components with one of them because they are fully customizable in different ways.
import 'coscom-ui/resources/themes/theme.css';
Unstyled Mode
Unstyled mode is disabled by default for all components. Using the Coscom UI plugin during installation, set unstyled
as true to enable it globally.
import { createApp } from 'vue';
import Coscom from 'coscom/config';
const app = createApp(App);
app.use(Coscom, { unstyled: true });
Each component can be imported individually so that you only bundle what you use. Import path is available in the documentation of the corresponding component.
import Button from '@coscom-ui/button';
import Editor from '@coscom/coscom-ui/editor';
import Toast from '@coscom/coscom-ui/toast';
const app = createApp(App);
app.component('Button', Button);
app.component('Editor', Editor);
app.component('Toast', Toast);
Prop Cases
Component prop names are described as camel case throughout the documentation however kebab-case is also fully supported. Events on the other hand should always be kebab-case.
<Dialog :showHeader="false"></Dialog>
<!-- can be written as -->
<Dialog :show-header="false"></Dialog>
Whether to install the Coscom UI plugin, defaults to true. Disable this option if you prefer to configure Coscom UI manually e.g. with a Nuxt plugin.
coscom: {
useCoscom: true;
The names of the components, directives and composables to import and register are provided using the include property. When the value is ignored or set using the * alias, all of the components, directives and composables are registered respectively.
coscomui: {
components: {
include: ['Button', 'DataTable']
directives: {
include: ['Ripple', 'Tooltip']
composables: {
include: ['useStyle']
In styled mode, the theme can be defined at Nuxt configuration with the css property. Note that this only applies to styled mode, in unstyled mode a theme file is not required as styling is done externally.
export default defineNuxtConfig({
css: ['coscom-ui/resources/themes/theme.css']