What is @cosmjs/utils?
@cosmjs/utils is a utility library for JavaScript and TypeScript that provides a collection of helper functions for common tasks. It is part of the CosmJS suite, which is designed to interact with the Cosmos SDK and other blockchain technologies. The utilities in this package help with data manipulation, encoding/decoding, and other common operations.
What are @cosmjs/utils's main functionalities?
Data Manipulation
The `arrayContentEquals` function checks if two arrays have the same content. This is useful for comparing arrays without worrying about the order of elements.
const { arrayContentEquals } = require('@cosmjs/utils');
const array1 = [1, 2, 3];
const array2 = [1, 2, 3];
const array3 = [4, 5, 6];
console.log(arrayContentEquals(array1, array2)); // true
console.log(arrayContentEquals(array1, array3)); // false
The `toHex` and `fromHex` functions are used to convert data to and from hexadecimal strings. This is particularly useful for encoding binary data in a human-readable format.
const { toHex, fromHex } = require('@cosmjs/utils');
const data = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3, 4]);
const hexString = toHex(data);
console.log(hexString); // '01020304'
const decodedData = fromHex(hexString);
console.log(decodedData); // Uint8Array [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
String Manipulation
The `assert` and `assertDefined` functions are used for validation. `assert` checks if a condition is true, while `assertDefined` ensures that a value is not undefined. These functions help in writing robust code by enforcing certain conditions.
const { assert, assertDefined } = require('@cosmjs/utils');
const value = 'Hello, World!';
assert(value.length > 0, 'Value should not be empty');
const definedValue = 'CosmJS';
assertDefined(definedValue, 'Value should be defined');
Other packages similar to @cosmjs/utils
Lodash is a popular utility library that provides a wide range of functions for data manipulation, including array and object operations, string manipulation, and more. Compared to @cosmjs/utils, Lodash offers a broader set of utilities and is widely used in the JavaScript community.
Underscore is another utility library similar to Lodash, offering a variety of functions for data manipulation and functional programming. While it has a smaller footprint compared to Lodash, it provides many of the same functionalities. @cosmjs/utils is more specialized for blockchain-related tasks, whereas Underscore is more general-purpose.
Ramda is a functional programming library for JavaScript that emphasizes immutability and side-effect-free functions. It provides utilities for data manipulation, similar to @cosmjs/utils, but with a focus on functional programming paradigms. Ramda is ideal for developers who prefer a functional approach to coding.

Utility functions independent of blockchain applications. Primarily used for
testing but stuff like sleep
can also be useful at runtime.
This package is part of the cosmjs repository, licensed under the Apache License
2.0 (see NOTICE and