Test coverage
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Getting started
Usage examples: VanillaJS, Create React App, NodeJS
yarn add @cowprotocol/cow-sdk
- provides the ability to retrieve orders and trades from the CowSap order-book, as well as add and cancel themOrderSigningUtils
- serves to sign orders and cancel them using EIP-712SubgraphApi
- provides statistics data about CoW protocol from Subgraph, such as trading volume, trades count and others
import { OrderBookApi, OrderSigningUtils, SubgraphApi } from '@cowprotocol/cow-sdk'
const chainId = 100
const orderBookApi = new OrderBookApi({ chainId })
const subgraphApi = new SubgraphApi({ chainId })
const orderSigningUtils = new OrderSigningUtils()
Quick start
Sign, fetch, post and cancel order
For clarity, let's look at the use of the API with a practical example:
Exchanging 0.4 GNO
on Goerli
We will do the following operations:
- Get a quote
- Sign the order
- Send the order to the order-book
- Get the data of the created order
- Get trades of the order
- Cancel the order (signing + sending)
You also can check this code in the CRA example
import { OrderBookApi, OrderSigningUtils, SupportedChainId } from '@cowprotocol/cow-sdk'
import { Web3Provider } from '@ethersproject/providers'
const account = 'YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS'
const chainId = 5
const provider = new Web3Provider(window.ethereum)
const signer = provider.getSigner()
const quoteRequest = {
sellToken: '0xb4fbf271143f4fbf7b91a5ded31805e42b2208d6',
buyToken: '0x02abbdbaaa7b1bb64b5c878f7ac17f8dda169532',
from: account,
receiver: account,
sellAmountBeforeFee: (0.4 * 10 ** 18).toString(),
kind: OrderQuoteSide.kind.SELL,
const orderBookApi = new OrderBookApi({ chainId: SupportedChainId.GOERLI })
async function main() {
const { quote } = await orderBookApi.getQuote(quoteRequest)
const orderSigningResult = await OrderSigningUtils.signOrder(quote, chainId, signer)
const orderId = await orderBookApi.sendOrder({ ...quote, ...orderSigningResult })
const order = await orderBookApi.getOrder(orderId)
const trades = await orderBookApi.getTrades({ orderId })
const orderCancellationSigningResult = await OrderSigningUtils.signOrderCancellations([orderId], chainId, signer)
const cancellationResult = await orderBookApi.sendSignedOrderCancellations({...orderCancellationSigningResult, orderUids: [orderId] })
console.log('Results: ', { orderId, order, trades, orderCancellationSigningResult, cancellationResult })
Querying the Cow Subgraph
The Subgraph is constantly indexing the protocol, making all the information more accessible. It provides information about trades, users, tokens and settlements. Additionally, it has some data aggregations which provides insights on the hourly/daily/totals USD volumes, trades, users, etc.
The SDK provides just an easy way to access all this information.
You can query the Cow Subgraph either by running some common queries exposed by the CowSubgraphApi
or by building your own ones:
import { SubgraphApi, SupportedChainId } from '@cowprotocol/cow-sdk'
const subgraphApi = new SubgraphApi({ chainId: SupportedChainId.MAINNET })
const { tokens, orders, traders, settlements, volumeUsd, volumeEth, feesUsd, feesEth } =
await csubgraphApi.getTotals()
console.log({ tokens, orders, traders, settlements, volumeUsd, volumeEth, feesUsd, feesEth })
const { hourlyTotals } = await cowSubgraphApi.getLastHoursVolume(24)
const { dailyTotals } = await cowSubgraphApi.getLastDaysVolume(7)
const query = `
query LastBatches($n: Int!) {
settlements(orderBy: firstTradeTimestamp, orderDirection: desc, first: $n) {
const variables = { n: 5 }
const response = await cowSubgraphApi.runQuery(query, variables)
One way to make the most out of the SDK is to get familiar to its architecture.
See SDK Architecture
Install Dependencies
yarn build
yarn start
Unit testing
yarn test
Code generation
Some parets of the SDK are automatically generated. This is the case for the Order Book APU and the Subgraph API
yarn codegen