An abstraction layer for caching strategies.
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We recommend using NPM to install the package:
npm install @croct/cache
Basic usage
The most common use case of this library is to decorate implementations with caching capabilities:
import {CacheProvider} from '@croct/cache';
class CachedService implements Service {
private cache: CacheProvider<string, object>;
private service: Service;
public constructor(service: Service) {
this.service = service;
this.cache = new CacheProvider();
public load(key: string): Promise<object> {
return this.cache.get(key, () => this.service.load(key));
The CacheProvider<K, V>
interface is the main interface of this library.
The generic parameter K
is the type of the key that identifies the cached value and V
is the type
of the value to be cached.
It defines the following methods:
The get
method accepts a key and a loader function that's called to retrieve a new, fresh, value.
When and how the function is called is up to the cache implementation. It is also up to the implementation
to automatically cache the loaded value or not, see Implementations for more information
about to know which implementations do and do not auto-cache.
The following example shows how to use the get
const cache = new InMemoryCache<string, number>();
console.assert((await cache.get('key', () => 42)) === 42);
The set
method accepts a key and a value and sets the corresponding value in the cache, overriding
any previous entry present in the cache regardless of whether it was set manually or automatically.
Normally you won't need to use this method to cache a value on a read operation. Delegating the caching
to the get
method is the recommended way to achieve this. This way you can define the strategy for
caching in the wiring of the application.
The example below shows how to use the set
const cache = new InMemoryCache<string, number|null>();
await cache.set('key', 42);
console.assert((await cache.get('key', () => null)) === 42);
await cache.set('key', 43);
console.assert((await cache.get('key', () => null)) === 43);
The delete
method takes a key and removes the corresponding value from the cache.
Here's an example of how to delete a value from the cache:
const cache = new InMemoryCache<string, number|null>();
await cache.set('key', 42);
console.assert((await cache.get('key', () => null)) === 42);
await cache.delete('key');
console.assert((await cache.get('key', () => null)) === null);
This library ships with a few CacheProvider
implementations, including:
- Standalone providers
- Adapters for key and value transformation
- Auto-caching strategies
- Behavior strategies
Standalone providers
: A no-op implementation that does not cache anything, suitable for testing.
Supports any key and value type.InMemoryCache
: A simple in-memory cache implementation.
Supports string keys and any data type for values.LruCache
: An in-memory Least Recently Used (LRU) cache implementation.
Like the simple in-memory cache, supports string keys and any data type for values.
Data and key manipulation
: A cache wrapper that prefixes all keys with a string.AdaptedCache
: A cache wrapper that adapts a typed CacheProvider<K, V>
into a
CacheProvider<IK, IV>
by transforming keys and values. Available transformers:
: Serializes any object into a hash. This is typically used to transform keys into strings.AdaptedCache.jsonSerializer
: Serializes any object to a JSON string. This is a typed wrapper around JSON.stringify
: Deserializes a JSON string into a JsonValue
. This is a typed wrapper around JSON.parse
Auto-caching strategies
: A cache wrapper that automatically caches the result of a loader function.HoldWhileRevalidateCache
: A cache wrapper that automatically caches the result of a
loader function for the expiration period that you configure. Once the cache expires, subsequent calls to the get
method will wait until the result of the loader function is resolved.StaleWhileRevalidateCache
: A cache wrapper that automatically caches the result
of a loader function for the expiration period that you configure. Once the cache expires, the next get
call will
still return the cached value while the loader function is being resolved in the background.SharedInFlightCache
: A cache that ensures there is no concurrent get requests for a key to the underlying cache.
Behavior strategies
: A cache wrapper that suppresses and logs errors from the underlying cache. Consumers can then assume that the cache never fails.
Contributions to the package are always welcome!
- Report any bugs or issues on the issue tracker.
- For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
- Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
Before running the test suites, the development dependencies must be installed:
npm install
Then, to run all tests:
npm run test
Run the following command to check the code against the style guide:
npm run lint
Before building the project, the dependencies must be installed:
npm install
The following command builds the library:
npm run build
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