An interoperability layer for logging libraries.
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We recommend using NPM to install the package:
npm install @croct/logging
Basic usage
The following example shows how to log a message using the ConsoleLogger
import {ConsoleLogger, LogLevel} from '@croct/logging';
const logger = new ConsoleLogger();
level: LogLevel.ERROR,
message: 'Unable to load data',
details: {
cause: 'The request failed',
status: 500,
This package provides the following implementations:
- SuppressedLogger
A logger that does not log anything, but can be used to suppress logging where desired. - ConsoleLogger
A logger that writes to the console using the appropriate console API semantics. - PrefixedLogger
A logger that prepends a prefix to all log messages. - InMemoryLogger
A logger that stores all log messages in memory. - MultiLogger
A logger that sends logs to multiple loggers. - FilteredLogger
A logger wrapper that filters logs according to log level.
Because JavaScript allows throwing pretty much anything, proving more information about the error
often requires some boilerplate code.
This package provides a few utilities to make it easier to log errors:
Contributions to the package are always welcome!
- Report any bugs or issues on the issue tracker.
- For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
- Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
Before running the test suites, the development dependencies must be installed:
npm install
Then, to run all tests:
npm run test
Run the following command to check the code against the style guide:
npm run lint
Before building the project, the dependencies must be installed:
npm install
Then, to build the CommonJS module:
npm run build
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