stackName | (required) | the name used as a prefix in all aws resources |
stackNameNoDash | (required) | stackName with no dash |
urs_url | uat.urs | urs url used for OAuth |
api_backend_url | apigateway backend url | the API backend url |
api_distribution_url | apigateway dist url | the API url used for file distribution |
shared_data_bucket | cumulus-data-shared | the bucket has the shared data artifacts |
system_bucket | (required) | the bucket used for storing deployment artifacts |
buckets | N/A | Configuration of buckets with key, bucket name, and type (i.e. internal, public private) |
cmr.username | devseed | the username used for posting metadata to CMR |
cmr.provider | CUMULUS | the provider used for posting metadata to CMR |
cmr.clientId | CUMULUS | the clientId used to authenticate with the CMR |
cmr.password | (required) | the password used to authenticate with the CMR |
ems.provider | CUMULUS | the provider used for sending reports to EMS |
vpc.vpcId | (required if ecs is used) | the vpcId used with the deployment |
vpc.subnets | (required) | the subnets used |
defaults_users | cumulus core | list of default users included in all deployments |
ecs.amiid | ami-9eb4b1e5 | amiid of an optimized ecs instance (differnet for each region) |
ecs.instanceType | (required) | the instance type of the ec2 machine used for running ecs tasks |
ecs.volumeSize | 50 | the storage on ec2 instance running the ecs tasks |
ecs.availabilityZone | us-east-1a | the availibity zone used for launching ec2 machines |
ecs.maxInstances | 1 | max number of ec2 instances to launch in an autoscaling group |
ecs.desiredInstances | 0 | desired number of ec2 instances needed in an autoscaling group | | es5 | name of the elasticsearch cluster |
es.elasticSearchMapping | 4 | version number of the elasticsearch mapping used |
es.version | 5.3 | elasticsearch software version |
es.instanceCount | 1 | number of elasticsearch nodes |
es.instanceType | t2.small.elasticsearch | size of the ec2 instance used for the elasticsearch |
es.volumeSize | 35 | the storage used in each elasticsearch node |
sns.<name> | N/A | name of the sns topic |
sns.<name>.subscriptions.lambda.endpoint | sns2elasticsearch | lambda function triggered for each message in the topic |
apis.<name> | N/A | name of the apigateway application |
apiStage | dev | stage name used for each api gateway deployment stage |
dynamos.<name> | N/A | name of the dynamoDB table |
dynamos.<name>.read | 5 | number of reads per second |
dynamos.<name>.write | 1 | number of writes per second |
dynamos.<name>.attributes | N/A | list of attributes |
sqs.<name> | N/A | name of the queue |
sqs.<name>.visibilityTimeout | 20 | # of seconds the message returns to the queue after it is read by a consumer |
sqs.<name>.retry | 30 | number of time the message is returned to the queue before being discarded |
sqs.<name>.consumer | N/A | list of lambda function queue consumers |
rules.<name> | N/A | list of cloudwathch rules |
rules.<name>.schedule | N/A | rule's schedule |
rules.<name>.state | ENABLED | state of the rule |
rules.<name>.targets | N/A | list of lambda functions to be invoked |
stepFunctions | N/A | list of step functions |
lambdas | N/A | list of lambda functions |