Manager of emitters and chroniclers. Intended to run as a service and house multiple emitters.
How to install
npm install --save
API Documentation
You can view the API documentation here.
How to use
Create your configuration
The below example shows a full configuration, load, and save handlers can be provided to dynamically
fetch the latest config on save/load calls.
function getLoggerFacade(serviceName: string): LoggerFacade {
const logger = winston.createLogger({
level: 'info',
format: winston.format.json(),
defaultMeta: { service: serviceName },
transports: [
new winston.transports.Console()
return {
debug: logger.debug.bind(logger),
trace: logger.silly.bind(logger),
warn: logger.warn.bind(logger),
error: logger.error.bind(logger),
critical: logger.error.bind(logger)
function getConfig(logDir?: string, logName?: string) : IMaestroConfig {
return {
id: 'meastro-id',
name: 'meastro-name',
description: 'meastro description',
formatSettings: {
encrypted: false,
type: 'N/A'
connections: [{
emitters: [
chroniclers: [
factories: {
emitter: [{
factoryType: PingPongEmitter.TYPE,
factoryPath: 'PingPongEmitterFactory',
packageName: '',
chronicler: [{
factoryType: JsonChronicler.TYPE,
factoryPath: 'JsonChroniclerFactory',
packageName: ''
emitters: [{
config: {
type: PingPongEmitter.TYPE,
id: 'ping-pong-1',
name: 'My Ping Pong Emitter 1',
description: "A ping pong emitter",
emitterProperties: {
interval: 250
chroniclers: [{
config: {
type: JsonChronicler.TYPE,
id: 'json-chronicler-1',
name: 'Chronicler 1',
description: "A json chronicler",
chroniclerProperties: {
logDirectory: logDir || './logs',
logName: logName || 'maestro',
rotationSettings: {
seconds: 300
const maestroOptions = {
config: getConfig(),
logger: getLoggerFacade('maestro'),
loadHandler: () => {
return Promise.resolve(getConfig());
Create the maestro
Once you have your configuration, you can create the maestro:
const maestro = new Maestro(maestroOptions);
Start the maestro
The meastro doesn't start automatically and you must call start, this refreshes it's configuration and
starts any emitters as well.
await maestro.start();
Stop and cleanup on SIG INT
You can add a hook to clean up gracefully on SIG INT
like so:
process.on('SIGINT', async () => {
await maestro.disposeAsync();
Complete Example
import { IMaestro, LoggerFacade, ProviderSingleton } from "";
import { JsonChronicler } from "";
import { PingPongEmitter } from "";
import { IMaestroConfig, Maestro } from "";
import winston from "winston";
function getLoggerFacade(serviceName: string): LoggerFacade {
const logger = winston.createLogger({
level: 'info',
format: winston.format.json(),
defaultMeta: { service: serviceName },
transports: [
new winston.transports.Console()
return {
debug: logger.debug.bind(logger),
trace: logger.silly.bind(logger),
warn: logger.warn.bind(logger),
error: logger.error.bind(logger),
critical: logger.error.bind(logger)
function getConfig(logDir?: string, logName?: string) : IMaestroConfig {
return {
id: 'meastro-id',
name: 'meastro-name',
description: 'meastro description',
formatSettings: {
encrypted: false,
type: 'N/A'
connections: [{
emitters: [
chroniclers: [
factories: {
emitter: [{
factoryType: PingPongEmitter.TYPE,
factoryPath: 'PingPongEmitterFactory',
packageName: '',
chronicler: [{
factoryType: JsonChronicler.TYPE,
factoryPath: 'JsonChroniclerFactory',
packageName: ''
emitters: [{
config: {
type: PingPongEmitter.TYPE,
id: 'ping-pong-1',
name: 'My Ping Pong Emitter 1',
description: "A ping pong emitter",
emitterProperties: {
interval: 250
chroniclers: [{
config: {
type: JsonChronicler.TYPE,
id: 'json-chronicler-1',
name: 'Chronicler 1',
description: "A json chronicler",
chroniclerProperties: {
logDirectory: logDir || './logs',
logName: logName || 'maestro',
rotationSettings: {
seconds: 300
const maestroOptions = {
config: getConfig(),
logger: getLoggerFacade('maestro'),
loadHandler: () => {
return Promise.resolve(getConfig());
const maestro:IMaestro = new Maestro(maestroOptions);
process.on('SIGINT', async () => {
await maestro.disposeAsync();
For more information generate the docs using npm run doc
, documentation for each version is also attached as an artifact of the build in CI.