A simple Cartesian chart component that renders to canvas or SVG.
Main d3fc package
npm install d3fc-chart
API Reference
General API
d3fc provides a number of components / building blocks that make it easier to build bespoke d3 charts, using SVG and canvas. If you just need a simple Cartesian chart, this package is a good starting point, providing a simple component that is itself built using components from the other d3fc packages (d3fc-element, d3fc-data-join, d3fc-axis, d3fc-series, etc ...).
Given the following div:
<div id="sine" style="width: 500px; height: 250px"></div>
The following code renders a Cartesian chart:
var data = d3.range(50).map((d) => ({
x: d / 4,
y: Math.sin(d / 4),
z: Math.cos(d / 4) * 0.7
var xExtent = fc.extentLinear()
.accessors([d => d.x]);
var yExtent = fc.extentLinear()
.accessors([d => d.y, d => d.z])
.pad([0.1, 0.1])
var gridlines = fc.annotationSvgGridline();
var line = fc.seriesSvgLine();
var area = fc.seriesSvgArea()
.mainValue(d => d.z);
var multi = fc.seriesSvgMulti()
.series([gridlines, area, line]);
var chart = fc.chartSvgCartesian(
.yLabel('Sine / Cosine')
.chartLabel('Sine and Cosine')
Rendering the following:
The chart is constructed using a pair of scales. The scale configuration properties are rebound (i.e. re-exposed) via the chart component with x
and y
prefixes. The chart takes care of layout, and will also re-render if the size of the containing element changes.
# fc.chartCanvasCartesian(xScale, yScale)
# fc.chartSvgCartesian(xScale, yScale)
Constructs a new Cartesian chart with the given scales.
For charts that contain a very high number of data-points, rendering to canvas can reduce the rendering time and improve performance. The chartCanvasCartesian
components provides exactly the same API as its SVG equivalent, but instead constructs a canvas element for rendering the series associated with the plotArea
property. The canvas Cartesian chart should be used in conjunction with the canvas-based renderers from the d3fc-series package.
# cartesian.xLabel(label)
# cartesian.yLabel(label)
# cartesian.chartLabel(label)
If label is specified, sets the text for the given label, and returns the Cartesian chart. If label is not specified, returns the label text.
The label value can either be a string, or a function that returns a string. If it is a function, it will be invoked with the data that is 'bound' to the chart. This can be useful if you are rendering multiple charts, with different chart labels, using a data join.
# cartesian.xOrient(orient)
# cartesian.yOrient(orient)
If orient is specified, sets the orientation for the axis in the given direction, and returns the Cartesian chart. If orient is not specified, returns the orientation. Valid values for yOrient are left, right or none, and for xOrient they are top, bottom or none.
If an orientation of none is specified for an axis, the axis, axis label and their containers will not be rendered.
The orient value can either be a string, or a function that returns a string. If it is a function, it will be invoked with the data that is 'bound' to the chart. This can be useful if you are rendering multiple charts, with different chart labels, using a data join.
# cartesian.decorate(decorateFunc)
If decorateFunc is specified, sets the decorator function to the specified, and returns the Cartesian chart. If decorateFunc is not specified, returns the current decorator function.
# cartesian.xDomain(...)
# cartesian.yDomain(...)
# cartesian.xNice(...)
The Cartesian chart exposes the scale properties with either an x
or y
# cartesian.xTicks(...)
# cartesian.xTickFormat(...)
# cartesian.xDecorate(...)
# cartesian.yTicks(...)
# cartesian.yTickFormat(...)
# cartesian.yDecorate(...)
The Cartesian chart exposes the d3fc-axis ticks, tickSize, tickValue, tickFormat and decorate properties with either an x
or y