Helper Bot 🤖
A framework around Discord.js for implementing simple bot behaviour in bite-sized chunks.
The code
Check out index.js
to see how it works ✨. It's really quite simple, so it might be better to read example.js
and the provided middlewares to see how to use it.
const HelperBot = require('@danreeves/helper-bot')
const bot = new HelperBot(process.env.DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN)
bot.use(new Middleware())
new HelperBot(DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN: string)
The constructor takes the Discord bot token as an argument and returns an instance.
.use(middleware: HelperBotMiddleware)
Add a new middleware to the HelperBot instance. See the Middleware API
Logs the bot into Discord and begins listening for events.
A HelperBot middleware is an object that can implement any of the following methods:
userJoin(guildMember, state, kill)
Called when a member joins a server.
See Discord.js docs
message(message, state, kill)
Called when a message is recieved.
See Discord.js docs
reactionAdd(reaction, user, state, kill)
Called when a reaction is added to a message.
See Discord.js docs
reactionRemove(reaction, user, state, kill)
Called when a reaction is removed from a message.
See Discord.js docs
voiceStateUpdate(oldUser, newUser)
Called whenever a user changes voice state - e.g. joins/leaves a channel, mutes/unmutes.
See Discord.js docs
Common arguments
The last two arguments to a middleware method are always state
and kill
is a mutable object that is passed to every middleware in the chain. This lets you pass state down to preceding middleware.
is a function that when called will end the middleware chain and prevent preceding middleware from being triggered.