The following documentation is just relevant for dash4 plugin development. For informations on how to use Dash4 please read this: Dash4 documentation
Table of Contents
npm i @dash4/client
register your Plugin to make it accessible for the Dash4 client application
import React from 'react';
import { registerPlugin } from '@dash4/client/build/register-plugin';
export const Plugin = () => {
return (
<div>Your Plugin</div>
registerPlugin('PluginName', Plugin);
name: string;
PluginComponent: JSX.Element;
use (web) sockets to communicate with the Dash4 server application
async function subscribe(id: string, onChange: (data: string) => void) {
const socketData = await socket();
const on = (name: string, callback: (data: string) => void) => {
socketData.on(`plugin-name-${id}_${name}`, callback);
const send = (name: string, data?: string) => {
socketData.send(`plugin-name-${id}_${name}`, data);
on('data', (data: string) => {
return send;
async function unsubscribe(id: string) {
const socketData = await socket();
const off = (name: string) => {`plugin-name-${id}_${name}`);
- Usage example with react hooks (works of cause also with lifecycle methods)
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { useEffectAsync } from '@dash4/client/build/react-hooks';
export function useSocket(id: string) {
const [data, setData] = useState('');
const handleRecieveData = (_data: string) => setData(_data);
useEffectAsync(async () => {
await subscribe(id, handleRecieveData);
return () => unsubscribe(id);
}, []);
return data;
function YourPlugin({ id }: IProps) {
const data = useSocket(id);
return (
React hook for async version of useEffect
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { useEffectAsync } from '@dash4/client/build/react-hooks';
export function useSocket(id: string) {
const [data, setData] = useState('');
const handleRecieveData = (_data: string) => setData(_data);
useEffectAsync(async () => {
await subscribe(id, handleRecieveData);
return () => unsubscribe(id);
}, []);
return data;
The @dash4/client is MIT licensed