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DataFire integration for SendGrid v3 API Documentation

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Client library for SendGrid v3 API Documentation

Installation and Usage

npm install --save @datafire/sendgrid
let sendgrid = require('@datafire/sendgrid').create({
  Authorization: ""

.then(data => {


The SendGrid Web API V3 Documentation

This is the entirety of the documented v3 endpoints. We have updated all the descriptions, parameters, requests, and responses.


Every endpoint requires Authentication in the form of an Authorization Header:

Authorization: Bearer API_KEY



This endpoint allows you to retrieve a list of all of the IP addresses that recently attempted to access your account either through the User Interface or the API.

IP Access Management allows you to control which IP addresses can be used to access your account, either through the User Interface or the API. There is no limit to the number of IP addresses that you can add to your whitelist. It is possible to remove your own IP address from the whitelist, thus preventing yourself from accessing your account.

For more information, please see our User Guide.

sendgrid.access_settings.activity.get({}, context)
  • input object
    • limit integer: Limits the number of IPs to return.
    • on-behalf-of string
  • output object
    • result array
      • items object
        • allowed boolean
        • auth_method string
        • first_at integer
        • ip string
        • last_at integer
        • location string


This endpoint allows you to remove one or more IPs from your IP whitelist.

You can remove one IP at a time, or you can remove multiple IP addresses.

IP Access Management allows you to control which IP addresses can be used to access your account, either through the User Interface or the API. There is no limit to the number of IP addresses that you can add to your whitelist. It is possible to remove your own IP address from the whitelist, thus preventing yourself from accessing your account.

For more information, please see our User Guide.

sendgrid.access_settings.whitelist.delete({}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • body object
      • ids array: An array of the IDs of the IP address that you want to remove from your whitelist.
        • items integer
  • output object


This endpoint allows you to retrieve a list of IP addresses that are currently whitelisted.

IP Access Management allows you to control which IP addresses can be used to access your account, either through the User Interface or the API. There is no limit to the number of IP addresses that you can add to your whitelist. It is possible to remove your own IP address from the whitelist, thus preventing yourself from accessing your account.

For more information, please see our User Guide.

sendgrid.access_settings.whitelist.get({}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
  • output object
    • result required array: An array listing all of your whitelisted IPs.
      • items object
        • created_at required integer: A Unix timestamp indicating when the IP was whitelisted.
        • id required integer: The ID of the whitelisted IP.
        • ip required string: The whitelisted IP.
        • updated_at required integer: A Unix timestamp indicating when the IPs whitelisting status was most recently updated.

This endpoint allows you to add one or more IP addresses to your IP whitelist.

When adding an IP to your whitelist, include the IP address in an array. You can whitelist one IP at a time, or you can whitelist multiple IPs at once.

IP Access Management allows you to control which IP addresses can be used to access your account, either through the User Interface or the API. There is no limit to the number of IP addresses that you can add to your whitelist. It is possible to remove your own IP address from the whitelist, thus preventing yourself from accessing your account.

For more information, please see our User Guide.{}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • body object
      • ips required array: An array containing the IP(s) you want to whitelist.
        • items object
          • ip required string: An IP address that you want to whitelist.
  • output object
    • result required array: An array listing all of your whitelisted IPs.
      • items object
        • created_at required integer: A Unix timestamp indicating when the IP was whitelisted.
        • id required integer: The ID of the whitelisted IP.
        • ip required string: The whitelisted IP.
        • updated_at required integer: A Unix timestamp indicating when the IPs whitelisting status was most recently updated.


This endpoint allows you to remove a specific IP address from your IP whitelist.

When removing a specific IP address from your whitelist, you must include the ID in your call.

IP Access Management allows you to control which IP addresses can be used to access your account, either through the User Interface or the API. There is no limit to the number of IP addresses that you can add to your whitelist. It is possible to remove your own IP address from the whitelist, thus preventing yourself from accessing your account.

For more information, please see our User Guide.

  "rule_id": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • rule_id required string: The ID of the whitelisted IP address that you want to retrieve.
  • output object


This endpoint allows you to retreive a specific IP address that has been whitelisted.

You must include the ID for the specific IP address you want to retrieve in your call.

IP Access Management allows you to control which IP addresses can be used to access your account, either through the User Interface or the API. There is no limit to the number of IP addresses that you can add to your whitelist. It is possible to remove your own IP address from the whitelist, thus preventing yourself from accessing your account.

For more information, please see our User Guide.

  "rule_id": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • rule_id required string: The ID of the whitelisted IP address that you want to retrieve.
  • output object
    • created_at required integer: A Unix timestamp indicating when the IP was whitelisted.
    • id required integer: The ID of the IP address.
    • ip required string: The IP address.
    • updated_at required integer: A Unix timestamp indicating when the IP address was last updated.


This endpoint allows you to retieve all of your alerts.

Alerts allow you to specify an email address to receive notifications regarding your email usage or statistics.

  • Usage alerts allow you to set the threshold at which an alert will be sent.
  • Stats notifications allow you to set how frequently you would like to receive email statistics reports. For example, "daily", "weekly", or "monthly".

For more information about alerts, please see our User Guide.

sendgrid.GET_alerts({}, context)
  • input object
    • Authorization string
    • on-behalf-of string
  • output array: The list of alerts.
    • items object
      • created_at required integer: A Unix timestamp indicating when the alert was created.
      • email_to required string: The email address that the alert will be sent to.
      • frequency string: If the alert is of type stats_notification, this indicates how frequently the stats notifications will be sent. For example, "daily", "weekly", or "monthly".
      • id required integer: The ID of the alert.
      • percentage integer: If the alert is of type usage_limit, this indicates the percentage of email usage that must be reached before the alert will be sent.
      • type required string (values: usage_limit, stats_notification): The type of alert.
      • updated_at integer: A Unix timestamp indicating when the alert was last modified.


This endpoint allows you to create a new alert.

Alerts allow you to specify an email address to receive notifications regarding your email usage or statistics. There are two types of alerts that can be created with this endpoint:

  • usage_limit allows you to set the threshold at which an alert will be sent.
  • stats_notification allows you to set how frequently you would like to receive email statistics reports. For example, "daily", "weekly", or "monthly".

For more information about alerts, please see our User Guide.

sendgrid.POST_alerts({}, context)
  • input object
    • Authorization string
    • on-behalf-of string
    • body object
      • email_to required string: The email address the alert will be sent to.
      • frequency string: Required for stats_notification. How frequently the alert will be sent.
      • percentage integer: Required for usage_alert. When this usage threshold is reached, the alert will be sent.
      • type required string (values: stats_notification, usage_limit): The type of alert you want to create. Can be either usage_limit or stats_notification.
  • output object
    • created_at required integer: A Unix timestamp indicating when the alert was created.
    • email_to required string: The email address that the alert will be sent to.
    • frequency string: If the alert is of type stats_notification, this indicates how frequently the stats notifications will be sent. For example, "daily", "weekly", or "monthly".
    • id required integer: The ID of the alert.
    • percentage integer: "If the alert is of type usage_limit, this indicates the percentage of email usage that must be reached before the alert will be sent.
    • type required string: The type of alert.
    • updated_at required integer: A Unix timestamp indicating when the alert was last modified.


This endpoint allows you to delete an alert.

Alerts allow you to specify an email address to receive notifications regarding your email usage or statistics.

  • Usage alerts allow you to set the threshold at which an alert will be sent.
  • Stats notifications allow you to set how frequently you would like to receive email statistics reports. For example, "daily", "weekly", or "monthly".

For more information about alerts, please see our User Guide.

  "alert_id": 0
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • alert_id required integer: The ID of the alert you would like to retrieve.
  • output object


This endpoint allows you to retrieve a specific alert.

Alerts allow you to specify an email address to receive notifications regarding your email usage or statistics.

  • Usage alerts allow you to set the threshold at which an alert will be sent.
  • Stats notifications allow you to set how frequently you would like to receive email statistics reports. For example, "daily", "weekly", or "monthly".

For more information about alerts, please see our User Guide.

  "alert_id": 0
}, context)
  • input object
    • Authorization string
    • on-behalf-of string
    • alert_id required integer: The ID of the alert you would like to retrieve.
  • output object
    • created_at required integer: A Unix timestamp indicating when the alert was created.
    • email_to required string: The email address that the alert will be sent to.
    • frequency string: If the alert is of type stats_notification, this indicates how frequently the stats notifications will be sent. For example: "daily", "weekly", or "monthly".
    • id required integer: The ID of the alert.
    • percentage integer: If the alert is of type usage_limit, this indicates the percentage of email usage that must be reached before the alert will be sent.
    • type required string (values: usage_alert, stats_notification): The type of alert.
    • updated_at required integer: A Unix timestamp indicating when the alert was last modified.


This endpoint allows you to update an alert.

Alerts allow you to specify an email address to receive notifications regarding your email usage or statistics.

  • Usage alerts allow you to set the threshold at which an alert will be sent.
  • Stats notifications allow you to set how frequently you would like to receive email statistics reports. For example, "daily", "weekly", or "monthly".

For more information about alerts, please see our User Guide.

  "alert_id": 0
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • body object
      • email_to string: The new email address you want your alert to be sent to.
      • frequency string: The new frequency at which to send the stats_notification alert.
      • percentage integer: The new percentage threshold at which the usage_limit alert will be sent.
    • alert_id required integer: The ID of the alert you would like to retrieve.
  • output object
    • created_at required integer: A Unix timestamp indicating when the alert was created.
    • email_to required string: The email address that the alert will be sent to.
    • frequency string: If the alert is of type stats_notification, this indicates how frequently the stats notifications will be sent. For example: "daily", "weekly", or "monthly".
    • id required integer: The ID of the alert.
    • percentage integer: If the alert is of type usage_limit, this indicates the percentage of email usage that must be reached before the alert will be sent.
    • type required string (values: usage_alert, stats_notification): The type of alert.
    • updated_at required integer: A Unix timestamp indicating when the alert was last modified.


This endpoint allows you to retrieve all API Keys that belong to the authenticated user.

The API Keys feature allows customers to be able to generate an API Key credential which can be used for authentication with the SendGrid v3 Web API or the Mail API Endpoint.

sendgrid.GET_api_keys({}, context)
  • input object
    • limit integer
    • on-behalf-of string

This endpoint allows you to create a new random API Key for the user.

A JSON request body containing a "name" property is required. If number of maximum keys is reached, HTTP 403 will be returned.

There is a limit of 100 API Keys on your account.

The API Keys feature allows customers to be able to generate an API Key credential which can be used for authentication with the SendGrid v3 Web API or the Mail API Endpoint.

See the API Key Permissions List for a list of all available scopes.{}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • body object
      • name required string: The name you will use to describe this API Key.
      • sample string
      • scopes array: The individual permissions that you are giving to this API Key.
        • items string
  • output object
    • api_key string
    • api_key_id string
    • name string
    • scopes array
      • items string


This endpoint allows you to revoke an existing API Key

Authentications using this API Key will fail after this request is made, with some small propogation delay.If the API Key ID does not exist an HTTP 404 will be returned.

The API Keys feature allows customers to be able to generate an API Key credential which can be used for authentication with the SendGrid v3 Web API or the Mail API Endpoint.

URI Parameters

URI ParameterTypeRequired?Description
api_key_idstringrequiredThe ID of the API Key you are deleting.
  "api_key_id": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • api_key_id required string: The ID of the API Key for which you are requesting information.

Output schema unknown


This endpoint allows you to retrieve a single api key.

If the API Key ID does not exist an HTTP 404 will be returned.

  "api_key_id": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • api_key_id required string: The ID of the API Key for which you are requesting information.


This endpoint allows you to update the name of an existing API Key.

A JSON request body with a "name" property is required.

The API Keys feature allows customers to be able to generate an API Key credential which can be used for authentication with the SendGrid v3 Web API or the Mail API Endpoint.

URI Parameters

URI ParameterTypeRequired?Description
api_key_idstringrequiredThe ID of the API Key you are updating.
  "api_key_id": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • body object
      • name string: The new name of the API Key.
    • api_key_id required string: The ID of the API Key for which you are requesting information.


This endpoint allows you to update the name and scopes of a given API key.

A JSON request body with a "name" property is required. Most provide the list of all the scopes an api key should have.

The API Keys feature allows customers to be able to generate an API Key credential which can be used for authentication with the SendGrid v3 Web API or the Mail API Endpoint.

  "api_key_id": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • body object
      • name string
      • scopes array
        • items string
    • api_key_id required string: The ID of the API Key for which you are requesting information.


This endpoint allows you to retrieve information about multiple suppression groups.

This endpoint will return information for each group ID that you include in your request. To add a group ID to your request, simply append &id= followed by the group ID.

Suppressions are a list of email addresses that will not receive content sent under a given group.

Suppression groups, or unsubscribe groups, allow you to label a category of content that you regularly send. This gives your recipients the ability to opt out of a specific set of your email. For example, you might define a group for your transactional email, and one for your marketing email so that your users can continue recieving your transactional email witout having to receive your marketing content.

sendgrid.asm.groups.get({}, context)
  • input object
    • id integer: The ID of a suppression group that you want to retrieve information for.
    • on-behalf-of string

This endpoint allows you to create a new suppression group.

Suppression groups, or unsubscribe groups, are specific types or categories of email that you would like your recipients to be able to unsubscribe from. For example: Daily Newsletters, Invoices, System Alerts.

The name and description of the unsubscribe group will be visible by recipients when they are managing their subscriptions.

Each user can create up to 25 different suppression groups.{}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • body object
      • description required string: A brief description of your new suppression group.
      • is_default boolean: Indicates if you would like this to be your default suppression group.
      • name required string: The name that you would like to use for your new suppression group.
  • output object
    • description required string: A brief description of the suppression group.
    • id required integer: The ID of the suppression group.
    • is_default required boolean: Indicates if this is the default suppression group.
    • name required string: The name of the suppression group.


This endpoint allows you to delete a suppression group.

You can only delete groups that have not been attached to sent mail in the last 60 days. If a recipient uses the "one-click unsubscribe" option on an email associated with a deleted group, that recipient will be added to the global suppression list.

Suppression groups, or unsubscribe groups, are specific types or categories of email that you would like your recipients to be able to unsubscribe from. For example: Daily Newsletters, Invoices, System Alerts.

The name and description of the unsubscribe group will be visible by recipients when they are managing their subscriptions.

Each user can create up to 25 different suppression groups.

  "group_id": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • group_id required string: The ID of the suppression group you would like to retrieve.
  • output object


This endpoint allows you to retrieve a single suppression group.

Suppression groups, or unsubscribe groups, are specific types or categories of email that you would like your recipients to be able to unsubscribe from. For example: Daily Newsletters, Invoices, System Alerts.

The name and description of the unsubscribe group will be visible by recipients when they are managing their subscriptions.

Each user can create up to 25 different suppression groups.

  "group_id": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • group_id required string: The ID of the suppression group you would like to retrieve.
  • output object
    • description string: The description of the suppression group.
    • id integer: The ID of the suppression group.
    • is_default boolean: Indicates if this is the default suppression group.
    • name string: The name of the suppression group.
    • unsubscribes integer: The number of unsubscribes, or suppressions, in this group.


This endpoint allows you to update or change a suppression group.

Suppression groups, or unsubscribe groups, are specific types or categories of email that you would like your recipients to be able to unsubscribe from. For example: Daily Newsletters, Invoices, System Alerts.

The name and description of the unsubscribe group will be visible by recipients when they are managing their subscriptions.

Each user can create up to 25 different suppression groups.

  "Authorization": "",
  "group_id": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • Authorization required string
    • on-behalf-of string
    • body object
      • description string: The description of the suppression group.
      • id integer: The id of the suppression group.
      • is_default boolean: Indicates if the suppression group is set as the default group.
      • name required string: The name of the suppression group. Each group created by a user must have a unique name.
    • group_id required string: The ID of the suppression group you would like to retrieve.


This endpoint allows you to retrieve all suppressed email addresses belonging to the given group.

Suppressions are recipient email addresses that are added to unsubscribe groups. Once a recipient's address is on the suppressions list for an unsubscribe group, they will not receive any emails that are tagged with that unsubscribe group.

  "group_id": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • group_id required string: The id of the unsubscribe group that you are adding suppressions to.
  • output array: The list of email addresses belonging to the given suppression group.
    • items string

This endpoint allows you to add email addresses to an unsubscribe group.

If you attempt to add suppressions to a group that has been deleted or does not exist, the suppressions will be added to the global suppressions list.

Suppressions are recipient email addresses that are added to unsubscribe groups. Once a recipient's address is on the suppressions list for an unsubscribe group, they will not receive any emails that are tagged with that unsubscribe group.{
  "group_id": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • body object
      • recipient_emails required array: The email address that you want to add to the unsubscribe group.
        • items string
    • group_id required string: The id of the unsubscribe group that you are adding suppressions to.
  • output object
    • recipient_emails required array: The email address that were added to the suppressions list.
      • items string

This endpoint allows you to search a suppression group for multiple suppressions.

When given a list of email addresses and a group ID, this endpoint will return only the email addresses that have been unsubscribed from the given group.

Suppressions are a list of email addresses that will not receive content sent under a given group.{
  "group_id": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • body object
      • recipient_emails required array: The list of email address that you want to search the suppression group for.
        • items string
    • group_id required string: The ID of the suppression group that you would like to search.
  • output object
    • recipient_emails required array: The email address from your search that do exist in the suppression group.
      • items string

This endpoint allows you to remove a suppressed email address from the given suppression group.

Suppressions are recipient email addresses that are added to unsubscribe groups. Once a recipient's address is on the suppressions list for an unsubscribe group, they will not receive any emails that are tagged with that unsubscribe group.{
  "group_id": "",
  "email": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • group_id required string: The id of the suppression group that you are removing an email address from.
    • email required string: The email address that you want to remove from the suppression group.

Output schema unknown


This endpoint allows you to retrieve a list of all suppressions.

Suppressions are a list of email addresses that will not receive content sent under a given group.

sendgrid.asm.suppressions.get({}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
  • output array
    • items object
      • created_at required integer: A UNIX timestamp indicating when the suppression was created.
      • email required string: The email address that was suppressed.
      • group_id required integer: The id of the suppression group that this email address belongs to.
      • group_name required string: The name of the suppression group that this email address belongs to.

This endpoint allows you to add one or more email addresses to the global suppressions group.

A global suppression (or global unsubscribe) is an email address of a recipient who does not want to receive any of your messages. A globally suppressed recipient will be removed from any email you send. For more information, please see our User Guide.{}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • body object
      • recipient_emails array: The email address, or addresses, that you want to add to the global suppressions group.
        • items string
  • output object
    • recipient_emails required array: The email addresses that are globally suppressed
      • items string

This endpoint allows you to remove an email address from the global suppressions group.

A global suppression (or global unsubscribe) is an email address of a recipient who does not want to receive any of your messages. A globally suppressed recipient will be removed from any email you send. For more information, please see our User Guide.{
  "email": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • email required string: The email address of the global suppression you want to retrieve. Or, if you want to check if an email address is on the global suppressions list, enter that email address here.
  • output object

This endpoint allows you to retrieve a global suppression. You can also use this endpoint to confirm if an email address is already globally suppresed.

If the email address you include in the URL path parameter {email} is alreayd globally suppressed, the response will include that email address. If the address you enter for {email} is not globally suppressed, an empty JSON object {} will be returned.

A global suppression (or global unsubscribe) is an email address of a recipient who does not want to receive any of your messages. A globally suppressed recipient will be removed from any email you send. For more information, please see our User Guide.{
  "email": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • email required string: The email address of the global suppression you want to retrieve. Or, if you want to check if an email address is on the global suppressions list, enter that email address here.
  • output object
    • recipient_email required string: The email address that is globally suppressed. This will be an empty object if the email address you included in your call is not globally suppressed.

This endpoint returns the list of all groups that the given email address has been unsubscribed from.

Suppressions are a list of email addresses that will not receive content sent under a given group.{
  "email": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • email required string: The email address that you want to search suppression groups for.
  • output object
    • suppressions required array: The array of suppression groups.
      • items object
        • description required string: The description of the suppression group.
        • id required integer: The id of the suppression group.
        • is_default required boolean: Indicates if the suppression group is set as the default.
        • name required string: The name of the suppression group.
        • suppressed required boolean: Indicates if the given email address is suppressed for this group.


This endpoint allows you to retrieve your email statistics segmented by browser type.

We only store up to 7 days of email activity in our database. By default, 500 items will be returned per request via the Advanced Stats API endpoints.

Advanced Stats provide a more in-depth view of your email statistics and the actions taken by your recipients. You can segment these statistics by geographic location, device type, client type, browser, and mailbox provider. For more information about statistics, please see our User Guide.

  "start_date": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • start_date required string: The starting date of the statistics to retrieve. Must follow format YYYY-MM-DD.
    • end_date string: The end date of the statistics to retrieve. Defaults to today.
    • limit string: The number of results to include on each page.
    • offset string: The number of results to exclude.
    • aggregated_by string (values: day, week, month): How to group the stats. Must be either "day", "week", or "month".
    • browsers string: The browsers to get statistics for. You can include up to 10 different browsers by including this parameter multiple times.
    • on-behalf-of string


This endpoint allows you to retrieve a list of all of your campaigns.

Returns campaigns in reverse order they were created (newest first).

Returns an empty array if no campaigns exist.

For more information:

sendgrid.GET_campaigns({}, context)
  • input object
    • limit integer: The number of results you would like to receive at a time.
    • offset integer: The index of the first campaign to return, where 0 is the first campaign.
  • output object
    • result array
      • items object
        • categories array
          • items string
        • custom_unsubscribe_url string
        • html_content string
        • id integer
        • ip_pool string
        • list_ids array
          • items integer
        • plain_content string
        • segment_ids array
          • items integer
        • sender_id integer
        • status string
        • subject string
        • suppression_group_id integer
        • title string


This endpoint allows you to create a campaign.

Our Marketing Campaigns API lets you create, manage, send, and schedule campaigns.

Note: In order to send or schedule the campaign, you will be required to provide a subject, sender ID, content (we suggest both html and plain text), and at least one list or segment ID. This information is not required when you create a campaign.

For more information:

sendgrid.POST_campaigns({}, context)


This endpoint allows you to delete a specific campaign.

Our Marketing Campaigns API lets you create, manage, send, and schedule campaigns.

For more information:

  "campaign_id": 0
}, context)
  • input object
    • campaign_id required integer: The id of the campaign you would like to retrieve.

Output schema unknown


This endpoint allows you to retrieve a specific campaign.

Our Marketing Campaigns API lets you create, manage, send, and schedule campaigns.

For more information:

  "campaign_id": 0
}, context)
  • input object
    • campaign_id required integer: The id of the campaign you would like to retrieve.
  • output object
    • categories array
      • items string
    • custom_unsubscribe_url string
    • html_content string
    • id integer
    • ip_pool string
    • list_ids array
      • items integer
    • plain_content string
    • segment_ids array
      • items integer
    • sender_id integer
    • status string
    • subject string
    • suppression_group_id integer
    • title string


Update a campaign. This is especially useful if you only set up the campaign using POST /campaigns, but didn't set many of the parameters.

For more information:

  "campaign_id": 0
}, context)
  • input object
    • body object
      • categories required array: The categories you want to tag on this campaign.
        • items string
      • html_content required string: The HTML content of this campaign.
      • plain_content required string: The plain content of this campaign.
      • subject required string: The subject line for your campaign.
      • title required string: The title of the campaign.
    • campaign_id required integer: The id of the campaign you would like to retrieve.


This endpoint allows you to unschedule a campaign that has already been scheduled to be sent.

A successful unschedule will return a 204. If the specified campaign is in the process of being sent, the only option is to cancel (a different method).

For more information:

  "campaign_id": 0
}, context)
  • input object
    • campaign_id required integer

Output schema unknown


This endpoint allows you to retrieve the date and time that the given campaign has been scheduled to be sent.

For more information:

  "campaign_id": 0
}, context)
  • input object
    • campaign_id required integer
  • output object
    • send_at required integer


This endpoint allows to you change the scheduled time and date for a campaign to be sent.

For more information:

  "campaign_id": 0
}, context)
  • input object
    • body object
      • send_at required integer
    • campaign_id required integer
  • output object
    • id required integer: The campaign ID
    • send_at required integer: The unix timestamp to send the campaign.
    • status required string: The status of the schedule.

This endpoint allows you to schedule a specific date and time for your campaign to be sent.

For more information:{
  "campaign_id": 0
}, context)
  • input object
    • body object
      • send_at required integer: The unix timestamp for the date and time you would like your campaign to be sent out.
    • campaign_id required integer
  • output object
    • id required integer: The campaign ID.
    • send_at required integer: The date time you scheduled your campaign to be sent.
    • status required string (values: Scheduled): The status of your campaign.

This endpoint allows you to immediately send a campaign at the time you make the API call.

Normally a POST would have a request body, but since this endpoint is telling us to send a resource that is already created, a request body is not needed.

For more information:{
  "campaign_id": 0
}, context)
  • input object
    • campaign_id required integer
  • output object
    • id required integer
    • status required string

This endpoint allows you to send a test campaign.

To send to multiple addresses, use an array for the JSON "to" value ["one@address","two@address"]

For more information:{
  "campaign_id": 0
}, context)
  • input object
    • body object
      • to required string: The email address that should receive the test campaign.
    • campaign_id required integer
  • output object
    • to required string


This endpoint allows you to retrieve a list of all of your categories.

Categories can help organize your email analytics by enabling you to “tag” emails by type or broad topic. You can define your own custom categories. For more information, please see our User Guide.

sendgrid.GET_categories({}, context)
  • input object
    • limit integer: The number of categories to display per page.
    • category string: Allows you to perform a prefix search on this particular category.
    • offset integer: The point in the list that you would like to begin displaying results.
    • on-behalf-of string
  • output array
    • items object
      • category required string: A category used to group emails by broad topic.


This endpoint allows you to retrieve all of your email statistics for each of your categories.

If you do not define any query parameters, this endpoint will return a sum for each category in groups of 10.

Categories allow you to group your emails together according to broad topics that you define. For more information, please see our User Guide.

  "start_date": "",
  "categories": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • start_date required string: The starting date of the statistics to retrieve. Must follow format YYYY-MM-DD
    • end_date string: The end date of the statistics to retrieve. Defaults to today. Must follow format YYYY-MM-DD.
    • categories required string: The individual categories that you want to retrieve statistics for. You may include up to 10 different categories.
    • limit integer: The number of results to include.
    • offset integer: The number of results to skip.
    • aggregated_by string (values: day, week, month): How to group the statistics. Must be either "day", "week", or "month".
    • on-behalf-of string


This endpoint allows you to retrieve the total sum of each email statistic for every category over the given date range.

If you do not define any query parameters, this endpoint will return a sum for each category in groups of 10.

Categories allow you to group your emails together according to broad topics that you define. For more information, please see our User Guide.

  "start_date": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • sort_by_metric string: The metric that you want to sort by. Must be a single metric.
    • sort_by_direction string (values: desc, asc): The direction you want to sort.
    • start_date required string: The starting date of the statistics to retrieve. Must follow format YYYY-MM-DD.
    • end_date string: The end date of the statistics to retrieve. Defaults to today. Must follow format YYYY-MM-DD.
    • limit integer: Limits the number of results returned.
    • offset integer: The point in the list to begin retrieving results.
    • aggregated_by string (values: day, week, month): How to group the statistics. Must be either "day", "week", or "month".
    • on-behalf-of string


This endpoint allows you to retrieve your email statistics segmented by client type.

We only store up to 7 days of email activity in our database. By default, 500 items will be returned per request via the Advanced Stats API endpoints.

Advanced Stats provide a more in-depth view of your email statistics and the actions taken by your recipients. You can segment these statistics by geographic location, device type, client type, browser, and mailbox provider. For more information about statistics, please see our User Guide.

  "start_date": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • start_date required string: The starting date of the statistics to retrieve. Must follow format YYYY-MM-DD.
    • end_date string: The end date of the statistics to retrieve. Defaults to today. Must follow format YYYY-MM-DD.
    • aggregated_by string (values: day, week, month): How to group the statistics. Must be either "day", "week", or "month".
    • on-behalf-of string


This endpoint allows you to retrieve your email statistics segmented by a specific client type.

We only store up to 7 days of email activity in our database. By default, 500 items will be returned per request via the Advanced Stats API endpoints.

Available Client Types

  • phone
  • tablet
  • webmail
  • desktop

Advanced Stats provide a more in-depth view of your email statistics and the actions taken by your recipients. You can segment these statistics by geographic location, device type, client type, browser, and mailbox provider. For more information about statistics, please see our User Guide.

  "start_date": "",
  "client_type": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • start_date required string: The starting date of the statistics to retrieve. Must follow format YYYY-MM-DD.
    • end_date string: The end date of the statistics to retrieve. Defaults to today. Must follow format YYYY-MM-DD.
    • aggregated_by string (values: day, week, month): How to group the statistics. Must be either "day", "week", or "month".
    • on-behalf-of string
    • client_type required string (values: phone, tablet, webmail, desktop): Specifies the type of client to retrieve stats for. Must be either "phone", "tablet", "webmail", or "desktop".


This endpoint allows you to retrieve all custom fields.

The contactdb is a database of your contacts for SendGrid Marketing Campaigns.

sendgrid.contactdb.custom_fields.get({}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string

This endpoint allows you to create a custom field.

The contactdb is a database of your contacts for SendGrid Marketing Campaigns.{}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • body object
      • name string
      • type string
  • output object
    • id integer
    • name string
    • type string


This endpoint allows you to delete a custom field by ID.

The contactdb is a database of your contacts for SendGrid Marketing Campaigns.

  "custom_field_id": 0
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • custom_field_id required integer: The ID of the custom field that you want to retrieve.


This endpoint allows you to retrieve a custom field by ID.

The contactdb is a database of your contacts for SendGrid Marketing Campaigns.

  "custom_field_id": 0
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • custom_field_id required integer: The ID of the custom field that you want to retrieve.


This endpoint allows you to delete multiple recipient lists.

The Contacts API helps you manage your Marketing Campaigns recipients.

sendgrid.contactdb.lists.delete({}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • body array
      • items integer

Output schema unknown


This endpoint allows you to retrieve all of your recipient lists. If you don't have any lists, an empty array will be returned.

The Contacts API helps you manage your Marketing Campaigns recipients.

sendgrid.contactdb.lists.get({}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string

This endpoint allows you to create a list for your recipients.

The Contacts API helps you manage your Marketing Campaigns recipients.{}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • body object
      • name required string


This endpoint allows you to delete a specific recipient list with the given ID.

The Contacts API helps you manage your Marketing Campaigns recipients.

  "list_id": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • delete_contacts boolean (values: true, false): Adds the ability to delete all contacts on the list in addition to deleting the list.
    • on-behalf-of string
    • list_id required string

Output schema unknown


This endpoint allows you to retrieve a single recipient list.

The Contacts API helps you manage your Marketing Campaigns recipients.

  "list_id": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • list_id_query integer: The ID of the list to retrieve.
    • on-behalf-of string
    • list_id required string


This endpoint allows you to update the name of one of your recipient lists.

The Contacts API helps you manage your Marketing Campaigns recipients.

  "list_id": 0,
  "list_id_path": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • list_id required integer: The ID of the list you are updating.
    • on-behalf-of string
    • body object
      • name required string: The new name for your list.
    • list_id_path required string
  • output object
    • id integer: The ID of the list
    • name string: The new name for the list
    • recipient_count integer: The number of recipients on the list


This endpoint allows you to retrieve all recipients on the list with the given ID.

The Contacts API helps you manage your Marketing Campaigns recipients.

  "list_id": 0,
  "list_id_path": 0
}, context)
  • input object
    • page integer: Page index of first recipient to return (must be a positive integer)
    • page_size integer: Number of recipients to return at a time (must be a positive integer between 1 and 1000)
    • list_id required integer: The ID of the list whose recipients you are requesting.
    • on-behalf-of string
    • list_id_path required integer: The id of the list of recipients you want to retrieve.

This endpoint allows you to add multiple recipients to a list.

Adds existing recipients to a list, passing in the recipient IDs to add. Recipient IDs should be passed exactly as they are returned from recipient endpoints.

The Contacts API helps you manage your Marketing Campaigns recipients.{
  "list_id": 0
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • body array
      • items string
    • list_id required integer: The id of the list of recipients you want to retrieve.

Output schema unknown


This endpoint allows you to delete a single recipient from a list.

The Contacts API helps you manage your Marketing Campaigns recipients.

  "list_id": 0,
  "recipient_id": 0,
  "list_id_path": 0,
  "recipient_id_path": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • list_id required integer: The ID of the list you are taking this recipient away from.
    • recipient_id required integer: The ID of the recipient to take off the list.
    • on-behalf-of string
    • list_id_path required integer: The ID of the list that you want to add the recipient to.
    • recipient_id_path required string: The ID of the recipient you are adding to the list.

Output schema unknown

This endpoint allows you to add a single recipient to a list.

The Contacts API helps you manage your Marketing Campaigns recipients.{
  "list_id": 0,
  "recipient_id": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • list_id required integer: The ID of the list that you want to add the recipient to.
    • recipient_id required string: The ID of the recipient you are adding to the list.

Output schema unknown


This endpoint allows you to deletes one or more recipients.

The body of an API call to this endpoint must include an array of recipient IDs of the recipients you want to delete.

The contactdb is a database of your contacts for SendGrid Marketing Campaigns.

sendgrid.contactdb.recipients.delete({}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • body array
      • items string
  • output object


This endpoint allows you to retrieve all of your Marketing Campaigns recipients.

Batch deletion of a page makes it possible to receive an empty page of recipients before reaching the end of the list of recipients. To avoid this issue; iterate over pages until a 404 is retrieved.

The Contacts API helps you manage your Marketing Campaigns recipients.

sendgrid.contactdb.recipients.get({}, context)
  • input object
    • page integer: Page index of first recipients to return (must be a positive integer)
    • page_size integer: Number of recipients to return at a time (must be a positive integer between 1 and 1000)
    • on-behalf-of string
  • output object
    • recipients required array
      • items object


This endpoint allows you to update one or more recipients.

The body of an API call to this endpoint must include an array of one or more recipient objects.

It is of note that you can add custom field data as parameters on recipient objects. We have provided an example using some of the default custom fields SendGrid provides.

The contactdb is a database of your contacts for SendGrid Marketing Campaigns.

sendgrid.contactdb.recipients.patch({}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • body array
      • items object
        • email required string
        • first_name string: The first name of the recipient. This is one of the default custom fields.
        • last_name string: The last name of the recipient. This is one of the default custom fields.

This endpoint allows you to add a Marketing Campaigns recipient.

You can add custom field data as a parameter on this endpoint. We have provided an example using some of the default custom fields SendGrid provides.

The Contacts API helps you manage your Marketing Campaigns recipients.{}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • body array
      • items object
        • age integer
        • email required string: The email address of the recipient.
        • first_name string: The first name of the recipient.
        • last_name string: The last name of the recipient.


This endpoint allows you to retrieve the number of Marketing Campaigns recipients that you will be billed for.

You are billed for marketing campaigns based on the highest number of recipients you have had in your account at one time. This endpoint will allow you to know the current billable count value.

The Contacts API helps you manage your Marketing Campaigns recipients.

sendgrid.contactdb.recipients.billable_count.get({}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string


This endpoint allows you to retrieve the total number of Marketing Campaigns recipients.

The contactdb is a database of your contacts for SendGrid Marketing Campaigns.

sendgrid.contactdb.recipients.count.get({}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string

This endpoint allows you to perform a search on all of your Marketing Campaigns recipients.


  • is a variable that is substituted for your actual custom field name from your recipient.
  • Text fields must be url-encoded. Date fields are searchable only by unix timestamp (e.g. 2/2/2015 becomes 1422835200)
  • If field_name is a 'reserved' date field, such as created_at or updated_at, the system will internally convert your epoch time to a date range encompassing the entire day. For example, an epoch time of 1422835600 converts to Mon, 02 Feb 2015 00:06:40 GMT, but internally the system will search from Mon, 02 Feb 2015 00:00:00 GMT through Mon, 02 Feb 2015 23:59:59 GMT.

The contactdb is a database of your contacts for SendGrid Marketing Campaigns.{}, context)
  • input object
    • {field_name} string
    • on-behalf-of string


This endpoint allows you to delete a single recipient with the given ID from your contact database.

The Contacts API helps you manage your Marketing Campaigns recipients.

  "recipient_id": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • recipient_id required string: The ID of the recipient that you want to retrieve.
  • output object


This endpoint allows you to retrieve a single recipient by ID from your contact database.

The Contacts API helps you manage your Marketing Campaigns recipients.

  "recipient_id": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • recipient_id required string: The ID of the recipient that you want to retrieve.


This endpoint allows you to retrieve the lists that a given recipient belongs to.

Each recipient can be on many lists. This endpoint gives you all of the lists that any one recipient has been added to.

The Contacts API helps you manage your Marketing Campaigns recipients.

  "recipient_id": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • recipient_id required string: The ID of the recipient for whom you are retrieving lists.


This endpoint allows you to list all fields that are reserved and can't be used for custom field names.

The contactdb is a database of your contacts for SendGrid Marketing Campaigns.

sendgrid.contactdb.reserved_fields.get({}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
  • output object
    • reserved_fields required array: The reserved fields that are already set up within custom fields.


This endpoint allows you to retrieve all of your segments.

The Contacts API helps you manage your Marketing Campaigns recipients.

For more information about segments in Marketing Campaigns, please see our User Guide.

sendgrid.contactdb.segments.get({}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string

This endpoint allows you to create a segment.

All recipients in your contactdb will be added or removed automatically depending on whether they match the criteria for this segment.

List Id:

  • Send this to segment from an existing list
  • Don't send this in order to segment from your entire contactdb.

Valid operators for create and update depend on the type of the field you are segmenting:

  • Dates: "eq", "ne", "lt" (before), "gt" (after)
  • Text: "contains", "eq" (is - matches the full field), "ne" (is not - matches any field where the entire field is not the condition value)
  • Numbers: "eq", "lt", "gt"
  • Email Clicks and Opens: "eq" (opened), "ne" (not opened)

Segment conditions using "eq" or "ne" for email clicks and opens should provide a "field" of either clicks.campaign_identifier or opens.campaign_identifier. The condition value should be a string containing the id of a completed campaign.

Segments may contain multiple condtions, joined by an "and" or "or" in the "and_or" field. The first condition in the conditions list must have an empty "and_or", and subsequent conditions must all specify an "and_or".

The Contacts API helps you manage your Marketing Campaigns recipients.

For more information about segments in Marketing Campaigns, please see our User Guide.{}, context)


This endpoint allows you to delete a segment from your recipients database.

You also have the option to delete all the contacts from your Marketing Campaigns recipient database who were in this segment.

The Contacts API helps you manage your Marketing Campaigns recipients.

For more information about segments in Marketing Campaigns, please see our User Guide.

  "segment_id": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • delete_contacts boolean: True to delete all contacts matching the segment in addition to deleting the segment
    • on-behalf-of string
    • segment_id required string

Output schema unknown


This endpoint allows you to retrieve a single segment with the given ID.

The Contacts API helps you manage your Marketing Campaigns recipients.

For more information about segments in Marketing Campaigns, please see our User Guide.

  "segment_id": 0,
  "segment_id_path": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • segment_id required integer: The ID of the segment you want to request.
    • on-behalf-of string
    • segment_id_path required string


This endpoint allows you to update a segment.

The Contacts API helps you manage your Marketing Campaigns recipients.

For more information about segments in Marketing Campaigns, please see our User Guide.

  "segment_id": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • segment_id_query string: The ID of the segment you are updating.
    • on-behalf-of string
    • body object
      • conditions array: The conditions by which this segment should be created.
      • list_id number: The list ID you would like this segment to be built from.
      • name required string
    • segment_id required string


This endpoint allows you to retrieve all of the recipients in a segment with the given ID.

The Contacts API helps you manage your Marketing Campaigns recipients.

For more information about segments in Marketing Campaigns, please see our User Guide.

  "segment_id": 0
}, context)
  • input object
    • page integer
    • page_size integer
    • on-behalf-of string
    • segment_id required integer: The ID of the segment from which you want to retrieve recipients.


Get Contact Upload Status

  "Authorization": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • Authorization required string
    • on-behalf-of string
  • output object
    • status array
      • items object
        • id string
        • value string


This endpoint allows you to retrieve your email statistics segmented by the device type.

We only store up to 7 days of email activity in our database. By default, 500 items will be returned per request via the Advanced Stats API endpoints.

Available Device Types

DesktopEmail software on desktop computer.I.E., Outlook, Sparrow, or Apple Mail.
WebmailA web-based email client.I.E., Yahoo, Google, AOL, or
PhoneA smart phone.iPhone, Android, Blackberry, etc.
TabletA tablet computer.iPad, android based tablet, etc.
OtherAn unrecognized device.

Advanced Stats provide a more in-depth view of your email statistics and the actions taken by your recipients. You can segment these statistics by geographic location, device type, client type, browser, and mailbox provider. For more information about statistics, please see our User Guide.

  "start_date": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • end_date string: The end date of the statistics to retrieve. Defaults to today.
    • limit integer: How many results to include on each page.
    • offset integer: How many results to exclude.
    • aggregated_by string: How to group the statistics. Must be either "day", "week", or "month".
    • start_date required string: The starting date of the statistics to retrieve.
    • on-behalf-of string


This endpoint allows you to retrieve your email statistics segmented by country and state/province.

We only store up to 7 days of email activity in our database. By default, 500 items will be returned per request via the Advanced Stats API endpoints.

Advanced Stats provide a more in-depth view of your email statistics and the actions taken by your recipients. You can segment these statistics by geographic location, device type, client type, browser, and mailbox provider. For more information about statistics, please see our User Guide.

  "start_date": "",
  "Authorization": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • limit integer: How many results to include on each page.
    • offset integer: How many results to exclude.
    • aggregated_by string (values: day, week, month): How you would like the statistics to be grouped. Must be either "day", "week", or "month".
    • start_date required string: The starting date of the statistics to retrieve. Must be in format YYYY-MM-DD
    • end_date string: The end date of the statistics to retrieve.
    • country string (values: US, CA): The country you would like to see statistics for. Currently only supported for US and CA.
    • Authorization required string
    • on-behalf-of string


This endpoint allows you to retrieve a list of all assigned and unassigned IPs.

Response includes warm up status, pools, assigned subusers, and whitelabel info. The start_date field corresponds to when warmup started for that IP.

A single IP address or a range of IP addresses may be dedicated to an account in order to send email for multiple domains. The reputation of this IP is based on the aggregate performance of all the senders who use it.

sendgrid.GET_ips({}, context)
  • input object
    • ip string: The IP address to get
    • exclude_whitelabels boolean: Should we exclude whitelabels?
    • limit integer: The number of IPs you want returned at the same time.
    • offset integer: The offset for the number of IPs that you are requesting.
    • subuser string: The subuser you are requesting for.
    • sort_by_direction string (values: desc, asc): The direction to sort the results.
  • output array
    • items object
      • assigned_at required integer: The date that the IP address was assigned to the user.
      • ip required string: An IP address.
      • pools required array: The IP pools that this IP has been added to.
        • items string
      • rdns string: The reverse DNS record for this IP address.
      • start_date required number: The date that the IP address was entered into warmup.
      • subusers required array: The subusers that are able to send email from this IP.
        • items string
      • warmup required boolean: Indicates if this IP address is currently warming up.
      • whitelabeled required boolean: Indicates if this IP address has been whitelabeled.


This endpoint is for adding a(n) IP Address(es) to your account.

sendgrid.POST_ips({}, context)
  • input object
    • body object
      • count required integer: The amount of IPs to add to the account.
      • subusers array: Array of usernames to be assigned a send IP.
        • items string
      • warmup boolean: Whether or not to warmup the IPs being added.
  • output object
    • ips required array: List of IP objects.
      • items object
        • ip required string: IP added to account.
        • subusers required array: Array of usernames assigned a send IP.
          • items string
    • remaining_ips required integer: The number of IPs that can still be added to the user.
    • warmup required boolean: Whether or not the IPs are being warmed up.


This endpoint allows you to retrieve only assigned IP addresses.

A single IP address or a range of IP addresses may be dedicated to an account in order to send email for multiple domains. The reputation of this IP is based on the aggregate performance of all the senders who use it.

sendgrid.ips.assigned.get(null, context)

This action has no parameters

  • output array
    • items object
      • ip required string: The IP address.
      • pools required array: The IP pools that this IP address has been added to.
        • items string
      • start_date required integer: The start date that this IP address was entered into warmup.
      • warmup required boolean: Indicates if this IP address is currently warming up.


This endpoint allows you to retreive all of your IP pools.

IP Pools allow you to group your dedicated SendGrid IP addresses together. For example, you could create separate pools for your transactional and marketing email. When sending marketing emails, specify that you want to use the marketing IP pool. This allows you to maintain separate reputations for your different email traffic.

IP pools can only be used with whitelabeled IP addresses.

If an IP pool is NOT specified for an email, it will use any IP available, including ones in pools.

sendgrid.ips.pools.get(null, context)

This action has no parameters


This endpoint allows you to create an IP pool.

Each user can create up to 10 different IP pools.

IP Pools allow you to group your dedicated SendGrid IP addresses together. For example, you could create separate pools for your transactional and marketing email. When sending marketing emails, specify that you want to use the marketing IP pool. This allows you to maintain separate reputations for your different email traffic.

IP pools can only be used with whitelabeled IP addresses.

If an IP pool is NOT specified for an email, it will use any IP available, including ones in pools.{}, context)
  • input object
    • body object
      • name required string: The name of your new IP pool.


This endpoint allows you to delete an IP pool.

IP Pools allow you to group your dedicated SendGrid IP addresses together. For example, you could create separate pools for your transactional and marketing email. When sending marketing emails, specify that you want to use the marketing IP pool. This allows you to maintain separate reputations for your different email traffic.

IP pools can only be used with whitelabeled IP addresses.

If an IP pool is NOT specified for an email, it will use any IP available, including ones in pools.

  "pool_name": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • pool_name required string: The name of the IP pool that you want to retrieve the IP addresses from.
  • output object


This endpoint allows you to list all of the IP addresses that are in a specific IP pool.

IP Pools allow you to group your dedicated SendGrid IP addresses together. For example, you could create separate pools for your transactional and marketing email. When sending marketing emails, specify that you want to use the marketing IP pool. This allows you to maintain separate reputations for your different email traffic.

IP pools can only be used with whitelabeled IP addresses.

If an IP pool is NOT specified for an email, it will use any IP available, including ones in pools.

  "pool_name": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • pool_name required string: The name of the IP pool that you want to retrieve the IP addresses from.
  • output object
    • ips array: The list of IP addresses that belong to this IP pool.
      • items string
    • pool_name required string: The name of the IP pool.


This endpoint allows you to update the name of an IP pool.

IP Pools allow you to group your dedicated SendGrid IP addresses together. For example, you could create separate pools for your transactional and marketing email. When sending marketing emails, specify that you want to use the marketing IP pool. This allows you to maintain separate reputations for your different email traffic.

IP pools can only be used with whitelabeled IP addresses.

If an IP pool is NOT specified for an email, it will use any IP available, including ones in pools.

  "pool_name": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • body object
      • name string: The new name for your IP pool.
    • pool_name required string: The name of the IP pool that you want to retrieve the IP addresses from.

This endpoint allows you to add an IP address to an IP pool.

You can add the same IP address to multiple pools. It may take up to 60 seconds for your IP address to be added to a pool after your request is made.

A single IP address or a range of IP addresses may be dedicated to an account in order to send email for multiple domains. The reputation of this IP is based on the aggregate performance of all the senders who use it.{
  "pool_name": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • body object
      • ip string: The IP address that you want to add to an IP pool.
    • pool_name required string: The name of the IP pool that you want to add an IP address to.
  • output object
    • ip required string: The IP address.
    • pools required array: The list of IP pools that this IP address has been added to.
      • items string
    • start_date required integer: A unix timestamp indicating when the warmup process began for the IP address.
    • warmup required boolean: Indicates if the IP address is in warmup.


This endpoint allows you to remove an IP address from an IP pool.

The same IP address can be added to multiple IP pools.

A single IP address or a range of IP addresses may be dedicated to an account in order to send email for multiple domains. The reputation of this IP is based on the aggregate performance of all the senders who use it.

  "pool_name": "",
  "ip": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • pool_name required string: The name of the IP pool that you are removing the IP address from.
    • ip required string: The IP address that you are removing.
  • output object


This endpoint gets amount of IP Addresses that can still be created during a given period and the price of those IPs.

sendgrid.ips.remaining.get(null, context)

This action has no parameters

  • output object
    • results required array
      • items object
        • period required string: The length of time until user can add more IPs.
        • price_per_ip required number: The current cost to add an IP.
        • remaining required integer: The number of IPs that can still be added to the user.


This endpoint allows you to retrieve all of your IP addresses that are currently warming up.

SendGrid can automatically warm up dedicated IP addresses by limiting the amount of mail that can be sent through them per hour, with the limit determined by how long the IP address has been in warmup. See the warmup schedule for more details on how SendGrid limits your email traffic for IPs in warmup.

For more general information about warming up IPs, please see our Classroom.

sendgrid.ips.warmup.get({}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string

This endpoint allows you to enter an IP address into warmup mode.

SendGrid can automatically warm up dedicated IP addresses by limiting the amount of mail that can be sent through them per hour, with the limit determined by how long the IP address has been in warmup. See the warmup schedule for more details on how SendGrid limits your email traffic for IPs in warmup.

For more general information about warming up IPs, please see our Classroom.{}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • body object
      • ip string: The IP address that you want to begin warming up.


This endpoint allows you to remove an IP address from warmup mode.

SendGrid can automatically warm up dedicated IP addresses by limiting the amount of mail that can be sent through them per hour, with the limit determined by how long the IP address has been in warmup. See the warmup schedule for more details on how SendGrid limits your email traffic for IPs in warmup.

For more general information about warming up IPs, please see our Classroom.

  "ip_address": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • ip_address required string: The IP address that you want to retrieve the warmup status for.
  • output object


This endpoint allows you to retrieve the warmup status for a specific IP address.

SendGrid can automatically warm up dedicated IP addresses by limiting the amount of mail that can be sent through them per hour, with the limit determined by how long the IP address has been in warmup. See the warmup schedule for more details on how SendGrid limits your email traffic for IPs in warmup.

For more general information about warming up IPs, please see our Classroom.

  "ip_address": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • ip_address required string: The IP address that you want to retrieve the warmup status for.


This endpoint allows you to see which IP pools a particular IP address has been added to.

The same IP address can be added to multiple IP pools.

A single IP address or a range of IP addresses may be dedicated to an account in order to send email for multiple domains. The reputation of this IP is based on the aggregate performance of all the senders who use it.

  "ip_address": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • ip_address required string: The IP address you are retrieving the IP pools for.
  • output object
    • ip required string: The IP address.
    • pools required array: The list of IP pools that this IP address belongs to.
      • items string
    • rdns required string: The reverse DNS record for this IP address.
    • start_date required integer: The date that the IP address was entered into warmup.
    • subusers required array: The subusers that can send email using this IP address.
      • items string
    • warmup required boolean: Indicates if this IP address is currently warming up.
    • whitelabeled required boolean: Indicates if this IP address has been whitelabeled.

This endpoint allows you to generate a new batch ID. This batch ID can be associated with scheduled sends via the mail/send endpoint.

If you set the SMTPAPI header batch_id, it allows you to then associate multiple scheduled mail/send requests together with the same ID. Then at anytime up to 10 minutes before the schedule date, you can cancel all of the mail/send requests that have this batch ID by calling the Cancel Scheduled Send endpoint.

More Information:{}, context)
  • input object


This endpoint allows you to validate a batch ID.

If you set the SMTPAPI header batch_id, it allows you to then associate multiple scheduled mail/send requests together with the same ID. Then at anytime up to 10 minutes before the schedule date, you can cancel all of the mail/send requests that have this batch ID by calling the Cancel Scheduled Send endpoint.

More Information:

  "batch_id": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • batch_id required string

This endpoint allows you to send email over SendGrid’s v3 Web API, the most recent version of our API. If you are looking for documentation about the v2 Mail Send endpoint, please see our v2 API Reference.

  • Top level parameters are referred to as "global".
  • Individual fields within the personalizations array will override any other global, or “message level”, parameters that are defined outside of personalizations.

SendGrid provides libraries to help you quickly and easily integrate with the v3 Web API in 7 different languages: C#, Go, Java, Node JS, PHP, Python, and Ruby.

For more detailed information about how to use the v3 Mail Send endpoint, please visit our Classroom.{}, context)
  • input object
    • body object
      • asm object: An object allowing you to specify how to handle unsubscribes.
        • group_id required integer: The unsubscribe group to associate with this email.
        • groups_to_display array: An array containing the unsubscribe groups that you would like to be displayed on the unsubscribe preferences page.
          • items integer
      • attachments array: An array of objects in which you can specify any attachments you want to include.
        • items object
          • content required string: The Base64 encoded content of the attachment.
          • content_id string: The content id for the attachment. This is used when the disposition is set to “inline” and the attachment is an image, allowing the file to be displayed within the body of your email.
          • disposition string (values: inline, attachment): The content-disposition of the attachment specifying how you would like the attachment to be displayed. For example, “inline” results in the attached file being displayed automatically within the message while “attachment” results in the attached file requiring some action to be taken before it is displayed (e.g. opening or downloading the file).
          • filename required string: The filename of the attachment.
          • type string: The mime type of the content you are attaching. For example, “text/plain” or “text/html”.
      • batch_id string: This ID represents a batch of emails to be sent at the same time. Including a batch_id in your request allows you include this email in that batch, and also enables you to cancel or pause the delivery of that batch. For more information, see
      • categories array: An array of category names for this message. Each category name may not exceed 255 characters.
        • items string
      • content required array: An array in which you may specify the content of your email. You can include multiple mime types of content, but you must specify at least one mime type. To include more than one mime type, simply add another object to the array containing the type and value parameters.
        • items object
          • type required string: The mime type of the content you are including in your email. For example, “text/plain” or “text/html”.
          • value required string: The actual content of the specified mime type that you are including in your email.
      • custom_args object: Values that are specific to the entire send that will be carried along with the email and its activity data. Substitutions will not be made on custom arguments, so any string that is entered into this parameter will be assumed to be the custom argument that you would like to be used. This parameter is overridden by personalizations[x].custom_args if that parameter has been defined. Total custom args size may not exceed 10,000 bytes.
      • from required email_object
      • headers object: An object containing key/value pairs of header names and the value to substitute for them. You must ensure these are properly encoded if they contain unicode characters. Must not be one of the reserved headers.
      • ip_pool_name string: The IP Pool that you would like to send this email from.
      • mail_settings object: A collection of different mail settings that you can use to specify how you would like this email to be handled.
        • bcc object: This allows you to have a blind carbon copy automatically sent to the specified email address for every email that is sent.
          • email string: The email address that you would like to receive the BCC.
          • enable boolean: Indicates if this setting is enabled.
        • bypass_list_management object: Allows you to bypass all unsubscribe groups and suppressions to ensure that the email is delivered to every single recipient. This should only be used in emergencies when it is absolutely necessary that every recipient receives your email.
          • enable boolean: Indicates if this setting is enabled.
        • footer object: The default footer that you would like included on every email.
          • enable boolean: Indicates if this setting is enabled.
          • html string: The HTML content of your footer.
          • text string: The plain text content of your footer.
        • sandbox_mode object: This allows you to send a test email to ensure that your request body is valid and formatted correctly.
          • enable boolean: Indicates if this setting is enabled.
        • spam_check object: This allows you to test the content of your email for spam.
          • enable boolean: Indicates if this setting is enabled.
          • post_to_url string: An Inbound Parse URL that you would like a copy of your email along with the spam report to be sent to.
          • threshold integer: The threshold used to determine if your content qualifies as spam on a scale from 1 to 10, with 10 being most strict, or most likely to be considered as spam.
      • personalizations required array: An array of messages and their metadata. Each object within personalizations can be thought of as an envelope - it defines who should receive an individual message and how that message should be handled.
        • items object
          • bcc array: An array of recipients who will receive a blind carbon copy of your email. Each object within this array may contain the name, but must always contain the email, of a recipient.
          • cc array: An array of recipients who will receive a copy of your email. Each object within this array may contain the name, but must always contain the email, of a recipient.
          • custom_args object: Values that are specific to this personalization that will be carried along with the email and its activity data. Substitutions will not be made on custom arguments, so any string that is entered into this parameter will be assumed to be the custom argument that you would like to be used. May not exceed 10,000 bytes.
          • headers object: A collection of JSON key/value pairs allowing you to specify specific handling instructions for your email. You may not overwrite the following headers: x-sg-id, x-sg-eid, received, dkim-signature, Content-Type, Content-Transfer-Encoding, To, From, Subject, Reply-To, CC, BCC
          • send_at integer: A unix timestamp allowing you to specify when you want your email to be delivered. Scheduling more than 72 hours in advance is forbidden.
          • subject string: The subject of your email. Char length requirements, according to the RFC -
          • substitutions object: A collection of key/value pairs following the pattern "substitution_tag":"value to substitute". All are assumed to be strings. These substitutions will apply to the text and html content of the body of your email, in addition to the subject and reply-to parameters.
          • to required array: An array of recipients. Each object within this array may contain the name, but must always contain the email, of a recipient.
      • reply_to email_object
      • sections object: An object of key/value pairs that define block sections of code to be used as substitutions.
      • send_at integer: A unix timestamp allowing you to specify when you want your email to be delivered. This may be overridden by the personalizations[x].send_at parameter. Scheduling more ta 72 hours in advance is forbidden.
      • subject required string: The global, or “message level”, subject of your email. This may be overridden by personalizations[x].subject.
      • template_id string: The id of a template that you would like to use. If you use a template that contains a subject and content (either text or html), you do not need to specify those at the personalizations nor message level.
      • tracking_settings object: Settings to determine how you would like to track the metrics of how your recipients interact with your email.
        • click_tracking object: Allows you to track whether a recipient clicked a link in your email.
          • enable boolean: Indicates if this setting is enabled.
          • enable_text boolean: Indicates if this setting should be included in the text/plain portion of your email.
        • ganalytics object: Allows you to enable tracking provided by Google Analytics.
          • enable boolean: Indicates if this setting is enabled.
          • utm_campaign string: The name of the campaign.
          • utm_content string: Used to differentiate your campaign from advertisements.
          • utm_medium string: Name of the marketing medium. (e.g. Email)
          • utm_source string: Name of the referrer source. (e.g. Google,, or Marketing Email)
          • utm_term string: Used to identify any paid keywords.
        • open_tracking object: Allows you to track whether the email was opened or not, but including a single pixel image in the body of the content. When the pixel is loaded, we can log that the email was opened.
          • enable boolean: Indicates if this setting is enabled.
          • substitution_tag string: Allows you to specify a substitution tag that you can insert in the body of your email at a location that you desire. This tag will be replaced by the open tracking pixel.
        • subscription_tracking object: Allows you to insert a subscription management link at the bottom of the text and html bodies of your email. If you would like to specify the location of the link within your email, you may use the substitution_tag.
          • enable boolean: Indicates if this setting is enabled.
          • html string: HTML to be appended to the email, with the subscription tracking link. You may control where the link is by using the tag <% %>
          • substitution_tag string: A tag that will be replaced with the unsubscribe URL. for example: [unsubscribe_url]. If this parameter is used, it will override both the text and html parameters. The URL of the link will be placed at the substitution tag’s location, with no additional formatting.
          • text string: Text to be appended to the email, with the subscription tracking link. You may control where the link is by using the tag <% %>

Output schema unknown


This endpoint allows you to retrieve a list of all mail settings.

Mail settings allow you to tell SendGrid specific things to do to every email that you send to your recipients over SendGrid’s Web API or SMTP Relay.

sendgrid.GET_mail_settings({}, context)
  • input object
    • limit integer: The number of settings to return.
    • offset integer: Where in the list of results to begin displaying settings.
    • on-behalf-of string
  • output object
    • result required array: The list of all mail settings.
      • items object
        • description required string: A description of the mail setting.
        • enabled required boolean: Indicates if this mail setting is currently enabled.
        • name required string: The name of the mail setting.
        • title required string: The title of the mail setting.


This endpoint allows you to retrieve your current email address whitelist settings.

The address whitelist setting whitelists a specified email address or domain for which mail should never be suppressed. For example, you own the domain “,” and one or more of your recipients use addresses, by placing in the address whitelist setting, all bounces, blocks, and unsubscribes logged for that domain will be ignored and sent as if under normal sending conditions.

Mail settings allow you to tell SendGrid specific things to do to every email that you send to your recipients over SendGrid’s Web API or SMTP Relay.

sendgrid.mail_settings.address_whitelist.get({}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string


This endpoint allows you to update your current email address whitelist settings.

The address whitelist setting whitelists a specified email address or domain for which mail should never be suppressed. For example, you own the domain “,” and one or more of your recipients use addresses, by placing in the address whitelist setting, all bounces, blocks, and unsubscribes logged for that domain will be ignored and sent as if under normal sending conditions.

Mail settings allow you to tell SendGrid specific things to do to every email that you send to your recipients over SendGrid’s Web API or SMTP Relay.

sendgrid.mail_settings.address_whitelist.patch({}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • body object
      • enabled boolean: Indicates if your email address whitelist is enabled.
      • list array: Either a single email address that you want whitelisted or a domain, for which all email addresses belonging to this domain will be whitelisted.
        • items string


This endpoint allows you to retrieve your current BCC mail settings.

When the BCC mail setting is enabled, SendGrid will automatically send a blind carbon copy (BCC) to an address for every email sent without adding that address to the header. Please note that only one email address may be entered in this field, if you wish to distribute BCCs to multiple addresses you will need to create a distribution group or use forwarding rules.

Mail settings allow you to tell SendGrid specific things to do to every email that you send to your recipients over SendGrid’s Web API or SMTP Relay.

sendgrid.mail_settings.bcc.get({}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string


This endpoint allows you to update your current BCC mail settings.

When the BCC mail setting is enabled, SendGrid will automatically send a blind carbon copy (BCC) to an address for every email sent without adding that address to the header. Please note that only one email address may be entered in this field, if you wish to distribute BCCs to multiple addresses you will need to create a distribution group or use forwarding rules.

Mail settings allow you to tell SendGrid specific things to do to every email that you send to your recipients over SendGrid’s Web API or SMTP Relay.

sendgrid.mail_settings.bcc.patch({}, context)


This endpoint allows you to retrieve your current bounce purge settings.

This setting allows you to set a schedule for SendGrid to automatically delete contacts from your soft and hard bounce suppression lists.

Mail settings allow you to tell SendGrid specific things to do to every email that you send to your recipients over SendGrid’s Web API or SMTP Relay.

sendgrid.mail_settings.bounce_purge.get({}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string


This endpoint allows you to update your current bounce purge settings.

This setting allows you to set a schedule for SendGrid to automatically delete contacts from your soft and hard bounce suppression lists.

Mail settings allow you to tell SendGrid specific things to do to every email that you send to your recipients over SendGrid’s Web API or SMTP Relay.

sendgrid.mail_settings.bounce_purge.patch({}, context)


This endpoint allows you to retrieve your current Footer mail settings.

The footer setting will insert a custom footer at the bottom of the text and HTML bodies. Use the embedded HTML editor and plain text entry fields to create the content of the footers to be inserted into your emails.

Mail settings allow you to tell SendGrid specific things to do to every email that you send to your recipients over SendGrid’s Web API or SMTP Relay.

sendgrid.mail_settings.footer.get({}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string


This endpoint allows you to update your current Footer mail settings.

The footer setting will insert a custom footer at the bottom of the text and HTML bodies. Use the embedded HTML editor and plain text entry fields to create the content of the footers to be inserted into your emails.

Mail settings allow you to tell SendGrid specific things to do to every email that you send to your recipients over SendGrid’s Web API or SMTP Relay.

sendgrid.mail_settings.footer.patch({}, context)


This endpoint allows you to retrieve your current bounce forwarding mail settings.

Activating this setting allows you to specify an email address to which bounce reports are forwarded.

Mail settings allow you to tell SendGrid specific things to do to every email that you send to your recipients over SendGrid’s Web API or SMTP Relay.

sendgrid.mail_settings.forward_bounce.get({}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string


This endpoint allows you to update your current bounce forwarding mail settings.

Activating this setting allows you to specify an email address to which bounce reports are forwarded.

Mail settings allow you to tell SendGrid specific things to do to every email that you send to your recipients over SendGrid’s Web API or SMTP Relay.

sendgrid.mail_settings.forward_bounce.patch({}, context)


This endpoint allows you to retrieve your current Forward Spam mail settings.

Enabling the forward spam setting allows you to specify an email address to which spam reports will be forwarded.

Mail settings allow you to tell SendGrid specific things to do to every email that you send to your recipients over SendGrid’s Web API or SMTP Relay.

sendgrid.mail_settings.forward_spam.get({}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string


This endpoint allows you to update your current Forward Spam mail settings.

Enabling the forward spam setting allows you to specify an email address to which spam reports will be forwarded.

Mail settings allow you to tell SendGrid specific things to do to every email that you send to your recipients over SendGrid’s Web API or SMTP Relay.

sendgrid.mail_settings.forward_spam.patch({}, context)


This endpoint allows you to retrieve your current Plain Content mail settings.

The plain content setting will automatically convert any plain text emails that you send to HTML before sending.

Mail settings allow you to tell SendGrid specific things to do to every email that you send to your recipients over SendGrid’s Web API or SMTP Relay.

sendgrid.mail_settings.plain_content.get({}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
  • output object
    • enabled boolean: Indicates if the Plain Content mail setting is enabled.


This endpoint allows you to update your current Plain Content mail settings.

The plain content setting will automatically convert any plain text emails that you send to HTML before sending.

Mail settings allow you to tell SendGrid specific things to do to every email that you send to your recipients over SendGrid’s Web API or SMTP Relay.

sendgrid.mail_settings.plain_content.patch({}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • body object
      • enabled boolean: The new setting you would like to use for your Plain Content mail setting.
  • output object
    • enabled boolean: Indicates if your Plain Content mail setting is enabled.


This endpoint allows you to retrieve your current Spam Checker mail settings.

The spam checker filter notifies you when emails are detected that exceed a predefined spam threshold.

Mail settings allow you to tell SendGrid specific things to do to every email that you send to your recipients over SendGrid’s Web API or SMTP Relay.

sendgrid.mail_settings.spam_check.get({}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string


This endpoint allows you to update your current spam checker mail settings.

The spam checker filter notifies you when emails are detected that exceed a predefined spam threshold.

Mail settings allow you to tell SendGrid specific things to do to every email that you send to your recipients over SendGrid’s Web API or SMTP Relay.

sendgrid.mail_settings.spam_check.patch({}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • body object
      • enabled boolean: Indicates if you want the spam check mail setting to be enabled or not.
      • max_score integer: The new max score, or spam threshold that you would like to set for the spam checker.
      • url string: The Inbound Parse URL where you would like your spam reports to be sent to.


This endpoint allows you to retrieve your current legacy email template settings.

This setting refers to our original email templates. We currently support more fully featured transactional templates.

The legacy email template setting wraps an HTML template around your email content. This can be useful for sending out marketing email and/or other HTML formatted messages.

Mail settings allow you to tell SendGrid specific things to do to every email that you send to your recipients over SendGrid’s Web API or SMTP Relay.

sendgrid.mail_settings.template.get({}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string


This endpoint allows you to update your current legacy email template settings.

This setting refers to our original email templates. We currently support more fully featured transactional templates.

The legacy email template setting wraps an HTML template around your email content. This can be useful for sending out marketing email and/or other HTML formatted messages.

Mail settings allow you to tell SendGrid specific things to do to every email that you send to your recipients over SendGrid’s Web API or SMTP Relay.

sendgrid.mail_settings.template.patch({}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • body object
      • enabled boolean: Indicates if you want to enable the legacy email template mail setting.
      • html_content string: The new HTML content for your legacy email template.
  • output object
    • enabled required boolean: Indicates if the legacy email template mail setting is enabled.
    • html_content required string: The HTML content of your legacy email template.


This endpoint allows you to retrieve your email statistics segmented by recipient mailbox provider.

We only store up to 7 days of email activity in our database. By default, 500 items will be returned per request via the Advanced Stats API endpoints.

Advanced Stats provide a more in-depth view of your email statistics and the actions taken by your recipients. You can segment these statistics by geographic location, device type, client type, browser, and mailbox provider. For more information about statistics, please see our User Guide.

  "start_date": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • limit integer: The number of results to include on each page.
    • offset integer: The number of results to exclude.
    • aggregated_by string (values: day, week, month): How to group the stats. Must be either "day", "wee", or "month".
    • start_date required string: The starting date of the statistics to retrieve. Must follow format YYYY-MM-DD.
    • end_date string: The end date of the statistics to retrieve. Defaults to today. Must follow format YYYY-MM-DD.
    • mailbox_providers string: The mail box providers to get statistics for. You can include up to 10 by including this parameter multiple times.
    • on-behalf-of string


This endpoint allows you to retrieve a list of all partner settings that you can enable.

Our partner settings allow you to integrate your SendGrid account with our partners to increase your SendGrid experience and functionality. For more information about our partners, and how you can begin integrating with them, please visit our User Guide.

sendgrid.GET_partner_settings({}, context)
  • input object
    • limit integer: The number of settings to return per page.
    • offset integer: The paging offset.
  • output object
    • result array
      • items object
        • description required string: A description of this partner setting.
        • enabled required boolean: Indicates if this partner setting has been enabled.
        • name required string: The name of the partner setting.
        • title required string: The title of the partner.


This endpoint allows you to retrieve your current New Relic partner settings.

Our partner settings allow you to integrate your SendGrid account with our partners to increase your SendGrid experience and functionality. For more information about our partners, and how you can begin integrating with them, please visit our User Guide.

By integrating with New Relic, you can send your SendGrid email statistics to your New Relic Dashboard. If you enable this setting, your stats will be sent to New Relic every 5 minutes. You will need your New Relic License Key to enable this setting. For more information, please see our Classroom.

sendgrid.partner_settings.new_relic.get(null, context)

This action has no parameters



This endpoint allows you to update or change your New Relic partner settings.

Our partner settings allow you to integrate your SendGrid account with our partners to increase your SendGrid experience and functionality. For more information about our partners, and how you can begin integrating with them, please visit our User Guide.

By integrating with New Relic, you can send your SendGrid email statistics to your New Relic Dashboard. If you enable this setting, your stats will be sent to New Relic every 5 minutes. You will need your New Relic License Key to enable this setting. For more information, please see our Classroom.

sendgrid.partner_settings.new_relic.patch({}, context)
  • input object
    • body object
      • enable_subuser_statistics boolean: Indicates if your subuser statistics will be sent to your New Relic Dashboard.
      • enabled boolean: Indicates if this partner setting is enabled.
      • license_key string: The license key for your New Relic account.


This endpoint returns a list of all scopes that this user has access to.

API Keys can be used to authenticate the use of SendGrid’s v3 Web API, or the Mail API Endpoint. API Keys may be assigned certain permissions, or scopes, that limit which API endpoints they are able to access. For a more detailed explanation of how you can use API Key permissios, please visit our User Guide or Classroom.

sendgrid.GET_scopes({}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
  • output object
    • scopes required array: The list of scopes for which this user has access.
      • items string


This endpoint allows you to retrieve a list of all recent access requests.

Note: The Response Header's 'link' parameter will include pagination info. For example:

link: <>; rel="first"; title="1", <>; rel="last"; title="2", <>; rel="prev"; title="1"

sendgrid.scopes.requests.get({}, context)
  • input object
    • limit integer: Optional field to limit the number of results returned.
    • offset integer: Optional beginning point in the list to retrieve from.
  • output array
    • items object
      • email string: Teammate's email
      • first_name string: Teammate's first name
      • id integer: Request ID
      • last_name string: Teammate's last name
      • scope_group_name string: Name of group of scopes associated to page teammate is requesting access to
      • username string: Teammate's username


This endpoint allows you to deny an attempt to access your account.

Note: Only teammate admins may delete a teammate's access request.

  "request_id": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • request_id required string: The ID of the request that you want to deny.

Output schema unknown


This endpoint allows you to approve an access attempt.

Note: Only teammate admins may approve another teammate’s access request.

  "request_id": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • request_id required string: The ID of the request that you want to approve.
  • output object
    • scope_group_name string: name of feature teammate will be given access to


This endpoint allows you to retrieve a list of all sender identities that have been created for your account.

Sender Identities are required to be verified before use. If your domain has been whitelabeled it will auto verify on creation. Otherwise an email will be sent to the

sendgrid.senders.get({}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
  • output object


This endpoint allows you to create a new sender identity.

You may create up to 100 unique sender identities.

Sender Identities are required to be verified before use. If your domain has been whitelabeled it will auto verify on creation. Otherwise an email will be sent to the

sendgrid.POST_senders({}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • body object
      • address required string: The physical address of the sender identity.
      • address_2 string: Additional sender identity address information.
      • city required string: The city of the sender identity.
      • country required string: The country of the sender identity.
      • from object
        • email required string: This is where the email will appear to originate from for your recipient
        • name string: This is the name appended to the from email field. IE - Your name or company name.
      • nickname required string: A nickname for the sender identity. Not used for sending.
      • reply_to object
        • email required string: This is the email that your recipient will reply to.
        • name string: This is the name appended to the reply to email field. IE - Your name or company name.
      • state string: The state of the sender identity.
      • zip string: The zipcode of the sender identity.


This endoint allows you to delete one of your sender identities.

Sender Identities are required to be verified before use. If your domain has been whitelabeled it will auto verify on creation. Otherwise an email will be sent to the

  "sender_id": 0
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • sender_id required integer: The ID of the sender identity that you want to update.
  • output object


This endpoint allows you to retrieve a specific sender identity.

Sender Identities are required to be verified before use. If your domain has been whitelabeled it will auto verify on creation. Otherwise an email will be sent to the

  "sender_id": 0
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • sender_id required integer: The ID of the sender identity that you want to update.


This endpoint allows you to update a sender identity.

Updates to require re-verification. If your domain has been whitelabeled it will auto verify on creation. Otherwise an email will be sent to the

Partial updates are allowed, but fields that are marked as "required" in the POST (create) endpoint must not be nil if that field is included in the PATCH request.

  "sender_id": 0
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • body object
      • address string: The physical address of the sender identity.
      • address_2 string: Additional sender identity address information.
      • city string: The city of the sender identity.
      • country string: The country of the sender identity.
      • from object
        • email string: This is where the email will appear to originate from for your recipient
        • name string: This is the name appended to the from email field. IE - Your name or company name.
      • nickname string: A nickname for the sender identity. Not used for sending.
      • reply_to object
        • email string: This is the email that your recipient will reply to.
        • name string: This is the name appended to the reply to email field. IE - Your name or company name.
      • state string: The state of the sender identity.
      • zip string: The zipcode of the sender identity.
    • sender_id required integer: The ID of the sender identity that you want to update.

This enpdoint allows you to resend a sender identity verification email.

Sender Identities are required to be verified before use. If your domain has been whitelabeled it will auto verify on creation. Otherwise an email will be sent to the{
  "sender_id": 0
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • sender_id required integer: The ID of the sender identity for which you would like to resend a verification email.
  • output object


This endpoint allows you to retrieve all of your global email statistics between a given date range.

Parent accounts will see aggregated stats for their account and all subuser accounts. Subuser accounts will only see their own stats.

  "start_date": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • limit integer: The number of results to return.
    • offset integer: The point in the list to begin retrieving results.
    • aggregated_by string (values: day, week, month): How to group the statistics. Must be either "day", "week", or "month".
    • start_date required string: The starting date of the statistics to retrieve. Must follow format YYYY-MM-DD.
    • end_date string: The end date of the statistics to retrieve. Defaults to today. Must follow format YYYY-MM-DD.
    • on-behalf-of string
  • output array
    • items object
      • date required string: The date the stats were gathered.
      • stats required array: The individual email activity stats.
        • items object
          • metrics object
            • blocks integer: The number of emails that were not allowed to be delivered by ISPs.
            • bounce_drops integer: The number of emails that were dropped because of a bounce.
            • bounces integer: The number of emails that bounced instead of being delivered.
            • clicks integer: The number of links that were clicked in your emails.
            • deferred integer: The number of emails that temporarily could not be delivered.
            • delivered integer: The number of emails SendGrid was able to confirm were actually delivered to a recipient.
            • invalid_emails integer: The number of recipients who had malformed email addresses or whose mail provider reported the address as invalid.
            • opens integer: The total number of times your emails were opened by recipients.
            • processed integer: Requests from your website, application, or mail client via SMTP Relay or the API that SendGrid processed.
            • requests integer: The number of emails that were requested to be delivered.
            • spam_report_drops integer: The number of emails that were dropped due to a recipient previously marking your emails as spam.
            • spam_reports integer: The number of recipients who marked your email as spam.
            • unique_clicks integer: The number of unique recipients who clicked links in your emails.
            • unique_opens integer: The number of unique recipients who opened your emails.
            • unsubscribe_drops integer: The number of emails dropped due to a recipient unsubscribing from your emails.
            • unsubscribes integer: The number of recipients who unsubscribed from your emails.


This endpoint allows you to retrieve a list of all of your subusers. You can choose to retrieve specific subusers as well as limit the results that come back from the API.

For more information about Subusers:

sendgrid.GET_subusers({}, context)
  • input object
    • username string: The username of this subuser.
    • limit integer: The number of results you would like to get in each request.
    • offset integer: The number of subusers to skip.


This endpoint allows you to retrieve a list of all of your subusers. You can choose to retrieve specific subusers as well as limit the results that come back from the API.

For more information about Subusers:

sendgrid.POST_subusers({}, context)
  • input object
    • body object
      • email required string: The email address of the subuser.
      • ips required array: The IP addresses that should be assigned to this subuser.
        • items string
      • password required string: The password this subuser will use when logging into SendGrid.
      • username required string: The username for this subuser.


Subuser sender reputations give a good idea how well a sender is doing with regards to how recipients and recipient servers react to the mail that is being received. When a bounce, spam report, or other negative action happens on a sent email, it will effect your sender rating.

This endpoint allows you to request the reputations for your subusers.

sendgrid.subusers.reputations.get({}, context)
  • input object
    • usernames string
  • output array
    • items object
      • reputation required number: The sender reputation this subuser has attained.
      • username required string: The subuser that has this reputation.f


This endpoint allows you to retrieve the email statistics for the given subusers.

You may retrieve statistics for up to 10 different subusers by including an additional subusers parameter for each additional subuser.

While you can always view the statistics for all email activity on your account, subuser statistics enable you to view specific segments of your stats. Emails sent, bounces, and spam reports are always tracked for subusers. Unsubscribes, clicks, and opens are tracked if you have enabled the required settings.

For more information, see our User Guide.

  "subusers": "",
  "start_date": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • limit integer: Limits the number of results returned per page.
    • offset integer: The point in the list to begin retrieving results from.
    • aggregated_by string (values: day, week, month): How to group the statistics. Must be either "day", "week", or "month".
    • subusers required string: The subuser you want to retrieve statistics for. You may include this parameter up to 10 times to retrieve statistics for multiple subusers.
    • start_date required string: The starting date of the statistics to retrieve. Must follow format YYYY-MM-DD.
    • end_date string: The end date of the statistics to retrieve. Defaults to today.


This endpoint allows you to retrieve the monthly email statistics for all subusers over the given date range.

While you can always view the statistics for all email activity on your account, subuser statistics enable you to view specific segments of your stats for your subusers. Emails sent, bounces, and spam reports are always tracked for subusers. Unsubscribes, clicks, and opens are tracked if you have enabled the required settings.

When using the sort_by_metric to sort your stats by a specific metric, you can not sort by the following metrics: bounce_drops, deferred, invalid_emails, processed, spam_report_drops, spam_reports, or unsubscribe_drops.

For more information, see our User Guide.

  "date": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • date required string: The date of the month to retrieve statistics for. Must be formatted YYYY-MM-DD
    • subuser string: A substring search of your subusers.
    • sort_by_metric string: The metric that you want to sort by. Metrics that you can sort by are: blocks, bounces, clicks, delivered, opens, requests, unique_clicks, unique_opens, and unsubscribes.'
    • sort_by_direction string (values: desc, asc): The direction you want to sort.
    • limit integer: Optional field to limit the number of results returned.
    • offset integer: Optional beginning point in the list to retrieve from.


This endpoint allows you to retrieve the total sums of each email statistic metric for all subusers over the given date range.

While you can always view the statistics for all email activity on your account, subuser statistics enable you to view specific segments of your stats. Emails sent, bounces, and spam reports are always tracked for subusers. Unsubscribes, clicks, and opens are tracked if you have enabled the required settings.

For more information, see our User Guide.

  "start_date": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • sort_by_direction string (values: desc, asc): The direction you want to sort.
    • start_date required string: The starting date of the statistics to retrieve. Must follow format YYYY-MM-DD.
    • end_date string: The end date of the statistics to retrieve. Defaults to today. Must follow format YYYY-MM-DD.
    • limit integer: Limits the number of results returned per page.
    • offset integer: The point in the list to begin retrieving results from.
    • aggregated_by string: How to group the statistics. Defaults to today. Must follow format YYYY-MM-DD.
    • sort_by_metric string: The metric that you want to sort by. Must be a single metric.


This endpoint allows you to delete a subuser. This is a permanent action, once deleted a subuser cannot be retrieved.

For more information about Subusers:

  "subuser_name": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • subuser_name required string
  • output object


This endpoint allows you to enable or disable a subuser.

For more information about Subusers:

  "subuser_name": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • body object
      • disabled boolean: Whether or not this subuser is disabled. True means disabled, False means enabled.
    • subuser_name required string
  • output object


Each subuser should be assigned to an IP address, from which all of this subuser's mail will be sent. Often, this is the same IP as the parent account, but each subuser can have their own, or multiple, IP addresses as well.

More information:

  "Authorization": "",
  "subuser_name": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • Authorization required string
    • body array: The IP addresses you would like to assign to the subuser.
      • items string
    • subuser_name required string
  • output object
    • ips array: The IP addresses that are assigned to the subuser.
      • items string


Subuser monitor settings allow you to receive a sample of an outgoing message by a specific customer at a specific frequency of emails.

  "Authorization": "",
  "subuser_name": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • Authorization required string
    • subuser_name required string: The name of the subuser for which to retrieve monitor settings.
  • output object


Subuser monitor settings allow you to receive a sample of an outgoing message by a specific customer at a specific frequency of emails.

  "subuser_name": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • subuser_name required string: The name of the subuser for which to retrieve monitor settings.

Subuser monitor settings allow you to receive a sample of an outgoing message by a specific customer at a specific frequency of emails.{
  "subuser_name": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • body monitor
    • subuser_name required string: The name of the subuser for which to retrieve monitor settings.


Subuser monitor settings allow you to receive a sample of an outgoing message by a specific customer at a specific frequency of emails.

  "subuser_name": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • body monitor
    • subuser_name required string: The name of the subuser for which to retrieve monitor settings.


This endpoint allows you to retrive the monthly email statistics for a specific subuser.

While you can always view the statistics for all email activity on your account, subuser statistics enable you to view specific segments of your stats for your subusers. Emails sent, bounces, and spam reports are always tracked for subusers. Unsubscribes, clicks, and opens are tracked if you have enabled the required settings.

When using the sort_by_metric to sort your stats by a specific metric, you can not sort by the following metrics: bounce_drops, deferred, invalid_emails, processed, spam_report_drops, spam_reports, or unsubscribe_drops.

For more information, see our User Guide.

  "date": "",
  "subuser_name": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • date required string: The date of the month to retrieve statistics for. Must be formatted YYYY-MM-DD
    • sort_by_metric string: The metric that you want to sort by. Metrics that you can sort by are: blocks, bounces, clicks, delivered, opens, requests, unique_clicks, unique_opens, and unsubscribes.'
    • sort_by_direction string (values: desc, asc): The direction you want to sort.
    • limit integer: Optional field to limit the number of results returned.
    • offset integer: Optional beginning point in the list to retrieve from.
    • subuser_name required string


This endpoint allows you to delete all email addresses on your blocks list.

There are two options for deleting blocked emails:

  1. You can delete all blocked emails by setting delete_all to true in the request body.
  2. You can delete some blocked emails by specifying the email addresses in an array in the request body.

Blocks happen when your message was rejected for a reason related to the message, not the recipient address. This can happen when your mail server IP address has been added to a blacklist or blocked by an ISP, or if the message content is flagged by a filter on the receiving server.

For more information, please see our User Guide.

sendgrid.suppression.blocks.delete({}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • body object
      • delete_all boolean: Indicates if you want to delete all blocked email addresses.
      • emails array: The specific blocked email addresses that you want to delete.
        • items string
  • output object


This endpoint allows you to retrieve a list of all email addresses that are currently on your blocks list.

There are several causes for blocked emails: for example, your mail server IP address is on an ISP blacklist, or blocked by an ISP, or if the receiving server flags the message content.

For more information, please see our User Guide.

sendgrid.suppression.blocks.get({}, context)
  • input object
    • start_time integer: Refers start of the time range in unix timestamp when a blocked email was created (inclusive).
    • end_time integer: Refers end of the time range in unix timestamp when a blocked email was created (inclusive).
    • limit integer: Limit the number of results to be displayed per page.
    • offset integer: The point in the list to begin displaying results.
    • on-behalf-of string
  • output array
    • items object
      • created required integer: A Unix timestamp indicating when the email address was added to the blocks list.
      • email required string: The email address that was added to the block list.
      • reason required string: An explanation for the reason of the block.
      • status required string: The status of the block.

This endpoint allows you to delete a specific email address from your blocks list.

Blocks happen when your message was rejected for a reason related to the message, not the recipient address. This can happen when your mail server IP address has been added to a blacklist or blocked by an ISP, or if the message content is flagged by a filter on the receiving server.

For more information, please see our User Guide.{
  "Authorization": "",
  "email": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • Authorization required string
    • on-behalf-of string
    • email required string: The email address of the specific block.
  • output object

This endpoint allows you to retrieve a specific email address from your blocks list.

Blocks happen when your message was rejected for a reason related to the message, not the recipient address. This can happen when your mail server IP address has been added to a blacklist or blocked by an ISP, or if the message content is flagged by a filter on the receiving server.

For more information, please see our User Guide.{
  "email": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • email required string: The email address of the specific block.
  • output array
    • items object
      • created required integer: A Unix timestamp indicating when the block was created.
      • email required string: The email address of the recipient that was blocked.
      • reason required string: The reason why the email was blocked.
      • status string: The status of the block.


This endpoint allows you to delete all of your bounces. You can also use this endpoint to remove a specific email address from your bounce list.

A bounced email is when the message is undeliverable and then returned to the server that sent it.

For more information see:

Note: the delete_all and emails parameters should be used independently of each other as they have different purposes.

sendgrid.suppression.bounces.delete({}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • body object
      • delete_all boolean: This parameter allows you to delete every email in your bounce list. This should not be used with the emails parameter.
      • emails array: Delete multiple emails from your bounce list at the same time. This should not be used with the delete_all parameter.
        • items string

Output schema unknown


This endpoint allows you to retrieve all of your bounces.

A bounced email is when the message is undeliverable and then returned to the server that sent it.

For more information see:

  "Accept": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • start_time integer: Refers start of the time range in unix timestamp when a bounce was created (inclusive).
    • end_time integer: Refers end of the time range in unix timestamp when a bounce was created (inclusive).
    • Accept required string
    • on-behalf-of string
  • output array
    • items object
      • created number
      • email string
      • reason string
      • status string

This endpoint allows you to remove an email address from your bounce list.

A bounced email is when the message is undeliverable and then returned to the server that sent it. This endpoint allows you to delete a single email addresses from your bounce list.

For more information see:{
  "email_address": "",
  "email": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • email_address required string: The email address you would like to remove from the bounce list.
    • on-behalf-of string
    • email required string
  • output object

This endpoint allows you to retrieve a specific bounce for a given email address.

A bounced email is when the message is undeliverable and then returned to the server that sent it.

For more information see:{
  "email": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • email required string
  • output array
    • items object
      • created integer
      • email string
      • reason string
      • status string


This endpoint allows you to remove email addresses from your invalid email address list.

There are two options for deleting invalid email addresses:

  1. You can delete all invalid email addresses by setting delete_all to true in the request body.
  2. You can delete some invalid email addresses by specifying certain addresses in an array in the request body.

An invalid email occurs when you attempt to send email to an address that is formatted in a manner that does not meet internet email format standards or the email does not exist at the recipient’s mail server.

Examples include addresses without the “@” sign or addresses that include certain special characters and/or spaces. This response can come from our own server or the recipient mail server.

For more information, please see our User Guide.

sendgrid.suppression.invalid_emails.delete({}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • body object
      • delete_all boolean: Indicates if you want to remove all email address from the invalid emails list.
      • emails array: The list of specific email addresses that you want to remove.
        • items string
  • output object


This endpoint allows you to retrieve a list of all invalid email addresses.

An invalid email occurs when you attempt to send email to an address that is formatted in a manner that does not meet internet email format standards or the email does not exist at the recipient’s mail server.

Examples include addresses without the “@” sign or addresses that include certain special characters and/or spaces. This response can come from our own server or the recipient mail server.

For more information, please see our User Guide.

sendgrid.suppression.invalid_emails.get({}, context)
  • input object
    • start_time integer: Refers start of the time range in unix timestamp when an invalid email was created (inclusive).
    • end_time integer: Refers end of the time range in unix timestamp when an invalid email was created (inclusive).
    • limit integer: Limit the number of results to be displayed per page.
    • offset integer: Paging offset. The point in the list to begin displaying results.
    • on-behalf-of string
  • output array: The list of invalid email addresses.
    • items object
      • created required integer: A Unix timestamp indicating when the email address was added to the invalid emails list.
      • email required string: The email address that was marked as invalid.
      • reason required string: The reason that the email address was marked as invalid.

This endpoint allows you to remove a specific email address from the invalid email address list.

An invalid email occurs when you attempt to send email to an address that is formatted in a manner that does not meet internet email format standards or the email does not exist at the recipient’s mail server.

Examples include addresses without the “@” sign or addresses that include certain special characters and/or spaces. This response can come from our own server or the recipient mail server.

For more information, please see our User Guide.{
  "Authorization": "",
  "email": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • Authorization required string
    • on-behalf-of string
    • email required string: The specific email address of the invalid email entry that you want to retrieve.
  • output object

This endpoint allows you to retrieve a specific invalid email addresses.

An invalid email occurs when you attempt to send email to an address that is formatted in a manner that does not meet internet email format standards or the email does not exist at the recipient’s mail server.

Examples include addresses without the “@” sign or addresses that include certain special characters and/or spaces. This response can come from our own server or the recipient mail server.

For more information, please see our User Guide.{
  "Authorization": "",
  "email": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • Authorization required string
    • on-behalf-of string
    • email required string: The specific email address of the invalid email entry that you want to retrieve.
  • output array
    • items object
      • created required integer: A Unix timestamp indicating when the email address was added to the invalid emails list.
      • email required string: The email address that was marked as invalid.
      • reason required string: A reason explaining why the email address was marked as invalid.


This endpoint allows you to delete your spam reports.

There are two options for deleting spam reports:

  1. You can delete all spam reports by setting "delete_all" to true in the request body.
  2. You can delete some spam reports by specifying the email addresses in an array in the request body.

Spam reports happen when a recipient indicates that they think your email is spam and then their email provider reports this to SendGrid.

For more information, please see our User Guide.

sendgrid.suppression.spam_reports.delete({}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • body object
      • delete_all boolean: Indicates if you want to delete all email addresses on the spam report list.
      • emails array: A list of specific email addresses that you want to remove from the spam report list.
        • items string
  • output object


This endpoint allows you to retrieve all spam reports.

Spam reports happen when a recipient indicates that they think your email is spam and then their email provider reports this to SendGrid.

For more information, please see our User Guide.

sendgrid.suppression.spam_reports.get({}, context)
  • input object
    • start_time integer: Refers start of the time range in unix timestamp when a spam report was created (inclusive).
    • end_time integer: Refers end of the time range in unix timestamp when a spam report was created (inclusive).
    • limit integer: Limit the number of results to be displayed per page.
    • offset integer: Paging offset. The point in the list to begin displaying results.
    • on-behalf-of string
  • output array
    • items object
      • created required integer: A Unix timestamp indicating when the spam report was made.
      • email required string: The email address of the recipient who marked your message as spam.
      • ip required string: The IP address that the message was sent on.

This endpoint allows you to delete a specific spam report.

Spam reports happen when a recipient indicates that they think your email is spam and then their email provider reports this to SendGrid.

For more information, please see our User Guide.{
  "email": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • email required string: The email address of a specific spam report that you want to retrieve.
  • output object

This endpoint allows you to retrieve a specific spam report.

Spam reports happen when a recipient indicates that they think your email is spam and then their email provider reports this to SendGrid.

For more information, please see our User Guide.{
  "email": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • email required string: The email address of a specific spam report that you want to retrieve.
  • output array
    • items object
      • created required integer: A Unix timestamp that indicates when the recipient marked your message as spam.
      • email required string: The email address of the recipient that marked your message as spam.
      • ip required string: The IP address that the message was sent from.


This endpoint allows you to retrieve a list of all email address that are globally suppressed.

A global suppression (or global unsubscribe) is an email address of a recipient who does not want to receive any of your messages. A globally suppressed recipient will be removed from any email you send. For more information, please see our User Guide.

sendgrid.suppression.unsubscribes.get({}, context)
  • input object
    • start_time integer: Refers start of the time range in unix timestamp when an unsubscribe email was created (inclusive).
    • end_time integer: Refers end of the time range in unix timestamp when an unsubscribe email was created (inclusive).
    • limit integer: The number of results to display on each page.
    • offset integer: The point in the list of results to begin displaying global suppressions.
    • on-behalf-of string
  • output array
    • items object
      • created required integer: A Unix timestamp indicating when the recipient was added to the global suppression list.
      • email required string: The email address of the recipient who is globally suppressed.


This endpoint allows you to retrieve a list of all current teammates.

Note: The Response Header will include pagination info. For example:

link: <>; rel="first"; title="1", <>; rel="last"; title="2", <>; rel="prev"; title="1"

sendgrid.teammates.get({}, context)
  • input object
    • limit integer: Number of items to return
    • offset integer: Paging offset
  • output object
    • result array
      • items object
        • address string: (optional) Teammate's address
        • address2 string: (optional) Teammate's address
        • city string: (optional) Teammate's city
        • country string: (optional) Teammate's country
        • email string: Teammate's email
        • first_name string: Teammate's first name
        • is_admin boolean: Set to true if teammate has admin privileges
        • last_name string: Teammate's last name
        • phone string: (optional) Teammate's phone number
        • state string: (optional) Teammate's state
        • user_type string (values: admin, owner, teammate): Indicate the type of user: owner user, teammate admin user, or normal teammate
        • username string: Teammate's username
        • website string: (optional) Teammate's website
        • zip string: (optional) Teammate's zip

This endpoint allows you to send a teammate invitation via email with a predefined set of scopes, or permissions.

Note: A teammate invite will expire after 7 days, but you may resend the invite at any time to reset the expiration date.

Essentials, Legacy Lite, and Free Trial users may create up to one teammate per account. There are no limits for how many teammates a Pro or higher account may create.{}, context)
  • input object
    • body object
      • email required string: New teammate's email
      • is_admin required boolean: Set to true if teammate should be an admin user
      • scopes required array: Set to specify list of scopes that teammate should have. Should be empty if teammate is an admin.
        • items string
  • output object
    • email string: Teammate's email address
    • is_admin boolean: Set to true if teammate should have admin privileges
    • scopes array: Initial set of permissions to give to teammate if they accept the invite
    • token string: Token to identify invite


This endpoint allows you to retrieve a list of all pending teammate invitations.

Note: Each teammate invitation is valid for 7 days. Users may resend the invite to refresh the expiration date.

sendgrid.teammates.pending.get(null, context)

This action has no parameters

  • output object
    • result array
      • items object
        • email string: Email address teammate invite will be sent to
        • expiration_date integer: timestamp indicates when invite will expire. Expiration is 7 days after invite creation
        • is_admin boolean: Set to true to indicate teammate should have the same set of permissions as parent user
        • scopes array: List of permissions to give teammate if they accept
          • items string
        • token string: Invitation token used to identify user


This endpoint allows you to delete a pending teammate invite.

  "token": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • token required string: The token for the invite you want to delete.

Output schema unknown

This endpoint allows you to resend a teammate invite.

Note: Teammate invitations will expire after 7 days. Resending an invite will reset the expiration date.{
  "token": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • token required string: The token for the invite that you want to resend.
  • output object
    • email string: Teammate's email address
    • is_admin boolean: Set to true if teammate should have admin privileges
    • scopes array: Initial set of permissions to give to teammate if they accept the invite
      • items string
    • token string: ID to identify invite


This endpoint allows you to delete a teammate.

Only the parent user or an admin teammate can delete another teammate.

  "username": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • username required string: The username of the teammate that you want to retrieve.
  • output object
    • errors array
      • items object
        • field string
        • message string


This endpoint allows you to retrieve a specific teammate by username.

  "username": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • username required string: The username of the teammate that you want to retrieve.
  • output object
    • address string: (optional) Teammate's address
    • address2 string: (optional) Teammate's address
    • city string: (optional) Teammate's city
    • country string: (optional) Teammate's country
    • email string: Teammate's email
    • first_name string: Teammate's first name
    • is_admin boolean: Set to true if teammate has admin privileges
    • last_name string: Teammate's last name
    • phone string: (optional) Teammate's phone number
    • scopes array: Scopes associated to teammate
    • state string: (optional) Teammate's state
    • user_type string (values: admin, owner, teammate): Indicate the type of user: account owner, teammate admin user, or normal teammate
    • username string: Teammate's username
    • website string: (optional) Teammate's website
    • zip string: (optional) Teammate's zip


This endpoint allows you to update a teammate’s permissions.

To turn a teammate into an admin, the request body should contain an is_admin set to true. Otherwise, set is_admin to false and pass in all the scopes that a teammate should have.

Only the parent user or other admin teammates can update another teammate’s permissions.

Admin users can only update permissions.

  "username": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • body object
      • is_admin required boolean: Set to True if this teammate should be promoted to an admin user. If True, scopes should be an empty array.
      • scopes required array: Provide list of scopes that should be given to teammate. If specifying list of scopes, is_admin should be set to False.
        • items string
    • username required string: The username of the teammate that you want to retrieve.
  • output object
    • address string: (optional) Teammate's address
    • address2 string: (optional) Teammate's address
    • city string: (optional) Teammate's city
    • country string: (optional) Teammate's country
    • email string: Teammate's email address
    • first_name string: Teammate's first name
    • is_admin boolean: Set to true if teammate has admin priveleges
    • last_name string: Teammate's last name
    • phone string: (optional) Teammate's phone number
    • scopes array: Scopes given to teammate
      • items string
    • state string: (optional) Teammate's state
    • user_type string (values: admin, owner, teammate): Indicate the type of user: owner user, teammate admin user, or normal teammate
    • username string: Teammate's username
    • website string: (optional) Teammate's website
    • zip string: (optional) Teammate's zip


This endpoint allows you to retrieve all transactional templates.

Each user can create up to 300 different transactional templates. Transactional templates are specific to accounts and subusers. Templates created on a parent account will not be accessible from the subuser accounts.

Transactional templates are templates created specifically for transactional email and are not to be confused with Marketing Campaigns templates. For more information about transactional templates, please see our User Guide.

sendgrid.GET_templates({}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string


This endpoint allows you to create a transactional template.

Each user can create up to 300 different transactional templates. Transactional templates are specific to accounts and subusers. Templates created on a parent account will not be accessible from the subuser accounts.

Transactional templates are templates created specifically for transactional email and are not to be confused with Marketing Campaigns templates. For more information about transactional templates, please see our User Guide.

sendgrid.POST_templates({}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • body object
      • name required string: The name for the new transactional template.


This endpoint allows you to delete a transactional template.

Each user can create up to 300 different transactional templates. Transactional templates are specific to accounts and subusers. Templates created on a parent account will not be accessible from the subuser accounts.

Transactional templates are templates created specifically for transactional email and are not to be confused with Marketing Campaigns templates. For more information about transactional templates, please see our User Guide.

  "template_id": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • template_id required string: The id of the transactional template you want to retrieve.
  • output object


This endpoint allows you to retrieve a single transactional template.

Each user can create up to 300 different transactional templates. Transactional templates are specific to accounts and subusers. Templates created on a parent account will not be accessible from the subuser accounts.

Transactional templates are templates created specifically for transactional email and are not to be confused with Marketing Campaigns templates. For more information about transactional templates, please see our User Guide.

  "template_id": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • template_id required string: The id of the transactional template you want to retrieve.


This endpoint allows you to edit a transactional template.

Each user can create up to 300 different transactional templates. Transactional templates are specific to accounts and subusers. Templates created on a parent account will not be accessible from the subuser accounts.

Transactional templates are templates created specifically for transactional email and are not to be confused with Marketing Campaigns templates. For more information about transactional templates, please see our User Guide.

  "template_id": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • body object
      • name string: The name of the transactional template.
    • template_id required string: The id of the transactional template you want to retrieve.

This endpoint allows you to create a new version of a template.

Each transactional template can have multiple versions, each version with its own subject and content. Each user can have up to 300 versions across across all templates.

For more information about transactional templates, please see our User Guide.{
  "template_id": ""
}, context)
  • output object
    • Transactional Template Version transactional_template_version
    • id required string: The id of the new transactional template version.
    • updated_at required string: The date and time that this transactional template version was updated.


This endpoint allows you to delete one of your transactional template versions.

Each transactional template can have multiple versions, each version with its own subject and content. Each user can have up to 300 versions across across all templates.

For more information about transactional templates, please see our User Guide.

URI Parameters

URI ParameterTypeDescription
template_idstringThe ID of the original template
version_idstringThe ID of the template version
  "template_id": "",
  "version_id": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • template_id required string
    • version_id required string

Output schema unknown


This endpoint allows you to retrieve a specific version of a template.

Each transactional template can have multiple versions, each version with its own subject and content. Each user can have up to 300 versions across across all templates.

For more information about transactional templates, please see our User Guide.

URI Parameters

URI ParameterTypeDescription
template_idstringThe ID of the original template
version_idstringThe ID of the template version
  "template_id": "",
  "version_id": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • template_id required string
    • version_id required string
  • output object
    • Transactional Template Version transactional_template_version
    • id required string: The ID of the template version.
    • updated_at required string: The date and time that the template version was last updated.


This endpoint allows you to edit a version of one of your transactional templates.

Each transactional template can have multiple versions, each version with its own subject and content. Each user can have up to 300 versions across across all templates.

For more information about transactional templates, please see our User Guide.

URI Parameters

URI ParameterTypeDescription
template_idstringThe ID of the original template
version_idstringThe ID of the template version
  "template_id": "",
  "version_id": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • body object
      • active integer: Indicates if the template version is active.
      • html_content string: The HTML content of the template version.
      • name string: The name of the template version.
      • plain_content string: The text/plain content of the template version.
      • subject string: The subject of the template version.
    • template_id required string
    • version_id required string
  • output object
    • Transactional Template Version transactional_template_version
    • id required string: The ID of the template version.
    • updated_at required string: The date and time that the template version was last updated.

This endpoint allows you to activate a version of one of your templates.

Each transactional template can have multiple versions, each version with its own subject and content. Each user can have up to 300 versions across across all templates.

For more information about transactional templates, please see our User Guide.

URI Parameters

URI ParameterTypeDescription
template_idstringThe ID of the original template
version_idstringThe ID of the template version{
  "template_id": "",
  "version_id": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • template_id required string
    • version_id required string
  • output object
    • Transactional Template Version transactional_template_version
    • id required string: The ID of the template version.
    • updated_at required string: The date and time that the version was last updated.


This endpoint allows you to retrieve a list of all tracking settings that you can enable on your account.

You can track a variety of the actions your recipients may take when interacting with your emails including opening your emails, clicking on links in your emails, and subscribing to (or unsubscribing from) your emails.

For more information about tracking, please see our User Guide.

sendgrid.GET_tracking_settings({}, context)
  • input object
    • limit integer: The number of settings to return.
    • offset integer: Where in the list of results you want to begin retrieving settings.
    • on-behalf-of string
  • output object
    • result array: The list of all tracking settings.
      • items object
        • description string: A description about the event that is being tracked.
        • enabled boolean: Indicates if this tracking setting is currently enabled.
        • name string: The name of the event being tracked.
        • title string: The title of the tracking setting.

This endpoint allows you to retrieve your current click tracking setting.

You can track a variety of the actions your recipients may take when interacting with your emails including opening your emails, clicking on links in your emails, and subscribing to (or unsubscribing from) your emails.

For more information about tracking, please see our User Guide.{}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
  • output object
    • enable_text required boolean: Indicates if click tracking is enabled for plain text emails.
    • enabled required boolean: Indicates if click tracking is enabled or disabled.

This endpoint allows you to change your current click tracking setting. You can enable, or disable, click tracking using this endpoint.

You can track a variety of the actions your recipients may take when interacting with your emails including opening your emails, clicking on links in your emails, and subscribing to (or unsubscribing from) your emails.

For more information about tracking, please see our User Guide.{}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • body object
      • enabled boolean: The setting you want to use for click tracking.
  • output object
    • enable_text required boolean: Indicates if click tracking is enabled for plain text emails
    • enabled required boolean: The new setting new setting for click tracking.


This endpoint allows you to retrieve your current setting for Google Analytics.

For more information about using Google Analytics, please refer to Google’s URL Builder and their article on "Best Practices for Campaign Building".

We default the settings to Google’s recommendations. For more information, see Google Analytics Demystified.

You can track a variety of the actions your recipients may take when interacting with your emails including opening your emails, clicking on links in your emails, and subscribing to (or unsubscribing from) your emails.

For more information about tracking, please see our User Guide.

sendgrid.tracking_settings.google_analytics.get({}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string


This endpoint allows you to update your current setting for Google Analytics.

For more information about using Google Analytics, please refer to Google’s URL Builder and their article on "Best Practices for Campaign Building".

We default the settings to Google’s recommendations. For more information, see Google Analytics Demystified.

You can track a variety of the actions your recipients may take when interacting with your emails including opening your emails, clicking on links in your emails, and subscribing to (or unsubscribing from) your emails.

For more information about tracking, please see our User Guide.

sendgrid.tracking_settings.google_analytics.patch({}, context)

This endpoint allows you to retrieve your current settings for open tracking.

Open Tracking adds an invisible image at the end of the email which can track email opens. If the email recipient has images enabled on their email client, a request to SendGrid’s server for the invisible image is executed and an open event is logged. These events are logged in the Statistics portal, Email Activity interface, and are reported by the Event Webhook.

You can track a variety of the actions your recipients may take when interacting with your emails including opening your emails, clicking on links in your emails, and subscribing to (or unsubscribing from) your emails.

For more information about tracking, please see our User Guide.{}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
  • output object
    • enabled required boolean: Indicates if open tracking is enabled.

This endpoint allows you to update your current settings for open tracking.

Open Tracking adds an invisible image at the end of the email which can track email opens. If the email recipient has images enabled on their email client, a request to SendGrid’s server for the invisible image is executed and an open event is logged. These events are logged in the Statistics portal, Email Activity interface, and are reported by the Event Webhook.

You can track a variety of the actions your recipients may take when interacting with your emails including opening your emails, clicking on links in your emails, and subscribing to (or unsubscribing from) your emails.

For more information about tracking, please see our User Guide.{}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • body object
      • enabled boolean: The new status that you want to set for open tracking.
  • output object
    • enabled required boolean: Indicates if open tracking is enabled.


This endpoint allows you to retrieve your current settings for subscription tracking.

Subscription tracking adds links to the bottom of your emails that allows your recipients to subscribe to, or unsubscribe from, your emails.

You can track a variety of the actions your recipients may take when interacting with your emails including opening your emails, clicking on links in your emails, and subscribing to (or unsubscribing from) your emails.

For more information about tracking, please see our User Guide.

sendgrid.tracking_settings.subscription.get({}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string


This endpoint allows you to update your current settings for subscription tracking.

Subscription tracking adds links to the bottom of your emails that allows your recipients to subscribe to, or unsubscribe from, your emails.

You can track a variety of the actions your recipients may take when interacting with your emails including opening your emails, clicking on links in your emails, and subscribing to (or unsubscribing from) your emails.

For more information about tracking, please see our User Guide.

sendgrid.tracking_settings.subscription.patch({}, context)


This endpoint allows you to retrieve your user account details.

Your user's account information includes the user's account type and reputation.

Keeping your user profile up to date is important. This will help SendGrid to verify who you are as well as contact you should we need to.

For more information about your user profile:

sendgrid.user.account.get({}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
  • output object
    • reputation required number: The sender reputation for this user.
    • type required string (values: free, paid): The type of account for this user.


This endpoint allows you to retrieve the current credit balance for your account.

Your monthly credit allotment limits the number of emails you may send before incurring overage charges. For more information about credits and billing, please visit our Clssroom.

sendgrid.user.credits.get({}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
  • output object
    • last_reset required string: The date that your credit balance was last reset.
    • next_reset required string: The next date that your credit balance will be reset.
    • overage required integer: The number of overdrawn credits for your account.
    • remain required integer: The remaining number of credits available on your account.
    • reset_frequency required string: The frequency at which your credit balance will be reset.
    • total required integer: The total number of credits assigned to your account.
    • used required integer: The number of credits that you have used.

This endpoint allows you to retrieve the email address currently on file for your account.

Keeping your user profile up to date is important. This will help SendGrid to verify who you are as well as contact you should we need to.

For more information about your user profile:{}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
  • output object
    • email required string: The email address currently on file for your account.

This endpoint allows you to update the email address currently on file for your account.

Keeping your user profile up to date is important. This will help SendGrid to verify who you are as well as contact you should we need to.

For more information about your user profile:{}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • body object
      • email string: The new email address that you would like to use for your account.
  • output object
    • email required string: The current email address on file for your account.


This endpoint allows you to update your password.

Keeping your user profile up to date is important. This will help SendGrid to verify who you are as well as contact you should we need to.

For more information about your user profile:

sendgrid.user.password.put({}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • body object
      • new_password required string: The new password you would like to use for your account.
      • old_password required string: The old password for your account.
  • output object


Keeping your user profile up to date is important. This will help SendGrid to verify who you are as well as contact you should we need to.

For more information about your user profile:

sendgrid.user.profile.get({}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
  • output object
    • address required string: The user's address.
    • address2 string: The second line of the user's address.
    • city required string: The user's city.
    • company required string: The name of the user's company.
    • country required string: The user's country.
    • first_name required string: The user's first name.
    • last_name required string: The user's last name.
    • phone required string: The user's phone number.
    • state required string: The user's state.
    • website required string: The user's website URL.
    • zip required string: The user's zip code.


This endpoint allows you to update your current profile details.

Keeping your user profile up to date is important. This will help SendGrid to verify who you are as well as contact you should we need to.

For more information about your user profile:

It should be noted that any one or more of the parameters can be updated via the PATCH /user/profile endpoint. The only requirement is that you include at least one when you PATCH.

sendgrid.user.profile.patch({}, context)


This endpoint allows you to retrieve all cancel/paused scheduled send information.

The Cancel Scheduled Sends feature allows the customer to cancel a scheduled send based on a Batch ID included in the SMTPAPI header. Scheduled sends cancelled less than 10 minutes before the scheduled time are not guaranteed to be cancelled.

sendgrid.user.scheduled_sends.get(null, context)

This action has no parameters


This endpoint allows you to cancel or pause an email that has been scheduled to be sent.

If the maximum number of cancellations/pauses are added, HTTP 400 will be returned.

The Cancel Scheduled Sends feature allows the customer to cancel a scheduled send based on a Batch ID included in the SMTPAPI header. Scheduled sends cancelled less than 10 minutes before the scheduled time are not guaranteed to be cancelled.{}, context)
  • input object
    • body object
      • batch_id required string: The batch ID is the identifier that your scheduled mail sends share.
      • status required string (values: pause, cancel): The status of the send you would like to implement. This can be pause or cancel. To delete a pause or cancel status see DELETE /v3/user/scheduled_sends/{batch_id}


This endpoint allows you to delete the cancellation/pause of a scheduled send.

The Cancel Scheduled Sends feature allows the customer to cancel a scheduled send based on a Batch ID included in the SMTPAPI header. Scheduled sends cancelled less than 10 minutes before the scheduled time are not guaranteed to be cancelled.

  "batch_id": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • batch_id required string

Output schema unknown


This endpoint allows you to retrieve the cancel/paused scheduled send information for a specific batch_id.

The Cancel Scheduled Sends feature allows the customer to cancel a scheduled send based on a Batch ID included in the SMTPAPI header. Scheduled sends cancelled less than 10 minutes before the scheduled time are not guaranteed to be cancelled.

  "batch_id": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • batch_id required string


This endpoint allows you to update the status of a scheduled send for the given batch_id.

The Cancel Scheduled Sends feature allows the customer to cancel a scheduled send based on a Batch ID included in the SMTPAPI header. Scheduled sends cancelled less than 10 minutes before the scheduled time are not guaranteed to be cancelled.

  "batch_id": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • body object
      • status required string (values: cancel, pause): The status you would like the scheduled send to have.
    • batch_id required string

Output schema unknown


This endpoint allows you to retrieve your current Enforced TLS settings.

The Enforced TLS settings specify whether or not the recipient is required to support TLS or have a valid certificate. See the SMTP Ports User Guide for more information on opportunistic TLS.

Note: If either setting is enabled and the recipient does not support TLS or have a valid certificate, we drop the message and send a block event with “TLS required but not supported” as the description.

sendgrid.user.settings.enforced_tls.get({}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
  • output object
    • require_tls required boolean: Indicates if the recipient is required to support TLS.
    • require_valid_cert required boolean: Indicates if the recipient is required to have a valid certificate.


This endpoint allows you to update your current Enforced TLS settings.

The Enforced TLS settings specify whether or not the recipient is required to support TLS or have a valid certificate. See the SMTP Ports User Guide for more information on opportunistic TLS.

Note: If either setting is enabled and the recipient does not support TLS or have a valid certificate, we drop the message and send a block event with “TLS required but not supported” as the description.

sendgrid.user.settings.enforced_tls.patch({}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • body object
      • require_tls boolean: Indicates if you want to require your recipients to support TLS.
      • require_valid_cert boolean: Indicates if you want to require your recipients to have a valid certificate.
  • output object
    • require_tls required boolean: Indicates if your recipients are required to support TLS.
    • require_valid_cert required boolean: Indicates if your recipients are required to have a valid certificate.


This endpoint allows you to retrieve your current account username.

Keeping your user profile up to date is important. This will help SendGrid to verify who you are as well as contact you should we need to.

For more information about your user profile:

sendgrid.user.username.get({}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
  • output object
    • user_id required integer: The user ID for your account.
    • username required string: Your account username.


This endpoint allows you to update the username for your account.

Keeping your user profile up to date is important. This will help SendGrid to verify who you are as well as contact you should we need to.

For more information about your user profile:

sendgrid.user.username.put({}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • body object
      • username string: The new username you would like to use for your account.
  • output object
    • username required string: The current username on file for your account.


This endpoint allows you to retrieve your current event webhook settings.

If an event type is marked as true, then the event webhook will include information about that event.

SendGrid’s Event Webhook will notify a URL of your choice via HTTP POST with information about events that occur as SendGrid processes your email.

Common uses of this data are to remove unsubscribes, react to spam reports, determine unengaged recipients, identify bounced email addresses, or create advanced analytics of your email program.

sendgrid.user.webhooks.event.settings.get({}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string


This endpoint allows you to update your current event webhook settings.

If an event type is marked as true, then the event webhook will include information about that event.

SendGrid’s Event Webhook will notify a URL of your choice via HTTP POST with information about events that occur as SendGrid processes your email.

Common uses of this data are to remove unsubscribes, react to spam reports, determine unengaged recipients, identify bounced email addresses, or create advanced analytics of your email program.

sendgrid.user.webhooks.event.settings.patch({}, context)

This endpoint allows you to test your event webhook by sending a fake event notification post to the provided URL.

SendGrid’s Event Webhook will notify a URL of your choice via HTTP POST with information about events that occur as SendGrid processes your email.

Common uses of this data are to remove unsubscribes, react to spam reports, determine unengaged recipients, identify bounced email addresses, or create advanced analytics of your email program.{}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • body object
      • url string: The URL where you would like the test notification to be sent.
  • output object


This endpoint allows you to retrieve all of your current inbound parse settings.

The inbound parse webhook allows you to have incoming emails parsed, extracting some or all of the contnet, and then have that content POSTed by SendGrid to a URL of your choosing. For more information, please see our User Guide.

sendgrid.user.webhooks.parse.settings.get({}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
  • output object
    • result array: The list of your current inbound parse settings.

This endpoint allows you to create a new inbound parse setting.

The inbound parse webhook allows you to have incoming emails parsed, extracting some or all of the content, and then have that content POSTed by SendGrid to a URL of your choosing. For more information, please see our User Guide.{}, context)


This endpoint allows you to delete a specific inbound parse setting.

The inbound parse webhook allows you to have incoming emails parsed, extracting some or all of the contnet, and then have that content POSTed by SendGrid to a URL of your choosing. For more information, please see our User Guide.

  "hostname": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • hostname required string: The hostname associated with the inbound parse setting that you would like to retrieve.
  • output object


This endpoint allows you to retrieve a specific inbound parse setting.

The inbound parse webhook allows you to have incoming emails parsed, extracting some or all of the contnet, and then have that content POSTed by SendGrid to a URL of your choosing. For more information, please see our User Guide.

  "hostname": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • hostname required string: The hostname associated with the inbound parse setting that you would like to retrieve.


This endpoint allows you to update a specific inbound parse setting.

The inbound parse webhook allows you to have incoming emails parsed, extracting some or all of the contnet, and then have that content POSTed by SendGrid to a URL of your choosing. For more information, please see our User Guide.

  "hostname": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • body parse-setting
    • hostname required string: The hostname associated with the inbound parse setting that you would like to retrieve.


This endpoint allows you to retrieve the statistics for your Parse Webhook useage.

SendGrid's Inbound Parse Webhook allows you to parse the contents and attachments of incomming emails. The Parse API can then POST the parsed emails to a URL that you specify. The Inbound Parse Webhook cannot parse messages greater than 20MB in size, including all attachments.

There are a number of pre-made integrations for the SendGrid Parse Webhook which make processing events easy. You can find these integrations in the Library Index.

  "start_date": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • limit string: The number of statistics to return on each page.
    • offset string: The number of statistics to skip.
    • aggregated_by string (values: day, week, month): How you would like the statistics to by grouped.
    • start_date required string: The starting date of the statistics you want to retrieve. Must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD
    • end_date string: The end date of the statistics you want to retrieve. Must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD
    • on-behalf-of string
  • output array
    • items object
      • date required string: The date that the stats were collected.
      • stats required array: The Parse Webhook usage statistics.
        • items object
          • metrics object
            • received required number: The number of emails received and parsed by the Parse Webhook.

This endpoint allows you to retrieve a list of all domain whitelabels you have created.

A domain whitelabel allows you to remove the “via” or “sent on behalf of” message that your recipients see when they read your emails. Whitelabeling a domain allows you to replace with your personal sending domain. You will be required to create a subdomain so that SendGrid can generate the DNS records which you must give to your host provider. If you choose to use Automated Security, SendGrid will provide you with 3 CNAME records. If you turn Automated Security off, you will be given 2 TXT records and 1 MX record.

For more information on whitelabeling, please see our User Guide{}, context)
  • input object
    • limit integer: Number of domains to return.
    • offset integer: Paging offset.
    • exclude_subusers boolean: Exclude subuser domains from the result.
    • username string: The username associated with a whitelabel.
    • domain string: Search for domain whitelabels that match the given domain.
    • on-behalf-of string
  • output array
    • items object
      • automatic_security required boolean: Indicates if this whitelabel uses automated security.
      • custom_spf required boolean: Indicates if this whitelabel has custom SPF.
      • default required boolean: Indicates if this whitelabel has been set as the default whitelabel.
      • dns required object: The DNS records for this whitelabel that are used for authenticating the sending domain.
        • dkim object: The DNS record used when creating the DKIM signature.
          • host string: The domain that these DNS records will be applied to.
          • data string: The DNS record.
          • type string (values: cname, mx, txt): The type of DNS record.
          • valid boolean: Indicates if this DNS record is valid.
        • mail_server object: Designates which mail server is responsible for accepting messages from a domain.
          • host string: The domain sending the messages.
          • data string: The mail server responsible for accepting messages.
          • type string: The type of DNS record.
          • valid boolean: Indicates if this is a valid DNS record with no conflicts.
        • subdomain_spf object: The SPF record for the subdomain used to create this whitelabel.
          • host string: The domain that this SPF record will be used to authenticate.
          • data string: The SPF record.
          • type string: The type of data in the SPF record.
          • valid boolean: Indicates if the SPF record is valid.
      • domain required string: The domain that this whitelabel was created for.
      • id required number: The ID of the domain whitelabel.
      • ips required array: The IPs that will be included in the custom SPF record.
        • items string
      • legacy required boolean: Indicates if this is whitelabel was created with the legacy whitelabel tool.
      • subdomain required string: The subdomain created for this domain whitelabel.
      • user_id required number: The ID of the user that this whitelabel will be associated with.
      • username required string: The username that this whitelabel is associated with.
      • valid required boolean: Indicates if this is a valid whitelabel or not.

This endpoint allows you to create a whitelabel for one of your domains.

If you are creating a domain whitelabel that you would like a subuser to use, you have two options:

  1. Use the "username" parameter. This allows you to create a whitelabel on behalf of your subuser. This means the subuser is able to see and modify the created whitelabel.
  2. Use the Association workflow (see Associate Domain section). This allows you to assign a whitelabel created by the parent to a subuser. This means the subuser will default to the assigned whitelabel, but will not be able to see or modify that whitelabel. However, if the subuser creates their own whitelabel it will overwrite the assigned whitelabel.

A domain whitelabel allows you to remove the “via” or “sent on behalf of” message that your recipients see when they read your emails. Whitelabeling a domain allows you to replace with your personal sending domain. You will be required to create a subdomain so that SendGrid can generate the DNS records which you must give to your host provider. If you choose to use Automated Security, SendGrid will provide you with 3 CNAME records. If you turn Automated Security off, you will be given 2 TXT records and 1 MX record.

For more information on whitelabeling, please see our User Guide{}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • body object
      • automatic_security boolean: Whether to allow SendGrid to manage your SPF records, DKIM keys, and DKIM key rotation.
      • custom_spf boolean: Specify whether to use a custom SPF or allow SendGrid to manage your SPF. This option is only available to domain whitelabels setup for manual security.
      • default boolean: Whether to use this whitelabel as the fallback if no domain whitelabels match the sender's domain.
      • domain required string: Domain being whitelabeled.
      • ips array: The IP addresses that will be included in the custom SPF record for this whitelabel.
        • items string
      • subdomain required string: The subdomain to use for this domain whitelabel.
      • username string: The username that this whitelabel will be associated with.

This endpoint allows you to retrieve the default whitelabel for a domain.

A domain whitelabel allows you to remove the “via” or “sent on behalf of” message that your recipients see when they read your emails. Whitelabeling a domain allows you to replace with your personal sending domain. You will be required to create a subdomain so that SendGrid can generate the DNS records which you must give to your host provider. If you choose to use Automated Security, SendGrid will provide you with 3 CNAME records. If you turn Automated Security off, you will be given 2 TXT records and 1 MX record.

For more information on whitelabeling, please see our User Guide

URI Parameters

URI ParameterTypeDescription
domainstringThe domain to find a default domain whitelabel for.{}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string

This endpoint allows you to disassociate a specific whitelabel from a subuser.

A domain whitelabel allows you to remove the “via” or “sent on behalf of” message that your recipients see when they read your emails. Whitelabeling a domain allows you to replace with your personal sending domain. You will be required to create a subdomain so that SendGrid can generate the DNS records which you must give to your host provider. If you choose to use Automated Security, SendGrid will provide you with 3 CNAME records. If you turn Automated Security off, you will be given 2 TXT records and 1 MX record.

Domain whitelabels can be associated with (i.e. assigned to) subusers from a parent account. This functionality allows subusers to send mail using their parent's whitelabels. To associate a whitelabel with a subuser, the parent account must first create the whitelabel and validate it. The the parent may then associate the whitelabel via the subuser management tools.

For more information on whitelabeling, please see our User Guide

URI Parameters

URI ParameterTypeRequired?Description
usernamestringrequiredUsername for the subuser to find associated whitelabels for.{}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
  • output object

This endpoint allows you to retrieve all of the whitelabels that have been assigned to a specific subuser.

A domain whitelabel allows you to remove the “via” or “sent on behalf of” message that your recipients see when they read your emails. Whitelabeling a domain allows you to replace with your personal sending domain. You will be required to create a subdomain so that SendGrid can generate the DNS records which you must give to your host provider. If you choose to use Automated Security, SendGrid will provide you with 3 CNAME records. If you turn Automated Security off, you will be given 2 TXT records and 1 MX record.

Domain whitelabels can be associated with (i.e. assigned to) subusers from a parent account. This functionality allows subusers to send mail using their parent's whitelabels. To associate a whitelabel with a subuser, the parent account must first create the whitelabel and validate it. The the parent may then associate the whitelabel via the subuser management tools.

For more information on whitelabeling, please see our User Guide

URI Parameters

URI ParameterTypeDescription
usernamestringUsername of the subuser to find associated whitelabels for.{}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string

This endpoint allows you to delete a domain whitelabel.

A domain whitelabel allows you to remove the “via” or “sent on behalf of” message that your recipients see when they read your emails. Whitelabeling a domain allows you to replace with your personal sending domain. You will be required to create a subdomain so that SendGrid can generate the DNS records which you must give to your host provider. If you choose to use Automated Security, SendGrid will provide you with 3 CNAME records. If you turn Automated Security off, you will be given 2 TXT records and 1 MX record.

For more information on whitelabeling, please see our User Guide{
  "domain_id": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • domain_id required string
  • output object

This endpoint allows you to retrieve a specific domain whitelabel.

A domain whitelabel allows you to remove the “via” or “sent on behalf of” message that your recipients see when they read your emails. Whitelabeling a domain allows you to replace with your personal sending domain. You will be required to create a subdomain so that SendGrid can generate the DNS records which you must give to your host provider. If you choose to use Automated Security, SendGrid will provide you with 3 CNAME records. If you turn Automated Security off, you will be given 2 TXT records and 1 MX record.

For more information on whitelabeling, please see our User Guide{
  "domain_id": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • domain_id required string

This endpoint allows you to update the settings for a domain whitelabel.

A domain whitelabel allows you to remove the “via” or “sent on behalf of” message that your recipients see when they read your emails. Whitelabeling a domain allows you to replace with your personal sending domain. You will be required to create a subdomain so that SendGrid can generate the DNS records which you must give to your host provider. If you choose to use Automated Security, SendGrid will provide you with 3 CNAME records. If you turn Automated Security off, you will be given 2 TXT records and 1 MX record.

For more information on whitelabeling, please see our User Guide{
  "domain_id": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • body object
      • custom_spf boolean: Indicates whether to generate a custom SPF record for manual security.
      • default boolean: Indicates whether this domain whitelabel should be considered the default.
    • domain_id required string
  • output object
    • custom_spf false boolean: Indicates whether to generate a custom SPF record for manual security. Defaults to false.
    • default false boolean: Inidcates whether this domain whitelabel should be considered the default. Defaults to false.

This endpoint allows you to associate a specific domain whitelabel with a subuser.

A domain whitelabel allows you to remove the “via” or “sent on behalf of” message that your recipients see when they read your emails. Whitelabeling a domain allows you to replace with your personal sending domain. You will be required to create a subdomain so that SendGrid can generate the DNS records which you must give to your host provider. If you choose to use Automated Security, SendGrid will provide you with 3 CNAME records. If you turn Automated Security off, you will be given 2 TXT records and 1 MX record.

Domain whitelabels can be associated with (i.e. assigned to) subusers from a parent account. This functionality allows subusers to send mail using their parent's whitelabels. To associate a whitelabel with a subuser, the parent account must first create the whitelabel and validate it. The the parent may then associate the whitelabel via the subuser management tools.

For more information on whitelabeling, please see our User Guide

URI Parameters

URI ParameterTypeDescription
domain_idintegerID of the domain whitelabel to associate with the subuser.{
  "domain_id": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • body object
      • username required string: Username to associate with the domain whitelabel.
    • domain_id required string

This endpoint allows you to add an IP address to a domain whitelabel.

A domain whitelabel allows you to remove the “via” or “sent on behalf of” message that your recipients see when they read your emails. Whitelabeling a domain allows you to replace with your personal sending domain. You will be required to create a subdomain so that SendGrid can generate the DNS records which you must give to your host provider. If you choose to use Automated Security, SendGrid will provide you with 3 CNAME records. If you turn Automated Security off, you will be given 2 TXT records and 1 MX record.

For more information on whitelabeling, please see our User Guide

URI Parameters

URI ParameterTypeDescription
idintegerID of the domain to which you are adding an IP{
  "id": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • body object
      • ip required string: IP to associate with the domain. Used for manually specifying IPs for custom SPF.
    • id required string

This endpoint allows you to remove a domain's IP address from that domain's whitelabel.

A domain whitelabel allows you to remove the “via” or “sent on behalf of” message that your recipients see when they read your emails. Whitelabeling a domain allows you to replace with your personal sending domain. You will be required to create a subdomain so that SendGrid can generate the DNS records which you must give to your host provider. If you choose to use Automated Security, SendGrid will provide you with 3 CNAME records. If you turn Automated Security off, you will be given 2 TXT records and 1 MX record.

For more information on whitelabeling, please see our User Guide

URI Parameters

URI ParameterTypeDescription
idintegerID of the domain whitelabel to delete the IP from.
ipstringIP to remove from the domain whitelabel.{
  "id": "",
  "ip": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • id required string
    • ip required string

This endpoint allows you to validate a domain whitelabel. If it fails, it will return an error message describing why the whitelabel could not be validated.

A domain whitelabel allows you to remove the “via” or “sent on behalf of” message that your recipients see when they read your emails. Whitelabeling a domain allows you to replace with your personal sending domain. You will be required to create a subdomain so that SendGrid can generate the DNS records which you must give to your host provider. If you choose to use Automated Security, SendGrid will provide you with 3 CNAME records. If you turn Automated Security off, you will be given 2 TXT records and 1 MX record.

For more information on whitelabeling, please see our User Guide

URI Parameters

URI ParameterTypeDescription
idintegerID of the domain whitelabel to validate.{
  "id": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • id required string
  • output object
    • id integer: The ID of the domain whitelabel.
    • valid boolean: Indicates if this is a valid whitelabel.
    • validation_results object: The individual DNS records that are checked when validating, including the reason for any invalid DNS records.
      • dkim1 object: A DNS record for this domain whitelabel.
        • valid boolean: Indicates if the DNS record is valid.
      • dkim2 object: A DNS record for this whitelabel.
        • valid boolean: Indicates if the DNS record is valid.
      • mail_cname object: The CNAME record for the domain whitelabel.
        • reason string: The reason this record is invalid.
        • valid boolean: Indicates if this DNS record is valid.
      • spf object: The SPF record for the whitelabel.
        • valid boolean: Indicates if the SPF record is valid.


This endpoint allows you to retrieve all of the IP whitelabels that have been createdy by this account.

You may include a search key by using the "ip" parameter. This enables you to perform a prefix search for a given IP segment (e.g. "192.").

A IP whitelabel consists of a subdomain and domain that will be used to generate a reverse DNS record for a given IP. Once SendGrid has verified that the appropriate A record for the IP has been created, the appropriate reverse DNS record for the IP is generated.

For more information, please see our User Guide.

sendgrid.whitelabel.ips.get({}, context)
  • input object
    • limit integer: The number of results to retrieve.
    • offset integer: The point in the list of results to begin retrieving IPs from.
    • ip string: The IP segment that you would like to use in a prefix search.
    • on-behalf-of string

This endpoint allows you to create an IP whitelabel.

When creating an IP whitelable, you should use the same subdomain that you used when you created a domain whitelabel.

A IP whitelabel consists of a subdomain and domain that will be used to generate a reverse DNS record for a given IP. Once SendGrid has verified that the appropriate A record for the IP has been created, the appropriate reverse DNS record for the IP is generated.

For more information, please see our User Guide.{}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • body object
      • domain required string: The root, or sending, domain that will be used to send message from the IP.
      • ip required string: The IP address that you want to whitelabel.
      • subdomain required string: The subdomain that will be used to send emails from the IP. Should be the same as the subdomain used for your domain whitelabel.

This endpoint allows you to delete an IP whitelabel.

A IP whitelabel consists of a subdomain and domain that will be used to generate a reverse DNS record for a given IP. Once SendGrid has verified that the appropriate A record for the IP has been created, the appropriate reverse DNS record for the IP is generated.

For more information, please see our User Guide.{
  "id": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • id required string: The id of the IP whitelabel that you would like to retrieve.
  • output object

This endpoint allows you to retrieve an IP whitelabel.

A IP whitelabel consists of a subdomain and domain that will be used to generate a reverse DNS record for a given IP. Once SendGrid has verified that the appropriate A record for the IP has been created, the appropriate reverse DNS record for the IP is generated.

For more information, please see our User Guide.{
  "id": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • id required string: The id of the IP whitelabel that you would like to retrieve.

This endpoint allows you to validate an IP whitelabel.

A IP whitelabel consists of a subdomain and domain that will be used to generate a reverse DNS record for a given IP. Once SendGrid has verified that the appropriate A record for the IP has been created, the appropriate reverse DNS record for the IP is generated.

For more information, please see our User Guide.{
  "id": 0
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • id required integer
  • output object
    • id required integer: The id of the IP whitelabel.
    • valid required boolean (values: true, false): Indicates if the IP whitelabel is valid.
    • validation_results required object: The specific results of the validation.
      • a_record object
        • reason required string: The reason the IP whitelabel could not be validated. Is null if the whitelabel was validated.
        • valid required boolean (values: true, false): Indicates if the IP whitelabel could be validated.


This endpoint allows you to retrieve all link whitelabels.

Email link whitelabels allow all of the click-tracked links you send in your emails to include the URL of your domain instead of

For more information, please see our User Guide.

sendgrid.whitelabel.links.get({}, context)
  • input object
    • limit integer: Limits the number of results returned per page.
    • on-behalf-of string

This endpoint allows you to create a new link whitelabel.

Email link whitelabels allow all of the click-tracked links you send in your emails to include the URL of your domain instead of

For more information, please see our User Guide.{}, context)
  • input object
    • limit integer: Number of domains to return.
    • offset integer: Paging offset.
    • on-behalf-of string
    • body object
      • default boolean (values: true, false): Indicates if you want to use this link whitelabel as the fallback, or default, whitelabel.
      • domain required string: The root domain for your subdomain that you are creating the whitelabel for. This should match your FROM email address.
      • subdomain required string: The subdomain to create the link whitelabel for. Must be different from the subdomain you used for a domain whitelabel.


This endpoint allows you to retrieve the default link whitelabel.

Default link whitelabel is the actual link whitelabel to be used when sending messages. If there are multiple link whitelabels, the default is determined by the following order:

  • Validated link whitelabels marked as "default"
  • Legacy link whitelabels (migrated from the whitelabel wizard)
  • Default SendGrid link whitelabel (i.e.

Email link whitelabels allow all of the click-tracked links you send in your emails to include the URL of your domain instead of

For more information, please see our User Guide.

sendgrid.whitelabel.links.default.get({}, context)
  • input object
    • domain string: The domain to match against when finding a corresponding link whitelabel.
    • on-behalf-of string


This endpoint allows you to disassociate a link whitelabel from a subuser.

Link whitelables can be associated with subusers from the parent account. This functionality allows subusers to send mail using their parent's linke whitelabels. To associate a link whitelabel, the parent account must first create a whitelabel and validate it. The parent may then associate that whitelabel with a subuser via the API or the Subuser Management page in the user interface.

Email link whitelabels allow all of the click-tracked links you send in your emails to include the URL of your domain instead of

For more information, please see our User Guide.

  "username": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • username required string: The username of the subuser account that you want to disassociate a link whitelabel from.
    • on-behalf-of string
  • output object


This endpoint allows you to retrieve the associated link whitelabel for a subuser.

Link whitelables can be associated with subusers from the parent account. This functionality allows subusers to send mail using their parent's linke whitelabels. To associate a link whitelabel, the parent account must first create a whitelabel and validate it. The parent may then associate that whitelabel with a subuser via the API or the Subuser Management page in the user interface.

Email link whitelabels allow all of the click-tracked links you send in your emails to include the URL of your domain instead of

For more information, please see our User Guide.

  "username": ""
}, context)
  • input object
    • username required string: The username of the subuser to retrieve associated link whitelabels for.
    • on-behalf-of string

This endpoint allows you to delete a link whitelabel.

Email link whitelabels allow all of the click-tracked links you send in your emails to include the URL of your domain instead of

For more information, please see our User Guide.{
  "id": 0
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • id required integer: The id of the link whitelabel you want to retrieve.
  • output object

This endpoint allows you to retrieve a specific link whitelabel.

Email link whitelabels allow all of the click-tracked links you send in your emails to include the URL of your domain instead of

For more information, please see our User Guide.{
  "id": 0
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • id required integer: The id of the link whitelabel you want to retrieve.

This endpoint allows you to update a specific link whitelabel. You can use this endpoint to change a link whitelabel's default status.

Email link whitelabels allow all of the click-tracked links you send in your emails to include the URL of your domain instead of

For more information, please see our User Guide.{
  "id": 0
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • body object
      • default boolean (values: true, false): Indicates if the link whitelabel is set as the default, or fallback, whitelabel.
    • id required integer: The id of the link whitelabel you want to retrieve.

This endpoint allows you to validate a link whitelabel.

Email link whitelabels allow all of the click-tracked links you send in your emails to include the URL of your domain instead of

For more information, please see our User Guide.{
  "id": 0
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • id required integer: The id of the link whitelabel that you want to validate.
  • output object
    • id required integer: The id of the link whitelabel.
    • valid required boolean (values: true, false): Indicates if the link whitelabel is valid.
    • validation_results required object: The individual validations results for each of the DNS records associated with this link whitelabel.
      • domain_cname required object: The DNS record generated for the sending domain used for this link whitelabel.
        • reason required string: Null if the DNS record is valid. If the DNS record is invalid, this will explain why.
        • valid required boolean (values: true, false): Indicates if this DNS record is valid.
      • owner_cname object: The DNS record created to verify the link whitelabel.
        • reason required string: Null if valid. If the DNS record is invalid, this will explain why.
        • valid required boolean (values: true, false): Indicates if the DNS record is valid.

This endpoint allows you to associate a link whitelabel with a subuser account.

Link whitelables can be associated with subusers from the parent account. This functionality allows subusers to send mail using their parent's linke whitelabels. To associate a link whitelabel, the parent account must first create a whitelabel and validate it. The parent may then associate that whitelabel with a subuser via the API or the Subuser Management page in the user interface.

Email link whitelabels allow all of the click-tracked links you send in your emails to include the URL of your domain instead of

For more information, please see our User Guide.{
  "link_id": 0
}, context)
  • input object
    • on-behalf-of string
    • body object
      • username string: The username of the subuser account that you want to associate the link whitelabel with.
    • link_id required integer: The id of the link whitelabel you want to associate.



  • Stats: Advanced Stats with Clicks object
    • date required string: The date that the events occurred.
    • stats required array: The statistics of the email events.
      • items object
        • metrics required object: The individual events and their stats.
          • clicks required integer: The number of links that were clicked in your emails.
          • unique_clicks required integer: The number of unique recipients who clicked links in your emails.
        • name required string: The name of the specific segmentation.
        • type required string: The type of segmentation.


  • Stats: Advanced Stats with Clicks and Opens object
    • date required string: The date that the events occurred.
    • stats required array: The statistics of the email events.
      • items object
        • metrics required object: The individual events and their stats.
          • clicks required integer: The number of links that were clicked in your emails.
          • opens required integer: The total number of times your emails were opened by recipients.
          • unique_clicks required integer: The number of unique recipients who clicked links in your emails.
          • unique_opens required integer: The number of unique recipients who opened your emails.
        • name required string: The name of the specific segmentation.
        • type required string: The type of segmentation.


  • Stats: Advanced Stats for Mailbox Provider object
    • date required string: The date that the events occurred.
    • stats required array: The statistics of the email events.
      • items object
        • metrics required object: The individual events and their stats.
          • blocks required integer: The number of emails that were not allowed to be delivered by ISPs.
          • bounces required integer: The number of emails that bounced instead of being delivered.
          • clicks required integer: The number of links that were clicked in your emails.
          • deferred required integer: The number of emails that temporarily could not be delivered.
          • delivered required integer: The number of emails SendGrid was able to confirm were actually delivered to a recipient.
          • drops required integer: The number of emails that were not delivered due to the recipient email address being on a suppression list.
          • opens required integer: The total number of times your emails were opened by recipients.
          • spam_reports required integer: The number of recipients who marked your email as spam.
          • unique_clicks required integer: The number of unique recipients who clicked links in your emails.
          • unique_opens required integer: The number of unique recipients who opened your emails.
        • name required string: The name of the specific segmentation.
        • type required string: The type of segmentation.


  • Stats: Advanced Stats with Opens object
    • date required string: The date that the events occurred.
    • stats required array: The statistics of the email events.
      • items object
        • metrics required object: The individual events and their stats.
          • opens required integer: The total number of times your emails were opened by recipients.
          • unique_opens required integer: The number of unique recipients who opened your emails.
        • name required string: The name of the specific segmentation.
        • type required string: The type of segmentation.


  • API Key Name and ID object
    • api_key_id string: The ID of your API Key.
    • name string: The name of your API Key.


  • API Key Name, ID, and Scopes
    • scopes array: The permissions this API Key has access to.
      • items string
    • api_key_id string: The ID of your API Key.
    • name string: The name of your API Key.


  • Campaigns Request object
    • categories array: The categories you would like associated to this campaign.
      • items string
    • custom_unsubscribe_url string: This is the url of the custom unsubscribe page that you provide for customers to unsubscribe from your suppression groups.
    • html_content string: The HTML of your marketing email.
    • ip_pool string: The pool of IPs that you would like to send this email from.
    • list_ids array: The IDs of the lists you are sending this campaign to. You can have both segment IDs and list IDs
      • items integer
    • plain_content string: The plain text content of your emails.
    • segment_ids array: The segment IDs that you are sending this list to. You can have both segment IDs and list IDs.
      • items integer
    • sender_id integer: The ID of the "sender" identity that you have created. Your recipients will see this as the "from" on your marketing emails.
    • subject string: The subject of your campaign that your recipients will see.
    • suppression_group_id integer: The suppression group that this marketing email belongs to, allowing recipients to opt-out of emails of this type.
    • title required string: The display title of your campaign. This will be viewable by you in the Marketing Campaigns UI.


  • Campaigns Response
    • categories array: The categories you would like associated to this campaign.
      • items string
    • custom_unsubscribe_url string: This is the url of the custom unsubscribe page that you provide for customers to unsubscribe from your suppression groups.
    • html_content string: The HTML of your marketing email.
    • ip_pool string: The pool of IPs that you would like to send this email from.
    • list_ids array: The IDs of the lists you are sending this campaign to. You can have both segment IDs and list IDs
      • items integer
    • plain_content string: The plain text content of your emails.
    • segment_ids array: The segment IDs that you are sending this list to. You can have both segment IDs and list IDs.
      • items integer
    • sender_id integer: The ID of the "sender" identity that you have created. Your recipients will see this as the "from" on your marketing emails.
    • subject string: The subject of your campaign that your recipients will see.
    • suppression_group_id integer: The suppression group that this marketing email belongs to, allowing recipients to opt-out of emails of this type.
    • title required string: The display title of your campaign. This will be viewable by you in the Marketing Campaigns UI.
    • id integer
    • status required string: The status of your campaign.


  • Stats: Category Stats object
    • date required string: The date the statistics were gathered.
    • stats array
      • items object
        • metrics object
          • blocks required integer: The number of emails that were not allowed to be delivered by ISPs.
          • bounce_drops required integer: The number of emails that were dropped because of a bounce.
          • bounces required integer: The number of emails that bounced instead of being delivered.
          • clicks required integer: The number of links that were clicked.
          • deferred required integer: The number of emails that temporarily could not be delivered.
          • delivered required integer: The number of emails SendGrid was able to confirm were actually delivered to a recipient.
          • invalid_emails required integer: The number of recipients who had malformed email addresses or whose mail provider reported the address as invalid.
          • opens required integer: The total number of times your emails were opened by recipients.
          • processed required integer: Requests from your website, application, or mail client via SMTP Relay or the API that SendGrid processed.
          • requests required integer: The number of emails that were requested to be delivered.
          • spam_report_drops required integer: The number of emails that were dropped due to a recipient previously marking your emails as spam.
          • spam_reports required integer: The number of recipients who marked your email as spam.
          • unique_clicks required integer: The number of unique recipients who clicked links in your emails.
          • unique_opens required integer: The number of unique recipients who opened your emails.
          • unsubscribe_drops required integer: The number of emails dropped due to a recipient unsubscribing from your emails.
          • unsubscribes required integer: The number of recipients who unsubscribed from your emails.
        • name string: The name of the category.
        • type required string: How you are segmenting your statistics.


  • ContactDB Custom field schema. object
    • name string: The name of the field
    • type string (values: date, text, number): The type of the field.


  • ContactDB Custom field schema with ID.
    • name string: The name of the field
    • type string (values: date, text, number): The type of the field.
    • id number: The ID of the custom field.


  • ContactDB Custom field schema.
    • name string: The name of the field
    • type string (values: date, text, number): The type of the field.
    • id number: The ID of the custom field.
    • value string: The value of this recipient's custom field


  • ContactDB lists object
    • id required integer: The reference ID of your list.
    • name required string: The name of your list.
    • recipient_count required integer: The count of recipients currently in the list.


  • ContactDB: Recipient object
    • recipients array
      • items object
        • created_at number: The time this record was created in your contactdb, in unixtime.
        • custom_fields array: The custom fields assigned to this recipient and their values.
        • email required string: The email address of this recipient. This is a default custom field that SendGrid provides.
        • first_name string: The first name of this recipient. This is a default custom field that SendGrid provides.
        • id string: The ID of this recipient.
        • last_clicked number: The last time this recipient clicked a link from one of your campaigns, in unixtime.
        • last_emailed number: The last time this user was emailed by one of your campaigns, in unixtime.
        • last_name string: The last name of the recipient.
        • last_opened number: The last time this recipient opened an email from you, in unixtime.
        • updated_at number: The last update date for this recipient's record.


  • ContactDB: Recipient Count object
    • recipient_count required number: The count of recipients.


  • ContactDB: Recipient response object
    • error_count required number: The number of errors found while adding recipients.
    • error_indices array: The indices of the recipient(s) sent that caused the error.
      • items number
    • errors array
      • items object
        • error_indices array
          • items number
        • message string
    • new_count required number: The count of new recipients added to the contactdb.
    • persisted_recipients required array: The recipient IDs of the recipients that already existed from this request.
      • items string
    • updated_count required number: The recipients who were updated from this request.


  • Create a Segment request object
    • conditions required array: The conditions for a recipient to be included in this segment.
    • list_id integer: The list id from which to make this segment. Not including this ID will mean your segment is created from the main contactdb rather than a list.
    • name required string: The name of this segment.
    • recipient_count number: The count of recipients in this list. This is not included on creation of segments.


  • ContactDB: Segments: Conditions object
    • and_or string (values: and, or, )
    • field required string
    • operator required string (values: eq, ne, lt, gt, contains)
    • value required string


  • ContactDB:: Segments with ID
    • id required number: The ID of the segment.
    • conditions required array: The conditions for a recipient to be included in this segment.
    • list_id integer: The list id from which to make this segment. Not including this ID will mean your segment is created from the main contactdb rather than a list.
    • name required string: The name of this segment.
    • recipient_count number: The count of recipients in this list. This is not included on creation of segments.


  • Contacts object
    • address string
    • address2 object
    • city string
    • company string
    • country string
    • email string
    • first_name string
    • last_name string
    • phone string
    • state string
    • zip string


  • Credentials object
    • permissions object
      • api string
      • mail string
      • web string
    • username string


  • Email Object object
    • email required string
    • name string: The name of the person to whom you are sending an email.


  • Error Schema object
    • errors array
      • items object
        • field string: The field that has the error.
        • message string: The message the API caller will receive.


  • Webhooks: Event Webhook Settings object
    • bounce required boolean: Receiving server could not or would not accept message.
    • click required boolean: Recipient clicked on a link within the message. You need to enable Click Tracking for getting this type of event.
    • deferred required boolean: Recipient's email server temporarily rejected message.
    • delivered required boolean: Message has been successfully delivered to the receiving server.
    • dropped required boolean: You may see the following drop reasons: Invalid SMTPAPI header, Spam Content (if spam checker app enabled), Unsubscribed Address, Bounced Address, Spam Reporting Address, Invalid, Recipient List over Package Quota
    • enabled required boolean: Indicates if the event webhook is enabled.
    • group_resubscribe required boolean: Recipient resubscribes to specific group by updating preferences. You need to enable Subscription Tracking for getting this type of event.
    • group_unsubscribe required boolean: Recipient unsubscribe from specific group, by either direct link or updating preferences. You need to enable Subscription Tracking for getting this type of event.
    • open required boolean: Recipient has opened the HTML message. You need to enable Open Tracking for getting this type of event.
    • processed required boolean: Message has been received and is ready to be delivered.
    • spam_report required boolean: Recipient marked a message as spam.
    • unsubscribe required boolean: Recipient clicked on message's subscription management link. You need to enable Subscription Tracking for getting this type of event.
    • url required string: The URL that you want the event webhook to POST to.


  • Global: Error Response object
    • errors array
      • items object
        • field string: The field that generated the error.
        • message required string: The error message.



  • Global: ID integer


  • Settings: Google Analytics object
    • enabled boolean: Indicates if Google Analytics is enabled.
    • utm_campaign string: The name of the campaign.
    • utm_content string: Used to differentiate ads
    • utm_medium string: Name of the marketing medium (e.g. "Email").
    • utm_source string: Name of the referrer source.
    • utm_term string: Any paid keywords.


  • IP Pools: Pool object
    • name required string: The name of the IP pool.


  • IP Warmup: IP array
    • items object
      • ip required string: The IP address.
      • start_date required integer: A Unix timestamp indicating when the IP address was entered into warmup mode.


  • Whitelabel - IPs object
    • a_record required object
      • host required string: This is the web address that will be mapped to the IP address.
      • data required string: The IP address being whitelabeled.
      • type required string: The type of DNS record.
      • valid required boolean: Indicates if the a_record is valid.
    • domain required string: The root, or sending, domain.
    • id required integer: The id of the IP whitelabel.
    • ip required string: The IP address that this whitelabel was created for.
    • legacy required boolean: Indicates if this whitelabel was created using the legacy whitelabel tool.
    • rdns required string: The reverse DNS record for the IP address. This points to the IP whitelabel subdomain.
    • subdomain required string: The subdomain created for this IP whitelabel. This is where the rDNS record points.
    • users required array: The users who are able to send mail from the IP.
      • items object
        • user_id required integer: The ID of the user who can send mail from this IP.
        • username required string: The username of the user who can send mail from this IP.
    • valid required boolean: Indicates if this is a valid whitelabel.
  • Whitelabel - Links object
    • default required boolean (values: true, false): Indicates if this is the default link whitelabel.
    • dns required object: The DNS records generated for this link whitelabel.
      • domain_cname required object: The DNS record generated to point to your link whitelabel subdomain.
        • host required string: The domain that this whitelabel will use when whitelabeling the links in your email.
        • data required string: The domain that the DNS record points to.
        • type required string (values: cname, txt, mx): The type of DNS record that was generate.
        • valid required boolean (values: true, false): Indicates if the DNS record is valid.
      • owner_cname object: The DNS record generated to verify who created the link whitelabel.
        • host required string: Used to verify the link whitelabel. The subdomain of this domain is the user id of the user who created the link whitelabel.
        • data required string: The domain that the DNS record points to.
        • type string (values: cname, txt, mx): The type of DNS record generated.
        • valid required boolean (values: true, false): Indicates if the DNS record is valid.
    • domain required string: The root domain for this link whitelabel.
    • id required integer: The id of the link whitelabel.
    • legacy required boolean (values: true, false): Indicates if this link whitelabel was created using the legacy whitelabel tool.
    • subdomain required string: The subdomain used to generate the DNS records for this link whitelabel. This subdomain must be different from the subdomain used for your domain whitelabel.
    • user_id required integer: The id of the user that this whitelabel is associated with.
    • username required string: The username of the account that this link whitelabel is associated with.
    • valid required boolean (values: true, false): Indicates if this link whitelabel is valid.


  • Mail: Batch ID object
    • batch_id required string


  • Mail Settings: Address Whitelabel object
    • enabled boolean: Indicates if you have an email address whitelist enabled.
    • list array: All email address that are currently on the whitelist.
      • items string


  • Mail Settings: BCC object
    • email string: The email address that will be sent a blind carbon copy.
    • enabled boolean: Indicates if the BCC setting is enabled.


  • Mail Settings: Bounce Purge object
    • enabled boolean: Indicates if the bounce purge mail setting is enabled.
    • hard_bounces integer: The number of days, after which SendGrid will purge all contacts from your hard bounces suppression lists.
    • soft_bounces integer: The number of days, after which SendGrid will purge all contacts from your soft bounces suppression lists.
  • Mail Settings: Footer object
    • enabled boolean: Indicates if the Footer mail setting is currently enabled.
    • html_content string: The custom HTML content of your email footer.
    • plain_content string: The plain text content of your email footer.


  • Mail Settings: Forward Bounce object
    • email string: The email address that you would like your bounce reports forwarded to.
    • enabled boolean: Indicates if the bounce forwarding mail setting is enabled.


  • Mail Settings: Forward Spam object
    • email string: The email address where you would like the spam reports to be forwarded.
    • enabled boolean: Indicates if the Forward Spam setting is enabled.


  • Mail Settings: Patch object
    • email string: The email address of the recipient.
    • enabled boolean: Indicates if the mail setting is enabled.


  • Mail Settings: Spam Check object
    • enabled required boolean: Indicates if your Spam Checker mail setting is enabled.
    • max_score integer: The spam threshold. Can range from 1 to 10. The lower the number, the more strict the filtering.
    • url string: The inbound parse URL where you would like the spam messages to be sent to.


  • Mail Settings: Template object
    • enabled boolean: Indicates if the legacy email template setting is enabled.
    • html_content string: The HTML content that you want to use for your legacy email template.


  • Create monitor settings request object
    • email required string: The email address to send emails at the frequency specified for monitoring.
    • frequency required number: The frequency by which to send the emails. An email will be sent, every time your subuser sends this {frequency} emails.


  • Parse Setting object
    • hostname string: A specific and unique domain or subdomain that you have created to use exclusively to parse your incoming email. For example,
    • send_raw boolean: Indicates if you would like SendGrid to post the original MIME-type content of your parsed email. When this parameter is set to "false", SendGrid will send a JSON payload of the content of your email.
    • spam_check boolean: Indicates if you would like SendGrid to check the content parsed from your emails for spam before POSTing them to your domain.
    • url string: The public URL where you would like SendGrid to POST the data parsed from your email. Any emails sent with the given hostname provided (whose MX records have been updated to point to SendGrid) will be parsed and POSTed to this URL.


  • Partner Settings: New Relic object
    • enable_subuser_statistics boolean: Indicates if your subuser statistics will be sent to your New Relic Dashboard.
    • enabled required boolean: Indicates if this setting is enabled.
    • license_key required string: The license key provided with your New Relic account.


  • Sender ID object
    • address required string: The physical address of the sender identity.
    • address_2 string: Additional sender identity address information.
    • city required string: The city of the sender identity.
    • country required string: The country of the sender identity.
    • created_at integer: The time the sender identity was created.
    • from object
      • email required string: This is where the email will appear to originate from for your recipient
      • name string: This is the name appended to the from email field. IE - Your name or company name.
    • id integer: The unique identifier of the sender identity.
    • locked boolean: A sender identity is locked when it is associated to a campaign in the Draft, Scheduled, or In Progress status. You cannot update or delete a locked sender identity.
    • nickname required string: A nickname for the sender identity. Not used for sending.
    • reply_to object
      • email string: This is the email that your recipient will reply to.
      • name string: This is the name appended to the reply to email field. IE - Your name or company name.
    • state string: The state of the sender identity.
    • updated_at integer: The time the sender identity was last updated.
    • verified boolean: If the sender identity is verified or not. Only verified sender identities can be used to send email.
    • zip string: The zipcode of the sender identity.


  • Stats array
    • items object
      • date string: The date that the statistics were gathered.
      • stats array: The list of statistics.
        • items object
          • metrics object: The individual events and their statistics.
            • blocks integer: The number of emails that were not allowed to be delivered by ISPs.
            • bounce_drops integer: The number of emails that were dropped because of a bounce.
            • bounces integer: The number of emails that bounced instead of being delivered.
            • clicks integer: The number of links that were clicked in your emails.
            • deferred integer: The number of emails that temporarily could not be delivered.
            • delivered integer: The number of emails SendGrid was able to confirm were actually delivered to a recipient.
            • invalid_emails integer: The number of recipients who had malformed email addresses or whose mail provider reported the address as invalid.
            • opens integer: The total number of times your emails were opened by recipients.
            • processed integer: Requests from your website, application, or mail client via SMTP Relay or the API that SendGrid processed.
            • requests integer: The number of emails that were requested to be delivered.
            • spam_report_drops integer: The number of emails that were dropped due to a recipient previously marking your emails as spam.
            • spam_reports integer: The number of recipients who marked your email as spam.
            • unique_clicks integer: The number of unique recipients who clicked links in your emails.
            • unique_opens integer: The number of unique recipients who opened your emails.
            • unsubscribe_drops integer: The number of emails dropped due to a recipient unsubscribing from your emails.
            • unsubscribes integer: The number of recipients who unsubscribed from your emails.
          • name string: The name of the specific segmentation.
          • type string: The type of segmentation.


  • Settings: Subscription Tracking object
    • enabled boolean: Indicates if subscription tracking is enabled.
    • html_content string: The information and HTML for your unsubscribe link.
    • landing string: The HTML that will be displayed on the page that your customers will see after clicking unsubscribe, hosted on SendGrid’s server.
    • plain_content string: The information in plain text for your unsubscribe link. You should have the “<% %>” tag in your content, otherwise the user will have no URL for unsubscribing.
    • replace string: Your custom defined replacement tag for your templates. Use this tag to place your unsubscribe content anywhere in your emailtemplate.
    • url string: The URL where you would like your users sent to unsubscribe.


  • List all Subusers for a parent response object
    • disabled required boolean: Whether or not the user is enabled or disabled.
    • email required string: The email address to contact this subuser.
    • id required number: The ID of this subuser.
    • username required string: The name by which this subuser will be referred.


  • Subuser::POST object
    • authorization_token string
    • credit_allocation object
      • type string
    • email required string: The email address for this subuser.
    • signup_session_token string
    • user_id required number: The user ID for this subuser.
    • username required string: The username of the subuser.


  • subuser_stats object
    • date string: The date the statistics were gathered.
    • stats array: The list of statistics.
      • items object
        • first_name string: The first name of the subuser.
        • last_name string: The last name of the subuser.
        • metrics object
          • blocks integer: The number of emails that were not allowed to be delivered by ISPs.
          • bounce_drops integer: The number of emails that were dropped because of a bounce.
          • bounces integer: The number of emails that bounced instead of being delivered.
          • clicks integer: The number of links that were clicked in your emails.
          • deferred integer: The number of emails that temporarily could not be delivered.
          • delivered integer: The number of emails SendGrid was able to confirm were actually delivered to a recipient.
          • invalid_emails integer: The number of recipients who had malformed email addresses or whose mail provider reported the address as invalid.
          • opens integer: The total number of times your emails were opened by recipients.
          • processed integer: Requests from your website, application, or mail client via SMTP Relay or the API that SendGrid processed.
          • requests integer: The number of emails that were requested to be delivered.
          • spam_report_drops integer: The number of emails that were dropped due to a recipient previously marking your emails as spam.
          • spam_reports integer: The number of recipients who marked your email as spam.
          • unique_clicks integer: The number of unique recipients who clicked links in your emails.
          • unique_opens integer: The number of unique recipients who opened your emails.
          • unsubscribe_drops integer: The number of emails dropped due to a recipient unsubscribing from your emails.
          • unsubscribes integer: The number of recipients who unsubscribed from your emails.
        • name string: The username of the subuser.
        • type string: The type of account.


  • Suppression: Bounce object
    • created number: The unix timestamp for when the bounce record was created at SendGrid.
    • email string
    • reason string: The reason for the bounce. This typically will be a bounce code, an enhanced code, and a description.
    • status string: Enhanced SMTP bounce response


  • Suppressions: Suppression Group object
    • description required string: A description of the suppression group.
    • id required number: The id of the suppression group.
    • is_default boolean: Indicates if this is the default suppression group.
    • name required string: The name of the suppression group. Each group created by a user must have a unique name.


  • Suppressions: Suppression Group with Unsubscribes object
    • description required string: A description of the suppression group.
    • id required number: The id of the suppression group.
    • is_default boolean: Indicates if this is the default suppression group.
    • name required string: The name of the suppression group. Each group created by a user must have a unique name.
    • unsubscribes required integer: The unsubscribes associated with this group.


  • Transactional Templates: Template object
    • id required string: The ID of the transactional template.
    • name required string: The name for the transactional template.
    • versions array: The different versions of this transactional template.


  • Transactional Templates: Version object
    • active required integer (values: 0, 1): Set the new version as the active version associated with the template. Only one version of a template can be active. The first version created for a template will automatically be set to Active.
    • html_content required string: The HTML content of the new version. Must include <%body%> tag. Maximum of 1048576 bytes allowed for plain content.
    • name required string: Name of the new transactional template version.
    • plain_content required string: Text/plain content of the new transactional template version. Must include <%body%> tag. Maximum of 1048576 bytes allowed for plain content.
    • subject required string: Subject of the new transactional template version. Must include <%subject%> tag.
    • template_id required string: The name of the original transactional template.


  • User: Profile object
    • address string: The street address for this user profile.
    • address2 string: An optional second line for the street address of this user profile.
    • city string: The city for the user profile.
    • company string: That company that this user profile is associated with.
    • country string: Th country of this user profile.
    • first_name string: The first name of the user.
    • last_name string: The last name of the user.
    • phone string: The phone number for the user.
    • state string: The state for this user.
    • website string: The website associated with this user.
    • zip string: The zip code for this user.


  • User: Scheduled Send status
    • batch_id required string
    • status required string (values: cancel, pause): The status of the scheduled send.


  • Whitelabel - Domain object
    • automatic_security required boolean: Indicates if this domain whitelabel uses automated security.
    • custom_spf required boolean: Indicates whether this domain whitelabel will use custom SPF.
    • default required boolean: Indicates if this domain whitelabel is the default whitelabel.
    • dns required object: The DNS records for this whitelabel that are used to authenticate the sending domain.
      • dkim1 required object: A DNS record.
        • host required string: The domain that this DNS record was created for.
        • data required string: The DNS record.
        • type required string: The type of DNS record.
        • valid required boolean: Indicates if this is a valid DNS record.
      • dkim2 required object: A DNS record.
        • host required string: The domain that this DNS record was created for.
        • data required string: The DNS record.
        • type required string: The type of DNS record.
        • valid required boolean: Indicates if this is a valid DNS record.
      • mail_cname required object: The CNAME for your sending domain that points to
        • host required string: The domain that this CNAME is created for.
        • data required string: The CNAME record.
        • type required string: The type of DNS record.
        • valid required boolean: Indicates if this is a valid CNAME.
    • domain required string: The domain that this whitelabel is being created for.
    • id required number: The ID of the domain whitelabel.
    • ips required array: The IPs to be included in the custom SPF record for this domain whitelabel.
      • items object
    • legacy required boolean: Indicates if this domain whitelabel was created using the legacy whitelabel tool.
    • subdomain required string: The subdomain to use for this domain whitelabel.
    • user_id required number: The ID of the user that this whitelabel will be associated with.
    • username required string: The username that this whitelabel will be associated with.
    • valid required boolean: Indicates if this is a valid whitelabel.


  • Whitelabel - Domain object
    • automatic_security required boolean: Indicates if this whitelabel uses automated security.
    • custom_spf required boolean: Indicates if this whitelabel uses custom SPF.
    • default required boolean: Indicates if this is the default whitelabel.
    • dns required object: The DNS records for this whitelabel.
      • dkim required object: The DKIM record for messages sent using this whitelabel.
        • host required string: The DNS labels for the DKIM signature.
        • data required string: The DKIM record.
        • type required string: The type of data in the DKIM record.
        • valid required boolean: Indicates if the DKIM record is valid.
      • domain_spf required object: The SPF record for the root domain.
        • host required string: The root domain that this SPF record will be used to authenticate.
        • data required string: The SPF record.
        • type required string: The type of data in the SPF record.
        • valid required boolean: Indicates if the SPF record is valid.
      • mail_server required object: Designates which mail server is responsible for accepting messages from a domain.
        • host required string: The domain sending the messages.
        • data required string: The mail server responsible for accepting messages from the sending domain.
        • type required string: They type of DNS record.
        • valid required boolean: Indicates if this is a valid DNS record.
      • subdomain_spf required object: The SPF record for the subdomain used to create this whitelabel.
        • host required string: The domain that this SPF record will be used to authenticate.
        • data required string: The SPF record.
        • type required string: The type of data in the SPF record.
        • valid required boolean: Indicates if this is a valid SPF record.
    • domain required string: The domain that this whitelabel was created for.
    • id required integer: The ID of the domain whitelabel.
    • ips required array: The IP addresses that are included in the SPF record for this whitelabel.
    • legacy required boolean: Indicates if this whitelabel was created using the legacy whitelabel tool.
    • subdomain required string: The subdomain that was used to create this whitelabel.
    • user_id required integer: The user_id of the account that this whitelabel is associated with.
    • username required string: The username of the account that this whitelabel is associated with.
    • valid required boolean: Indicates if this is a valid whitelabel.


Last updated on 21 Dec 2020

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