DatoCMS WordPress Import CLI
DatoCMS CLI plugin to import a WordPress site into a DatoCMS project.
$ npm install -g @datocms/cli
$ datocms plugins:install @datocms/cli-plugin-wordpress
$ datocms wordpress:import --help
@datocms/cli-plugin-wordpress wordpress:import
Imports a WordPress site into a DatoCMS project
$ @datocms/cli-plugin-wordpress wordpress:import --wp-username <value> --wp-password <value> [--json] [--config-file
<value>] [--profile <value>] [--api-token <value>] [--log-level NONE|BASIC|BODY|BODY_AND_HEADERS] [--log-mode
stdout|file|directory] [--wp-json-api-url <value> | --wp-url <value>] [--autoconfirm] [--ignore-errors]
[--concurrency <value>]
--api-token=<value> Specify a custom API key to access a DatoCMS project
--autoconfirm Automatically enters the affirmative response to all confirmation
prompts, enabling the command to execute without waiting for user
confirmation. Forces the destroy of existing "wp_*" models.
--concurrency=<value> [default: 15] Maximum number of operations to be run concurrently
--config-file=<value> [default: ./datocms.config.json] Specify a custom config file path
--ignore-errors Try to ignore errors encountered during import
--log-level=(NONE|BASIC|BODY|BODY_AND_HEADERS) Level of logging for performed API calls
--log-mode=(stdout|file|directory) Where logged output should be written to
--profile=<value> Use settings of profile in datocms.config.js
--wp-json-api-url=<value> The endpoint for your WordPress install (ex.
--wp-password=<value> (required) WordPress password
--wp-url=<value> A URL within a WordPress REST API-enabled site (ex.
--wp-username=<value> (required) WordPress username
--json Format output as json.
Imports a WordPress site into a DatoCMS project
See code: lib/commands/wordpress/import.js
Tests require a working WordPress instance with specific data in it, and will import content in a newly created DatoCMS project.
You can launch the WP instance with:
docker-compose up
You can then run tests with:
npm run test
To save a new dump:
docker-compose exec db mysqldump -uwordpress -pwordpress wordpress > wp_test_data/mysql/dump.sql