👩🔬 Please be aware that this package is still experimental —
changes to the interface and underlying implementation are likely,
and future development or maintenance is not guaranteed.
This package provides a function to read records in the RecordIO format from the input string.
import { read } from "@dcos/recordio";
const [records, rest] = read(input);
Function read
returns a tuple whose first element is an array of records and the second element is the rest part of the input that is either empty or contains partial records.
RecordIO format
Prepends to a single record its length in bytes, followed by a newline and then the data:
The BNF grammar for a RecordIO-encoded streaming response is:
records = *record
record = record-size LF record-data
record-size = 1*DIGIT
record-data = record-size(OCTET)
should be interpreted as an unsigned 64-bit integer (uint64).
For example, a stream may look like:
{"type": "SUBSCRIBED","subscribed": {"framework_id": {"value":"12220-3440-12532-2345"},"heartbeat_interval_seconds":15.0}20\n
Further documentation can be found in the Apache Mesos documentation.