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@deckstar/react-final-form-arrays - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.0.8 to 1.0.9


"name": "@deckstar/react-final-form-arrays",
"version": "1.0.8",
"version": "1.0.9",
"description": "A component for rendering and editing arrays 🏁 React Final Form",

@@ -22,14 +22,8 @@ "main": "dist/cjs",

"homepage": "",
"devDependencies": {
"doctoc": "^2.2.1",
"final-form": "npm:@deckstar/final-form@1.0.8",
"final-form-arrays": "npm:@deckstar/final-form-arrays@1.0.8",
"react-final-form": "npm:@deckstar/react-final-form@1.0.8"
"peerDependencies": {
"final-form": "npm:@deckstar/final-form@1.0.8",
"final-form-arrays": "npm:@deckstar/final-form-arrays@1.0.8",
"react-final-form": "npm:@deckstar/react-final-form@1.0.8"
"@deckstar/final-form": "1.0.9",
"@deckstar/final-form-arrays": "1.0.9",
"@deckstar/react-final-form": "1.0.9"
"gitHead": "23da07361def9a5df324ad2a5bf32f06744ee808"
"gitHead": "4be4827b5168a4cb36b9a7b019d27943dd5d85a1"

@@ -1,353 +0,38 @@

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# final-form-ts
## Introduction
# 🏁 React Final Form Arrays
> _Final Form TS_ is a subscription-based state-management library for building forms in JavaScript.
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## Acknowledgements
Final Form TS is a fork of Erik Rasmussen's [Final Form](, rewritten in TypeScript.
## Installation
## Quick install
Pick the form package that you want and install it with the "@deckstar" prefix. For example:
npm install --save react-final-form-arrays react-final-form final-form final-form-arrays
yarn add @deckstar/react-final-form-arrays
The package is mostly compatible with the original `final-form` packages.
yarn add react-final-form-arrays react-final-form final-form final-form-arrays
import { useFieldArray } from "@deckstar/react-final-form-arrays"; // almost identical to the original react-final-form-arrays
## Usage
### Package alias
🏁 React Final Form Arrays provides a way to render arrays in 🏁 React Final
If you wish to import packages with their original names (e.g. "react-final-form-arrays" rather than "@deckstar/react-final-form-arrays"), you must install the packages with an alias. Make sure to include the version! For example:
import { Form, Field } from 'react-final-form'
import arrayMutators from 'final-form-arrays'
import { FieldArray } from 'react-final-form-arrays'
const MyForm = () => (
// potentially other mutators could be merged here
render={({ handleSubmit, pristine, invalid }) => (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
<FieldArray name="customers">
{({ fields }) => (
{, index) => (
<div key={name}>
<label>First Name</label>
<Field name={`${name}.firstName`} component="input" />
<label>Last Name</label>
<Field name={`${name}.lastName`} component="input" />
<button type="button" onClick={() => fields.remove(index)}>
onClick={() => fields.push({ firstName: '', lastName: '' })}
yarn add final-form@npm:@deckstar/react-final-form-arrays@^1.0.0
## Table of Contents
This alias would allow you to import things with the same package name as the original package. This can be useful if you don't wish to rewrite imports throughout a project.
<!-- START doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update -->
- [Examples](#examples)
- [Simple Example](#simple-example)
- [React Beautiful DnD Example](#react-beautiful-dnd-example)
- [Rendering](#rendering)
- [API](#api)
- [`FieldArray : React.ComponentType<FieldArrayProps>`](#fieldarray--reactcomponenttypefieldarrayprops)
- [`useFieldArray`](#usefieldarray)
- [`version: string`](#version-string)
- [Types](#types)
- [`FieldArrayProps`](#fieldarrayprops)
- [`children?: ((props: FieldArrayRenderProps) => React.Node) | React.Node`](#children-props-fieldarrayrenderprops--reactnode--reactnode)
- [`component?: React.ComponentType<FieldArrayRenderProps>`](#component-reactcomponenttypefieldarrayrenderprops)
- [`name: string`](#name-string)
- [`render?: (props: FieldArrayRenderProps) => React.Node`](#render-props-fieldarrayrenderprops--reactnode)
- [`defaultValue?: any`](#defaultvalue-any)
- [`initialValue?: any`](#initialvalue-any)
- [`isEqual?: (allPreviousValues: Array<any>, allNewValues: Array<any>) => boolean`](#isequal-allpreviousvalues-arrayany-allnewvalues-arrayany--boolean)
- [`subscription?: FieldSubscription`](#subscription-fieldsubscription)
- [`validate?: (value: ?any[], allValues: Object) => ?any`](#validate-value-any-allvalues-object--any)
- [`FieldArrayRenderProps`](#fieldarrayrenderprops)
- [`fields.forEach: (iterator: (name: string, index: number) => void) => void`](#fieldsforeach-iterator-name-string-index-number--void--void)
- [`fields.insert: (index: number, value: any) => void`](#fieldsinsert-index-number-value-any--void)
- [` (iterator: (name: string, index: number) => any) => any[]`](#fieldsmap-iterator-name-string-index-number--any--any)
- [`fields.move: (from: number, to: number) => void`](#fieldsmove-from-number-to-number--void)
- [` string`](#fieldsname-string)
- [`fields.pop: () => any`](#fieldspop---any)
- [`fields.push: (value: any) => void`](#fieldspush-value-any--void)
- [`fields.remove: (index: number) => any`](#fieldsremove-index-number--any)
- [`fields.shift: () => any`](#fieldsshift---any)
- [`fields.swap: (indexA: number, indexB: number) => void`](#fieldsswap-indexa-number-indexb-number--void)
- [`fields.update: (index: number, value: any) => void`](#fieldsupdate-index-number-value-any--void)
- [`fields.unshift: (value: any) => void`](#fieldsunshift-value-any--void)
- [`fields.value: any[]`](#fieldsvalue-any)
- [` boolean`](#metaactive-boolean)
- [` Object`](#metadata-object)
- [`meta.dirty?: boolean`](#metadirty-boolean)
- [`meta.error?: any`](#metaerror-any)
- [`meta.initial?: any`](#metainitial-any)
- [`meta.invalid?: boolean`](#metainvalid-boolean)
- [`meta.pristine?: boolean`](#metapristine-boolean)
- [`meta.submitError?: any`](#metasubmiterror-any)
- [`meta.submitFailed?: boolean`](#metasubmitfailed-boolean)
- [`meta.submitSucceeded?: boolean`](#metasubmitsucceeded-boolean)
- [`meta.touched?: boolean`](#metatouched-boolean)
- [`meta.valid?: boolean`](#metavalid-boolean)
- [`meta.visited?: boolean`](#metavisited-boolean)
<!-- END doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update -->
## Examples
### [Simple Example](
Demostrates how to use `<FieldArray/>` to render an array of inputs, as well as
use `push`, `pop`, and `remove` mutations.
### [React Beautiful DnD Example](
Demostrates how to integrate the simple example with [react-beautiful-dnd](
## Rendering
There are three ways to tell `<FieldArray/>` what to render:
| Method | How it is rendered |
| ------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------- |
| `component` prop | `return React.createElement(this.props.component, props)` |
| `render` prop | `return this.props.render(props)` |
| a render function as `children` | `return this.props.children(props)` |
## API
The following can be imported from `react-final-form-arrays`.
### `FieldArray : React.ComponentType<FieldArrayProps>`
A component that takes [`FieldArrayProps`](#fieldarrayprops) and renders an
array of fields
### `useFieldArray`
The `useFieldArray` hook takes two parameters, the first is the name of the field, and the second is an optional object that looks just like [`FieldArrayProps`](#fieldarrayprops), except without the name. It returns an object just like [`FieldArrayRenderProps`](#fieldarrayrenderprops).
`useFieldArray` is used interally inside `FieldArray`.
### `version: string`
The current used version of 🏁 React Final Form Arrays.
## Types
### `FieldArrayProps`
These are props that you pass to
[`<FieldArray/>`](#fieldarray--reactcomponenttypefieldarrayprops). You must
provide one of the ways to render: `component`, `render`, or `children`.
#### `children?: ((props: FieldArrayRenderProps) => React.Node) | React.Node`
A render function that is given
[`FieldArrayRenderProps`](#fieldarrayrenderprops), as well as any non-API props
passed into the `<FieldArray/>` component.
#### `component?: React.ComponentType<FieldArrayRenderProps>`
A component that is given [`FieldArrayRenderProps`](#fieldarrayrenderprops) as
props, as well as any non-API props passed into the `<FieldArray/>` component.
#### `name: string`
The name of your field array.
#### `render?: (props: FieldArrayRenderProps) => React.Node`
A render function that is given
[`FieldArrayRenderProps`](#fieldarrayrenderprops), as well as any non-API props
passed into the `<FieldArray/>` component.
#### `defaultValue?: any`
⚠️ You probably want `initialValue`! ⚠️
_**Before using this prop, read and understand the 🏁 Final Form documentation on [`initialValue`]( and [`defaultValue`](!**_
#### `initialValue?: any`
[See the 🏁 Final Form docs on `initialValue`](
#### `isEqual?: (allPreviousValues: Array<any>, allNewValues: Array<any>) => boolean`
A function that can be used to compare two arrays of values (before and after every change) and calculate pristine/dirty checks. Defaults to a function that will `===` check each element of the array.
#### `subscription?: FieldSubscription`
that selects of all the items of
[`FieldState`]( that you
wish to update for. If you don't pass a `subscription` prop, it defaults to
_all_ of [`FieldState`](
#### `validate?: (value: ?any[], allValues: Object) => ?any`
A function that takes the field value, and all the values of the form and
returns an error if the array value is invalid, or `undefined` if the value is
### `FieldArrayRenderProps`
These are the props that
[`<FieldArray/>`](#fieldarray--reactcomponenttypefieldarrayprops) provides to
your render function or component. This object is divided into a `fields` object
that mimics an iterable (e.g. it has `map()` and `forEach()` and `length`), and
`meta` data about the field array. Keep in mind that **the values in `meta` are
dependent on you having subscribed to them** with the
[`subscription` prop](#subscription-fieldsubscription)
#### `fields.forEach: (iterator: (name: string, index: number) => void) => void`
Iterates through all of the names of the fields in the field array in bracket
format, e.g. `foo[0]`, `foo[1]`, `foo[2]`.
#### `fields.insert: (index: number, value: any) => void`
A function to insert a value into any arbitrary index of the array.
#### ` (iterator: (name: string, index: number) => any) => any[]`
Iterates through all of the names of the fields in the field array in bracket
format, e.g. `foo[0]`, `foo[1]`, `foo[2]`, and collects the results of the
iterator function. You will use this in almost every implementation.
#### `fields.move: (from: number, to: number) => void`
A function to move a value from one index to another. Useful for drag-and-drop
#### ` string`
The name of the field array.
#### `fields.pop: () => any`
A function to remove a value from the end of the array. The value will be
#### `fields.push: (value: any) => void`
A function to add a value to the end of the array.
#### `fields.remove: (index: number) => any`
A function to remove a value from an arbitrary index of the array.
#### `fields.shift: () => any`
A function to remove a value from the beginning of the array. The value will be
#### `fields.swap: (indexA: number, indexB: number) => void`
A function to swap two values in the array.
#### `fields.update: (index: number, value: any) => void`
Updates a value of the specified index of the array field.
#### `fields.unshift: (value: any) => void`
A function to add a value to the beginning of the array.
#### `fields.value: any[]`
The value of the array. Should be treated as readonly.
#### ` boolean`
[See the 🏁 Final Form docs on `active`](
#### ` Object`
[See the 🏁 Final Form docs on `data`](
#### `meta.dirty?: boolean`
[See the 🏁 Final Form docs on `dirty`](
#### `meta.error?: any`
[See the 🏁 Final Form docs on `error`](
#### `meta.initial?: any`
[See the 🏁 Final Form docs on `initial`](
#### `meta.invalid?: boolean`
[See the 🏁 Final Form docs on `invalid`](
#### `meta.pristine?: boolean`
[See the 🏁 Final Form docs on `pristine`](
#### `meta.submitError?: any`
[See the 🏁 Final Form docs on `submitError`](
#### `meta.submitFailed?: boolean`
[See the 🏁 Final Form docs on `submitFailed`](
#### `meta.submitSucceeded?: boolean`
[See the 🏁 Final Form docs on `submitSucceeded`](
#### `meta.touched?: boolean`
[See the 🏁 Final Form docs on `touched`](
#### `meta.valid?: boolean`
[See the 🏁 Final Form docs on `valid`](
#### `meta.visited?: boolean`
[See the 🏁 Final Form docs on `visited`](
// import { useFieldArray } from "@deckstar/react-final-form-arrays"; // won't work anymore
import { useFieldArray } from "react-final-form-arrays"; // works after adding the alias!
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