Collection of ansi colors and styles.
Install with npm:
$ npm install --save ansi-colors
This module was created to make it easy to allow color configuration through options.
If your application will always one or two specific colors, we recommend directly requiring only the necessary modules.
If your application uses more than 10 colors, we recommend using chalk for faster require times (since chalk loads everything at once). However, when using less than 10 colors this module will be more efficient due to lazy caching the underlying modules.
var colors = require('ansi-colors');
Related projects
You might also be interested in these projects:
- ansi-bgblack: The color bgblack, in ansi. | homepage
- ansi-bgblue: The color bgblue, in ansi. | homepage
- ansi-bgcyan: The color bgcyan, in ansi. | homepage
- ansi-bggreen: The color bggreen, in ansi. | homepage
- ansi-bgmagenta: The color bgmagenta, in ansi. | homepage
- ansi-bgred: The color bgred, in ansi. | homepage
- ansi-bgwhite: The color bgwhite, in ansi. | homepage
- ansi-bgyellow: The color bgyellow, in ansi. | homepage
- ansi-black: The color black, in ansi. | homepage
- ansi-blue: The color blue, in ansi. | homepage
- ansi-bold: The color bold, in ansi. | homepage
- ansi-cyan: The color cyan, in ansi. | homepage
- ansi-dim: The color dim, in ansi. | homepage
- ansi-gray: The color gray, in ansi. | homepage
- ansi-green: The color green, in ansi. | homepage
- ansi-grey: The color grey, in ansi. | homepage
- ansi-hidden: The color hidden, in ansi. | homepage
- ansi-inverse: The color inverse, in ansi. | homepage
- ansi-italic: The color italic, in ansi. | homepage
- ansi-magenta: The color magenta, in ansi. | homepage
- ansi-red: The color red, in ansi. | homepage
- ansi-reset: The color reset, in ansi. | homepage
- ansi-strikethrough: The color strikethrough, in ansi. | homepage
- ansi-underline: The color underline, in ansi. | homepage
- ansi-white: The color white, in ansi. | homepage
- ansi-yellow: The color yellow, in ansi. | homepage
Pull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, please create an issue.
Building docs
(This document was generated by verb-readme-generator (a verb generator), please don't edit the readme directly. Any changes to the readme must be made in
Generate readme and API documentation with verb:
$ npm install -g verb verb-readme-generator && verb
Running tests
Install dev dependencies:
$ npm install -d && npm test
Brian Woodward
Copyright © 2016, Brian Woodward.
Released under the MIT license.
This file was generated by verb, v0.9.0, on July 11, 2016.