Project / Exercise Yeoman Generator
Automate generation of Developer Institute projects and exercises.
NOTE! This is currently a proof of concept, but use it and test it, and update it.
Using the generator
To run this generator:
Create a new folder for your exercise or project
In your terminal, navigate inside the folder
Type the following in your terminal:
npm init yo @developers-institute/di-project
Running for local development
Configure Yeoman and the generator
- Install yeoman:
npm install -g yo
git clone
this repository- Open this repository in your command line
- Type:
npm link
You now have the generator installed.
Run the generator locally
- Create and clone an empty GitHub respository
- Open the repo in your command line
- Type
yo @developers-institute/di-project
, and follow the prompts
Releasing a new version
There is no automated process for releasing. A manual release to npm is required.
Recommended: Use np to release a new version.
Not working? Hit up Lance!