Dex Hunter - Swap Component
How to use library (with React)
- Install package:
npm i @dexhunterio/swaps
- Import to your code
2.1. For ReactJS:
import '@dexhunterio/swaps/lib/assets/style.css'
import Swap from '@dexhunterio/swaps'
2.2. For NextJS:
"use client";
import '@dexhunterio/swaps/lib/assets/style.css'
const Swap = dynamic(() => import("@dexhunterio/swaps"), {
ssr: false,
- Use Swap Component:
function App() {
return (
<Swap {...settings} />
How to use library (with VanilaJS)
- In head tag
- In body tag:
<div id="dexhunter"></div>
<script type="module">
React.createElement(dexhunterSwap, {
orderTypes: ['SWAP', 'LIMIT', 'DCA'],
theme: 'light',
Available props:
| Prop | Required? | Type | Default | Description |
| :--------------------: | :-------: | :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :---------------: | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | --------- | -------------------------- |
| defaultToken | false | string | - | The default token to be selected. |
| width | false | px|% | - | The width of the component. Accepts values in pixels or percentage. |
| height | false | px|% | - | The height of the component. Accepts values in pixels or percentage. |
| theme | false | dark | light | dark | The theme of the component. Can be either 'dark' or 'light'. |
| orderTypes | false | array | ['SWAP', 'LIMIT'] | An array of order types supported by the component. Defaults to 'SWAP' and 'LIMIT'. |
| supportedTokens | false | tokenId[] | - | An array of token IDs that are supported for searching. |
| partnerName | true | string | - | The name of the partner. This is a required field. |
| partnerCode | true | string | - | The code of the partner. This is a required field. |
| colors | false | object | - | Supported colors: mainText
, subText
, background
, containers
, buttonText
, accent
. |
| className | false | string | - | Custom CSS class for the component. |
| style | false | object | - | Inline styles for the component. |
| onSwapSuccess | false | (data: any) => void | - | Callback function on successful swap. |
| onSwapError | false | (err: any) => void | - | Callback function on swap error. |
| selectedWallet | false | SelectedWallet | - | The wallet selected by the user. Accepts one of the specified wallet identifiers. Supported wallets: nami
, eternl
, flint
, gerowallet
, typhoncip30
, nufi
, lace
, vespr
, begin
, and yoroi
. |
| inputs | false | string[] | - | Input fields for the component. |
| onWalletConnect | false | (data: any) => void | - | Callback function when a wallet is connected. |
| onClickWalletConnect | false | () => void | - | Trigger when clicking the wallet connect button |
| onViewOrder | false | (data: any) => void | - | Trigger when clicking the view order button |
| displayType | false | 'BUTTON' |
'WIDGET' | 'DEFAULT' | display type |
| buttonText | false | string | Swap | Button text when displayType = 'BUTTON' |
| orderTypeOnButtonClick | false | 'SWAP' |
'DCA' | 'SWAP' | Tab default when displayed |
| defaultSettings | false | { isCustomSlippage?: boolean; isAutomaticSlippage?: boolean; slippage?: number; } | - | Settings default |
| autoFocus | false | boolean | false | auto focus on sell input when page loads |