Simple interface to get your web application authenticated with the Internet Identity Service
Visit the Dfinity Forum and SDK Documentation for more information and support building on the Internet Computer.
Additional API Documentation can be found here.
Using AuthClient:
npm i --save @dfinity/auth-client
In the browser:
import { AuthClient } from "@dfinity/auth-client";
To get started with auth client, run
const authClient = await AuthClient.create();
The authClient can log in with
onSuccess: async () => {
It opens an identity.ic0.app
window, saves your delegation to localStorage, and then sets you up with an identity.
Then, you can use that identity to make authenticated calls using the @dfinity/agent
const identity = await authClient.getIdentity();
const actor = Actor.createActor(idlFactory, {
agent: new HttpAgent({
Note: depends on @dfinity/agent, @dfinity/authentication, and