The Secp256k1KeyIdentity package provides an implementation of the SignIdentity interface for the secp256k1 elliptic curve. It allows you to create and manage key pairs for signing and verification of messages.
Here's an example of how to use the Secp256k1KeyIdentity class to generate a new key pair and sign and verify a message:
import { Secp256k1KeyIdentity } from '@dfinity/identity-secp256k1';
const identity = Secp256k1KeyIdentity.generate();
const message = 'Hello, world!';
const signature = identity.sign(message);
const isValid = identity.verify(message, signature);
console.log(`Signature is ${isValid ? 'valid' : 'invalid'}`);
You can also use a seed to generate deterministic key pairs:
import { Secp256k1KeyIdentity } from '@dfinity/identity-secp256k1';
const seed = Buffer.from('my-secret-seed', 'utf8');
const identity = Secp256k1KeyIdentity.generate(seed);
The Secp256k1KeyIdentity class also provides methods for converting the key pair to and from JSON-serializable objects:
import { Secp256k1KeyIdentity } from '@dfinity/agent';
const identity = Secp256k1KeyIdentity.generate();
const json = identity.toJson();
const restoredIdentity = Secp256k1KeyIdentity.fromJson(json);
The Secp256k1KeyIdentity class extends the SignIdentity interface from the @dfinity/agent package. For more information about the SignIdentity interface and how to use it, see the @dfinity/agent documentation