UI Component Library
React components built for Digital Catapult projects 🧠
See the latest version in our storybook
Installation / Adding to the Package.json
are available as an npm package. This should get installed along with n
In order to use your local version in the project please use npm link
more on it -> here and below in this document
// with npm
npm install @digicatapult/ui-component-library
import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import { Button } from '@digicatapult/ui-component-library'
function App() {
return <Button onClick={(e) => window.alert(e)}>My Button</Button>
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.querySelector('#app'))
Accessing storybook locally
npm run storybook
Check out our storybook for documentation of individual components.
Read the contributing guide to learn about our development process, how to propose bugfixes and improvements.
This project is licensed under the terms of the
Apache License.
At BUILD time, storybook
is configured using environment variables in a .env
file at root:
variable | required | default | description |
STORYBOOK_MAPBOX_TOKEN | N | - | Required for the Map component. Token for your Mapbox account |
Dependency Installation
npm install
Run Storybook
start storybook
npm run storybook
This will open the browser and will run storybook at localhost:9000
Local linking for development
If you want to link @digicatapult/ui-component-library
to your project while developing
npm run build:watch
In another terminal, npm link
to your project's react
. This prevents issues arising from two Reacts — one in the project folder and the one in ui-component-library
. Next create a global symlink for ui-component-library
npm link ../hii-client/node_modules/react
npm link
Finally, in your project run the following command
npm link "@digicatapult/ui-component-library"
And you should be able to see the changes in your project as you add/change components in this library.
Bumping package versions
Following this guide
Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:
MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards compatible manner, and
PATCH version when you make backwards compatible bug fixes.
PATCH bump examples:
- Updating docs
- Refactoring while keeping the same usage, for instance, renaming files and things that do not affect behaviour
- Fixing typos of variable or type names
- Upgrading dependencies with minor or patch releases
MINOR bump examples:
- New components
- New features
- CSS improvements without any style changes
- Fixing small bugs such as bugs related to browser compatibility, or bugs with property types
- Adding new property for a component
MAJOR bump examples:
- Anything that breaks existing behaviour
- Changing the styling of a component with any visually noticeable change that will break the desired UI.
- Upgrading dependencies by major versions only if:
- The component library somehow exposed the internals of the dependency upgraded (hence it becomes a public API change)
- The component library needs to change its public API in a non-backward compatible way to adapt to the dependency upgraded.
If none of the above (for instance a bump in the package.json and rebuild without changes for a non-exported dependency), it should be a patch release.
- Changes/fixes/new features around security breaches.
Make sure you have installed all dependencies ( If you linked your project locally, npm run prelink
has only installed dependencies, make sure you installed devDependencies before running tests)
npm run test
- Test with coverage report
npm run coverage
- Update snapshots and test
npm run test -u
Dependency check
npm run depcheck