IdentityRegistry Contracts
The IdentityRegistry is responsible for keeping a record of humans the DAO has verified. Functions dealing with adding, updating, and removing users are thus restricted to the DAO's Avatar, which acts as the contract's "owner".
To test these contracts,
- Deploy a test blockchain via
npm run chain
- Run tests via
npm test
Linting scripts are also included, and are briefly described below:
- Lint all source files (.sol and .ts)lint:js
- Lint all TypeScript files with ESLintlint:sol:
- Lint all Solidity .sol
contracts with solhint
Code coverage is provided thanks to solidity-coverage:
- Run code coverage of all smart contracts
All that is needed to set up deployment configuration with Infura is a .env file, with the following:
Only deployment to the Rinkeby test network is currently set up, which can be accomplished through the following command:
truffle migrate --network rinkeby