A prototype linting config, specifically focussed on enhancing code quality and proactively catching errors/bugs before they make it into production. This is not a replacement for the @financial-times/eslint-config-next, but it can be installed alongside it or as an extension in it's config. This module is part of FT.com Reliability Kit.
Install @dotcom-reliability-kit/eslint-config as a development dependency:
npm install --save-dev @dotcom-reliability-kit/eslint-config
Reference the shared configuration in your repository's own .eslintrc.js like so:
module.exports = {
extends: ['@dotcom-reliability-kit/eslint-config']
Avoid using .eslintrc file format (without a file extension), as this has been depracated.
Static Code Analysis
Add the following command to the scripts
object in your repository's package.json:
"lint:js": "eslint '**/*.{js,jsx,json,yml,yaml}'"
To lint a specific file (or the entire repository), run that command in your terminal. Any linting errors found by the config will be displayed in your terminal, with helpful suggestions on how to resolve them.
See the central contributing guide for Reliability Kit.
Licensed under the MIT license.
Copyright © 2023, The Financial Times Ltd.