Add the following configuration to your gatsby-config.js
module.exports = {
plugins: [
resolve: `@draftbox-co/gatsby-ghost-novela-theme`,
options: {
siteConfig: {
siteUrl: "",
postsPerPage: 12,
siteTitleMeta: "Built with Draftbox",
"Lightning fast, secure front-end for your WordPress or Ghost blog, without coding.",
shareImageWidth: 1000,
shareImageHeight: 523,
shortTitle: "Built with Draftbox",
siteIcon: "favicon.png",
backgroundColor: "#e9e9e9",
themeColor: "#15171A",
apiUrl: "",
header: {
navigation: [
label: "Home",
url: "",
label: "Contact",
url: "",
footer: {
copyright: "Built with Draftbox",
navigation: [
label: "Home",
url: "",
label: "Sitemap",
url: "",
label: "RSS",
url: "",
label: "Contact",
url: "",
label: "External Link",
url: "",
subscribeWidget: {
title: "Subscribe to Built with Draftbox",
helpText: "Get the latest posts delivered right to your inbox.",
successMessage: "Thanks for subscribing to Built with Draftbox.",
socialLinks: {
twitter: "",
facebook: "",
instagram: "",
linkedin: "",
github: "",
contactWidget: {
title: "Contact Built with Draftbox",
successMessage: "We’ll get in touch with you soon.",
ghostConfig: {
development: {
apiUrl: "http://localhost:2368",
contentApiKey: "9fcfdb1e5ea5b472e2e5b92942",
production: {
apiUrl: "",
contentApiKey: "9fcfdb1e5ea5b472e2e5b92942",