The default export contains all default ESLint rules for Vue3 TypeScript , including
the recommended ruleset for Vue, the opinionated recommended ruleset for TypeScript
and the ones listed in the rules section .
Install the package with:
npm install --dev @dsb-norge/eslint-config-dsb-vue3-ts
Now add the config to youreslint.config.mjs
import dsbConfig from '@dsb-norge/eslint-config-dsb-vue3-ts'
export default [
This ESLint configuration comes with some fundamental assumptions:
- eslint 9 and flat config
- vue.js 3 and/or node environment
- browser and/or node environment
- vite
- TypeScript
Despite some assumptions, you can easily overwrite, extend and unset
rules and any other setting in your custom eslint config.
Migrate from version 2.x to 3.x (eslint 8 to eslint 9)
Package cleanup
- If installed, remove packages that are no longer needed in local package.json:
npm uninstall -D @rushstack/eslint-patch @stylistic/eslint-plugin @vue/eslint-config-typescript eslint-plugin-vue eslint-plugin-vuejs-accessibility
- The
library must be of version 9 or higher. If you are using eslint
8, you must upgrade to version 9 or higher.
npm install eslint@latest
package.json scripts
"scripts": {
"lint": "eslint",
"lint:fix": "eslint --fix"
Configuration now lives in eslint.config.mjs
instead of .eslintrc.js
module.exports = {
root: true,
extends: [
rules: {
indent: [ 'error', 2, { SwitchCase: 1 } ]
parserOptions: {
ecmaVersion: 'latest'
import dsbConfig from '@dsb-norge/eslint-config-dsb-vue3-ts'
export default [
rules: {
With cypress config
Same as over, but adding cypress for only the cypress files. Note the spread operator since we are wrapping this in a separate object,
this is different from what is described in the cypress documentation.
See eslint documentation for more information.
import dsbConfig from '@dsb-norge/eslint-config-dsb-vue3-ts'
import pluginCypress from 'eslint-plugin-cypress/flat'
export default [
name: 'Cypress',
files: [
rules: {
rules: {