The default export contains all default ESLint rules for JavaScript Standard Style , including
the recommended ruleset for Vue, and the ones listed in the rules section .
Note: It requires some peerDependencies as well.
Install the package with:
npx install-peerdeps --dev @dsb-norge/eslint-config-dsb-vue3
Then install the correct versions of each peerDependency package, which are
listed by the command:
npm info "@dsb-norge/eslint-config-dsb-vue3@latest" peerDependencies
Now add the config to either your package.json
"eslintConfig": {
"extends": "@dsb-norge/dsb-vue3"
or to your .eslintrc
"extends": "@dsb-norge/dsb-vue3"
or to your .eslintrc.js
module.exports = {
extends: '@dsb-norge/dsb-vue3'
This ESLint configuration comes with some fundamental assumptions:
- vue.js 3 and/or node environment
- browser and/or node environment
- vite
Despite some assumptions, you can easily overwrite, extend and unset
rules and any other setting in your custom eslint config.