DuckDB Node API
An API for using DuckDB in Node.
This is a high-level API meant for applications.
It depends on low-level bindings that adhere closely to DuckDB's C API,
available separately as @duckdb/duckdb-bindings.
Some features are not yet complete:
- Binding advanced data types. (Additional DuckDB C API support needed.)
- Appending advanced data types row-by-row. Appending data chunks recommended instead.
- User-defined types & functions. (Support for this was added to the DuckDB C API in v1.1.0.)
- Profiling info (Added in v1.1.0)
- Table description (Added in v1.1.0)
- APIs for Arrow. (This part of the DuckDB C API is deprecated.)
Supported Platforms
- Linux arm64 (experimental)
- Linux x64
- Mac OS X (Darwin) arm64 (Apple Silicon)
- Mac OS X (Darwin) x64 (Intel)
- Windows (Win32) x64
Get Basic Information
import duckdb from '@duckdb/node-api';
Create Instance
import { DuckDBInstance } from '@duckdb/node-api';
Create with an in-memory database:
const instance = await DuckDBInstance.create(':memory:');
Equivalent to the above:
const instance = await DuckDBInstance.create();
Read from and write to a database file, which is created if needed:
const instance = await DuckDBInstance.create('my_duckdb.db');
Set configuration options:
const instance = await DuckDBInstance.create('my_duckdb.db', {
threads: '4'
const connection = await instance.connect();
Connections will be disconnected automatically soon after their reference
is dropped, but you can also disconnect explicitly if and when you want:
or, equivalently:
const result = await'from test_all_types()');
Parameterize SQL
const prepared = await connection.prepare('select $1, $2, $3');
prepared.bindVarchar(1, 'duck');
prepared.bindInteger(2, 42);
prepared.bindList(3, listValue([10, 11, 12]), LIST(INTEGER));
const result = await;
const prepared = await connection.prepare('select $a, $b, $c');
'a': 'duck',
'b': 42,
'c': listValue([10, 11, 12]),
}, {
const result = await;
or even:
const result = await'select $a, $b, $c', {
'a': 'duck',
'b': 42,
'c': listValue([10, 11, 12]),
}, {
Unspecified types will be inferred:
const result = await'select $a, $b, $c', {
'a': 'duck',
'b': 42,
'c': listValue([10, 11, 12]),
Stream Results
Streaming results evaluate lazily when rows are read.
const result = await'from range(10_000)');
Inspect Result Metadata
Get column names and types:
const columnNames = result.columnNames();
const columnTypes = result.columnTypes();
Read Result Data
Run and read all data:
const reader = await connection.runAndReadAll('from test_all_types()');
const rows = reader.getRows();
Stream and read up to (at least) some number of rows:
const reader = await connection.streamAndReadUntil(
'from range(5000)',
const rows = reader.getRows();
Read rows incrementally:
const reader = await connection.streamAndRead('from range(5000)');
Get Result Data
Result data can be retrieved in a variety of forms:
const reader = await connection.runAndReadAll(
'from range(3) select range::int as i, 10 + i as n'
const rows = reader.getRows();
const rowObjects = reader.getRowObjects();
const columns = reader.getColumns();
const columnsObject = reader.getColumnsObject();
Convert Result Data to JSON
By default, data values that cannot be represented as JS primitives
are returned as rich JS objects; see Inspect Data Values
To retrieve data in a form that can be losslessly serialized to JSON,
use the Json
forms of the above result data methods:
const reader = await connection.runAndReadAll(
'from test_all_types() select bigint, date, interval limit 2'
const rows = reader.getRowsJson();
const rowObjects = reader.getRowObjectsJson();
const columns = reader.getColumnsJson();
const columnsObject = reader.getColumnsObjectJson();
These methods handle nested types as well:
const reader = await connection.runAndReadAll(
'from test_all_types() select int_array, struct, map, "union" limit 2'
const rows = reader.getRowsJson();
const rowObjects = reader.getRowObjectsJson();
const columns = reader.getColumnsJson();
const columnsObject = reader.getColumnsObjectJson();
Fetch Chunks
Fetch all chunks:
const chunks = await result.fetchAllChunks();
Fetch one chunk at a time:
const chunks = [];
while (true) {
const chunk = await result.fetchChunk();
if (chunk.rowCount === 0) {
For materialized (non-streaming) results, chunks can be read by index:
const rowCount = result.rowCount;
const chunkCount = result.chunkCount;
for (let i = 0; i < chunkCount; i++) {
const chunk = result.getChunk(i);
Get chunk data:
const rows = chunk.getRows();
const rowObjects = chunk.getRowObjects();
const columns = chunk.getColumns();
const columnsObject = chunk.getColumnsObject();
Get chunk data (one value at a time)
const columns = [];
const columnCount = chunk.columnCount;
for (let columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < columnCount; columnIndex++) {
const columnValues = [];
const columnVector = chunk.getColumnVector(columnIndex);
const itemCount = columnVector.itemCount;
for (let itemIndex = 0; itemIndex < itemCount; itemIndex++) {
const value = columnVector.getItem(itemIndex);
Inspect Data Types
import { DuckDBTypeId } from '@duckdb/node-api';
if (columnType.typeId === DuckDBTypeId.ARRAY) {
const arrayValueType = columnType.valueType;
const arrayLength = columnType.length;
if (columnType.typeId === DuckDBTypeId.DECIMAL) {
const decimalWidth = columnType.width;
const decimalScale = columnType.scale;
if (columnType.typeId === DuckDBTypeId.ENUM) {
const enumValues = columnType.values;
if (columnType.typeId === DuckDBTypeId.LIST) {
const listValueType = columnType.valueType;
if (columnType.typeId === DuckDBTypeId.MAP) {
const mapKeyType = columnType.keyType;
const mapValueType = columnType.valueType;
if (columnType.typeId === DuckDBTypeId.STRUCT) {
const structEntryNames = columnType.names;
const structEntryTypes = columnType.valueTypes;
if (columnType.typeId === DuckDBTypeId.UNION) {
const unionMemberTags = columnType.memberTags;
const unionMemberTypes = columnType.memberTypes;
if (columnType.alias === 'JSON') {
const json = JSON.parse(columnValue);
Every type implements toString.
The result is both human-friendly and readable by DuckDB in an appropriate expression.
const typeString = columnType.toString();
Inspect Data Values
import { DuckDBTypeId } from '@duckdb/node-api';
if (columnType.typeId === DuckDBTypeId.ARRAY) {
const arrayItems = columnValue.items;
const arrayString = columnValue.toString();
if (columnType.typeId === DuckDBTypeId.BIT) {
const bools = columnValue.toBools();
const bits = columnValue.toBits();
const bitString = columnValue.toString();
if (columnType.typeId === DuckDBTypeId.BLOB) {
const blobBytes = columnValue.bytes;
const blobString = columnValue.toString();
if (columnType.typeId === DuckDBTypeId.DATE) {
const dateDays = columnValue.days;
const dateString = columnValue.toString();
const { year, month, day } = columnValue.toParts();
if (columnType.typeId === DuckDBTypeId.DECIMAL) {
const decimalWidth = columnValue.width;
const decimalScale = columnValue.scale;
const decimalValue = columnValue.value;
const decimalString = columnValue.toString();
const decimalDouble = columnValue.toDouble();
if (columnType.typeId === DuckDBTypeId.INTERVAL) {
const intervalMonths = columnValue.months;
const intervalDays = columnValue.days;
const intervalMicros = columnValue.micros;
const intervalString = columnValue.toString();
if (columnType.typeId === DuckDBTypeId.LIST) {
const listItems = columnValue.items;
const listString = columnValue.toString();
if (columnType.typeId === DuckDBTypeId.MAP) {
const mapEntries = columnValue.entries;
const mapString = columnValue.toString();
if (columnType.typeId === DuckDBTypeId.STRUCT) {
const structEntries = columnValue.entries;
const structString = columnValue.toString();
if (columnType.typeId === DuckDBTypeId.TIMESTAMP_MS) {
const timestampMillis = columnValue.milliseconds;
const timestampMillisString = columnValue.toString();
if (columnType.typeId === DuckDBTypeId.TIMESTAMP_NS) {
const timestampNanos = columnValue.nanoseconds;
const timestampNanosString = columnValue.toString();
if (columnType.typeId === DuckDBTypeId.TIMESTAMP_S) {
const timestampSecs = columnValue.seconds;
const timestampSecsString = columnValue.toString();
if (columnType.typeId === DuckDBTypeId.TIMESTAMP_TZ) {
const timestampTZMicros = columnValue.micros;
const timestampTZString = columnValue.toString();
const {
date: { year, month, day },
time: { hour, min, sec, micros },
} = columnValue.toParts();
if (columnType.typeId === DuckDBTypeId.TIMESTAMP) {
const timestampMicros = columnValue.micros;
const timestampString = columnValue.toString();
const {
date: { year, month, day },
time: { hour, min, sec, micros },
} = columnValue.toParts();
if (columnType.typeId === DuckDBTypeId.TIME_TZ) {
const timeTZMicros = columnValue.micros;
const timeTZOffset = columnValue.offset;
const timeTZString = columnValue.toString();
const {
time: { hour, min, sec, micros },
} = columnValue.toParts();
if (columnType.typeId === DuckDBTypeId.TIME) {
const timeMicros = columnValue.micros;
const timeString = columnValue.toString();
const { hour, min, sec, micros } = columnValue.toParts();
if (columnType.typeId === DuckDBTypeId.UNION) {
const unionTag = columnValue.tag;
const unionValue = columnValue.value;
const unionValueString = columnValue.toString();
if (columnType.typeId === DuckDBTypeId.UUID) {
const uuidHugeint = columnValue.hugeint;
const uuidString = columnValue.toString();
Displaying Timezones
Converting a TIMESTAMP_TZ value to a string depends on a timezone offset.
By default, this is set to the offset for the local timezone when the Node
process is started.
To change it, set the timezoneOffsetInMinutes
property of DuckDBTimestampTZValue
DuckDBTimestampTZValue.timezoneOffsetInMinutes = -8 * 60;
const pst = DuckDBTimestampTZValue.Epoch.toString();
DuckDBTimestampTZValue.timezoneOffsetInMinutes = +1 * 60;
const cet = DuckDBTimestampTZValue.Epoch.toString();
Note that the timezone offset used for this string
conversion is distinct from the TimeZone
setting of DuckDB.
The following sets this offset to match the TimeZone
setting of DuckDB:
const reader = await connection.runAndReadAll(
`select (timezone(current_timestamp) / 60)::int`
DuckDBTimestampTZValue.timezoneOffsetInMinutes =
Append To Table
`create or replace table target_table(i integer, v varchar)`
const appender = await connection.createAppender('main', 'target_table');
Append Data Chunk
`create or replace table target_table(i integer, v varchar)`
const appender = await connection.createAppender('main', 'target_table');
const chunk = DuckDBDataChunk.create([INTEGER, VARCHAR]);
[42, 123, 17],
['duck', 'mallad', 'goose'],
const extractedStatements = await connection.extractStatements(`
create or replace table numbers as from range(?);
from numbers where range < ?;
drop table numbers;
const parameterValues = [10, 7];
const statementCount = extractedStatements.count;
for (let stmtIndex = 0; stmtIndex < statementCount; stmtIndex++) {
const prepared = await extractedStatements.prepare(stmtIndex);
let parameterCount = prepared.parameterCount;
for (let paramIndex = 1; paramIndex <= parameterCount; paramIndex++) {
prepared.bindInteger(paramIndex, parameterValues.shift());
const result = await;
Control Evaluation of Tasks
import { DuckDBPendingResultState } from '@duckdb/node-api';
async function sleep(ms) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(resolve, ms);
const prepared = await connection.prepare('from range(10_000_000)');
const pending = prepared.start();
while (pending.runTask() !== DuckDBPendingResultState.RESULT_READY) {
console.log('not ready');
await sleep(1);
const result = await pending.getResult();
Ways to run SQL
const result = await;
const result = await, values);
const result = await, values, types);
const reader = await connection.runAndRead(sql);
const reader = await connection.runAndRead(sql, values);
const reader = await connection.runAndRead(sql, values, types);
const reader = await connection.runAndReadAll(sql);
const reader = await connection.runAndReadAll(sql, values);
const reader = await connection.runAndReadAll(sql, values, types);
const reader = await connection.runAndReadUntil(sql, targetRowCount);
const reader =
await connection.runAndReadAll(sql, targetRowCount, values);
const reader =
await connection.runAndReadAll(sql, targetRowCount, values, types);
const result = await;
const result = await, values);
const result = await, values, types);
const reader = await connection.streamAndRead(sql);
const reader = await connection.streamAndRead(sql, values);
const reader = await connection.streamAndRead(sql, values, types);
const reader = await connection.streamAndReadAll(sql);
const reader = await connection.streamAndReadAll(sql, values);
const reader = await connection.streamAndReadAll(sql, values, types);
const reader = await connection.streamAndReadUntil(sql, targetRowCount);
const reader =
await connection.streamAndReadUntil(sql, targetRowCount, values);
const reader =
await connection.streamAndReadUntil(sql, targetRowCount, values, types);
const prepared = await connection.prepare(sql);
prepared.bind(values, types);
const result =;
const reader = prepared.runAndRead();
const reader = prepared.runAndReadAll();
const reader = prepared.runAndReadUntil(targetRowCount);
const result =;
const reader = prepared.streamAndRead();
const reader = prepared.streamAndReadAll();
const reader = prepared.streamAndReadUntil(targetRowCount);
const pending = await connection.start(sql);
const pending = await connection.start(sql, values);
const pending = await connection.start(sql, values, types);
const pending = await connection.startStream(sql);
const pending = await connection.startStream(sql, values);
const pending = await connection.startStream(sql, values, types);
const pending = await prepared.start();
const pending = await prepared.startStream();
while (pending.runTask() !== DuckDBPendingResultState.RESULT_READY) {
const result = await pending.getResult();
const reader = await;
const reader = await pending.readAll();
const reader = await pending.readUntil(targetRowCount);
Ways to get result data
const columns = await result.getColumns();
const columnsJson = await result.getColumnsJson();
const columnsObject = await result.getColumnsObject();
const columnsObjectJson = await result.getColumnsObjectJson();
const rows = await result.getRows();
const rowsJson = await result.getRowsJson();
const rowObjects = await result.getRowObjects();
const rowObjectsJson = await result.getRowObjectsJson();
await reader.readAll();
await reader.readUntil(targetRowCount);
const columns = reader.getColumns();
const columnsJson = reader.getColumnsJson();
const columnsObject = reader.getColumnsObject();
const columnsObjectJson = reader.getColumnsObjectJson();
const rows = reader.getRows();
const rowsJson = reader.getRowsJson();
const rowObjects = reader.getRowObjects();
const rowObjectsJson = reader.getRowObjectsJson();
const value = reader.value(columnIndex, rowIndex);
const chunk = await result.fetchChunk();
const chunks = await result.fetchAllChunks();
const columnValues = chunk.getColumnValues(columnIndex);
const columns = chunk.getColumns();
const rowValues = chunk.getRowValues(rowIndex);
const rows = chunk.getRows();
(value, rowIndex, columnIndex, type) => { }
chunk.visitColumns((column, columnIndex, type) => { });
(value, rowIndex, columnIndex, type) => { }
(value, rowIndex, columnIndex, type) => { }
chunk.visitRows((row, rowIndex) => { });
(value, rowIndex, columnIndex, type) => { }
const columnValues = chunk.convertColumnValues(columnIndex, converter);
const columns = chunk.convertColumns(converter);
const rowValues = chunk.convertRowValues(rowIndex, converter);
const rows = chunk.convertRows(converter);