DynaCom Core Library
A simple library for creating servers
npm install @dynacom/core
HTTP Example
The following example will create a basic HTTP server that creates a server and handles a connection to http://localhost:80
const { Server, Domain, Route } = require('@dynacom/core');
let httpServer = new Server({
name: 'Test Server',
protocol: 'http',
autoRestart: true,
threads: 1
new Domain('localhost')
new Route('/world', ['post', 'get'], (request, response, returnObject) => {
response.end('Hello world');
HTTPS Example
The following example will create a basic HTTPS Server.
Domain.setCerts() will set the certificate for the domain.
A default key and certificate must be provided to the Config.SecureContext parameter.
SecureRedirect is a helper method that automatically redirects all incoming connections to HTTPS.
const { Server, Domain, Route, SecureRedirect } = require('@dynacom/core');
let httpsServer = new Server({
name: 'Test HTTPS Server',
protocol: 'http',
autoRestart: true,
threads: 1,
SecureContext: {
"key":"...key file path",
"cert":"...cert file path"
new Domain('localhost')
"key":"...key file path",
"cert":"...cert file path"
new Route('/world', ['post', 'get'], (request, response, returnObject) => {
response.end('Hello world');
let httpServer = new Server({
name: 'Test HTTP Server',
protocol: 'http',
autoRestart: true,
threads: 1
new Domain('localhost', SecureRedirect)
Route Chaining Example
The first matched route in the list is used as a pairing when processing a request.
Sometimes, however, you may require this route to be passed and another route in the chain to be used.
The following provides an example on how to process the next matching route in the chain.
When hitting http://localhost/world/now the server will respond with "Hello world".
Hitting http://localhost/world/next would cause the server to reroute to the next active match and respond with "Hello new world".
const { Server, Domain, Route } = require('@dynacom/core');
let httpServer = new Server({
name: 'Test Server',
protocol: 'http',
autoRestart: true,
threads: 1
new Domain('localhost')
new Route('/world(*)', ['post', 'get'], (request, response, returnObject) => {
if ('/next' == request.pattern.route['_']){
return request.reroute(request.index.route, request.url.path, request, response);
} else {
response.end('Hello world');
new Route('/world/next', ['post', 'get'], (request, response, returnObject) => {
response.end('Hello new world');