Dynatrace Dtrum Api Types
This package contains the Typescript type information for the dtrum.* API of the RUM JavaScript.
Keep in mind that when the RUM JavaScript is updated, this type package might not provide accurate types.
Version: 1.307.0
npm install --save-dev @dynatrace/dtrum-api-types
Make sure to add these paths to "typeRoots"
in tsconfig.json under "compilerOptions"
"typeRoots": ["./node_modules/@types", "./node_modules/@dynatrace/"],
Usage examples
Type inference works out of the box for dtrum calls.
if (window.dtrum) {
} else {
// handle missing dtrum api
In case some specific types or enums are needed, you can import them from dtrum
types library.
import { ActionNameResult } from '@dynatrace/dtrum-api-types';
if (window.dtrum) {
const result = window.dtrum.actionName("exampleName");
switch(result) {
case ActionNameResult.SUCCESS:
// handle success...
case ActionNameResult.ACTION_NOT_FOUND:
// handle action not found...
} else {
// handle missing dtrum api