elementEnd | HTMLElement string | null | Bind the datepicker to a element for end date. |
startDate | Date string number | null | Preselect start date. Date Object or Unix Timestamp (with milliseconds) or String (must be equal to option format). |
endDate | Date string number | null | Preselect end date. Date Object or Unix Timestamp (with milliseconds) or String (must be equal to option format). |
repick | boolean | false | If date range is already selected, then user can change only one of start date or end date (depends on clicked field) instead of new date range. |
strict | boolean | true | Disabling the option allows you to select an incomplete range. |
delimiter | string | ' - ' | Delimiter between dates. |
tooltip | boolean | true | Showing tooltip with how much days will be selected. |
tooltipNumber | function | | Handling the tooltip number. |
locale | object | { one: 'day', other: 'days' } | Text for the tooltip. Keys depends on option lang (see Intl.PluralRules). |