ECL Breadcrumb component
npm package: @ecl/breadcrumb
npm install --save @ecl/breadcrumb
- "links" (array) (default: []): format:
- "label" (string) (default: '') Label of link
- "path" (string) (default: '') URL of link
- "navigation_text" (string) (default: ''): Text of navigation in breadcrumb
- "ellipsis_label" (string) (default: ''): Label of the ellipsis, e.g. "Click to expand"
- "ellipsis_text" (string) (default: '...'): Text of the ellipsis
- "icon_path" (string) (default: ''): URL to icons file
- "extra_classes" (optional) (string) (default: '') Extra classes (space separated)
- "extra_attributes" (optional) (array) (default: []) Extra attributes
- "name" (string) Attribute name, eg. 'data-test'
- "value" (string) Attribute value, eg: 'data-test-1'
Example :
{% include '@ecl/breadcrumb/breadcrumb.html.twig' with {
links: [
label: 'Link 1',
path: '/example'
label: 'Link 2',
path: '/example'
label: 'Link 3',
path: '/example'
label: 'Link 4',
path: '/example'
label: 'Link 5',
path: '/example'
label: 'Link 6',
path: '/example'
icon_path: '/path-to-the-icons-file',
navigation_text: 'You are here:',
ellipsis_label: 'Click to expand'
} %}