Edifice TS Client
Edifice TS Client exposes frameworks for interacting with entcore-based servers APIs.
It is written in typescript, with minimal dependencies (rxjs and axios at the moment).
pnpm: >= 7 | 8
node: >= 16 | 18
Getting Started
pnpm install
pnpm run build
As rule of thumb, @edifice.io/client never uses any browser-related technology (no HTMLElement, Document, navigator...).
It focus exclusively on data exchange with the servers.
IConfigurationFramework is composed of 3 layers
- Platform (apps, theme, analytics, i18n...)
- School
- User (preferences)
ISession of the connected user
- user
- description
- currentLanguage
- notLoggedIn
- avatarUrl
- currentApp (the one which initialized the framework)
- hasWorkflow
- hasRight
INotifyFramework for async messages
- onLangReady
- onSessionReady
- onSkinReady
- onOverridesReady
- promisify (generic for creating/resolving/rejecting a Promise)
- events (a publish/subscribe event broker)
ITransportFramework wraps the HTTP protocol
IExplorerFramework to look for resources
IWidgetFramework dedicated to widgets conf/prefs
and specific app frameworks for modeling their data
Browse the full API documentation here
Additional developers notes
4 additional libs are installed by the pnpm install
- ViteJS as a Bundler
- Typedoc to generate the markdown documentation, in /docs, from the Typescript comments in source code.
- husky to install a local git pre-commit hook, in order to run the unit-tests and update /docs before every commit.
=> /docs will always be up-to-date on the git server.
The pnpm run build
command will populate the /dist directory
- /dist/ts contains the JS code and associated .d.ts and .js.map files, later packaged in NPM (done by our CI).
- /dist/bundle contains the production-ready code/map.
So, you'll just have to write nice documented code, and unit tests where needed !
Push Force
git push --force
is not recommended!
After a git history rewrite due to a git push --force, the git tags and notes referencing the commits that were rewritten are lost.
If it happens, read this troubleshooting section: Troubleshooting